Ma'am help, the general is in trouble again

Chapter 17 Made by Zheng Quchi

Chapter 17 Made by Zheng Quchi (Part [-])

"My earthenware is not the same as those in other countries, can the official entrust me to make it?"

Hearing this, the engineer pressed the blueprint in his hand to his chest like a baby.

"You...can you do it? Otherwise, I'd better find some old carpenters. I know you are talented and quick-witted, but this project can't be delayed any longer. There are less than ten days left now."

In a word, I think she is too young and poor in craftsmanship.

But she was smart enough, so he softened his refusal a little.

Zheng Quchi, who knew what these people were thinking a long time ago, said directly: "The old carpenter can't understand my drawings."

Since she chooses to do it herself, it is impossible to draw a foolish version. The technical terms and dimensions above are all only she can understand.

The worker didn't believe in evil, so he called Lei Gong, Qing Gong and the chief supervisor to testify.

And after passing it around...all of them were in a dazed state.

What is that circle wrapped with a line, and what is the fixed pulley?
The young worker was ashamed: "This, this, I also..."

Lei Gong's eyes were almost glued to it: "Miao, Jing, Gao."

I just don't understand what it is?
The chief supervisor frowned, and returned the blueprint angrily, and said dissatisfiedly: "Stop making trouble, just let the carpenter who drew the blueprint do it, what are you going to do to ridicule us?"

The worker didn't explain, but looked helplessly at Zheng Quchi, who was working as a mural in the corner, and said in a compromise, "Yeah, I just let her do it from the beginning, and now I have to complain."

Zheng Quchi was not surprised at all, she bowed: "Thank you for your trust, the engineer, then I will go to work first."

After she left, Lei Gong, Qing Gong, and the supervisor who seemed to have just reacted exclaimed: "She drew this blueprint? Then what is this thing? What's the use?"


Zheng Quchi immediately went to pick wood.

In the end, after choosing and choosing, she chose rosewood, which is hard and strong and not easy to deform.

"Crack! Crack!"

After taking the right wood, the next step is to cut the wood.

She has great strength and effortless sawing. After sawing the wood to a suitable length, she used the Luban ruler to draw the line accurately. After she sawed off all the excess parts, she began to plan the wood skillfully.

In her previous life, there was an old carpenter opposite her door, and she was fascinated by watching him show off his tricks and make exquisite wooden products every day.

Later, she went to apprenticeship, and she was still interested all the way to university, so she chose civil engineering, and she also chose mechanical majors.

The old carpenter once said that to be a carpenter, one must have an ingenuity of excellence, persistence and pursuit of high-quality goods, and the ideal of permanently benefiting the world.

She made a note of it, and since then she has been meticulous and tireless professionally.

She also hopes that she can do what the old carpenter hoped.

It's a pity that her lifelong ideal has just been realized, and she has traveled to this war-torn world.

And in this world, her first work is about to be born, which also rekindles her ingenuity.

It will be the first business card Zheng Quchi handed to the world.


Once Zheng Quchi starts to work seriously, he basically works day and night.

The worker was worried that she would be too reluctant alone, so he called several old carpenters to help her. Zheng Quchi did not refuse this time, because time was too tight and she needed to compete for the best.

This side got busy, even eating a mouthful of vegetable steamed buns, and worked hard while eating.

In her previous life, she was taller, so she could eat a full meal and be hungry, but not in this life.

She has to eat, she doesn't want to be so short all her life!

The planed wood was like snowflakes, floating all over her head and face, and the rough wood was polished smooth by her.

From time to time, people stop by her side, attracted by her clean working figure, and curious about what the logs piled up next to her are used for.

In two days, Zheng Quchi only rested for a total of three hours. With the help of several old carpenters, he finally completed the construction of some parts.

She spent another half a day connecting the complicated wood together with superb techniques.

When the setting sun slanted, she stood with the excavator that had just been put together, and each of them shone like a layer of golden sand.

She wiped the sweat off her face, touched the engraving on the wood: Ye Kingdom, built by Zheng Quchi.

She smiled.

The small black face and the smiling face were like a simple jewel, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

On a high place, Yu Wencheng was dressed in a black robe, and stood there with an unpredictable expression under the mask of the god Nuo.

Wei Yao and Wang Zebang are by his side.

"General, she really made it! And look, does it look similar to the jack in Julu Kingdom, but it's not that big." Wei Yao was speechless.

However, Wang Zebang said angrily as if he had found evidence: "She is indeed a craftsman from the Julu Kingdom, otherwise how could she be a tool from the Julu Kingdom!"

Yu Wencheng's eyes flashed with plunder and embezzlement: "No matter which country she used to be from, she can only stay in Ye country in the future and become my Yu Wencheng's person."

Seeing the general's madness, Wang Zebang could only try his best to explain the facts to him: "General, this is definitely Moye's conspiracy. He knows that Ye Kingdom is thirsty for talents, so he deliberately released such a powerful bait to hook us. , in case Sang Xuanqing and Mo Yeli should cooperate..."

"Do you think this general will be afraid of him?" Yu Wensheng's red lips curled up under the mask: "He will use bait to seduce people, so I won't just follow suit?"

Wei Yao and Wang Zebang listened and looked at each other, how could they counter-operate like this?
"D-made it?!" The engineer rushed out and looked at the earth mover in amazement.

Zheng Quchi nodded: "Yes, but I still have to try."


Due to time constraints, Zheng Quchi did not use the roller design, so it can only be lifted manually for the time being, and she will add it later.

Before coming to the trench, Zheng Quchi showed them how to use it.

One end of this long is used to hold the container, which is put into the deep ditch, and when the container is full, the other end is used to twist the rope to hoist it up.

After hanging up, use the turntable to move the direction and stop at the designated position. Once the rope is loosened, it will automatically dump the soil.

The whole process is simple and easy, basically a manpower is enough.

"The earth lifter can hold three to four hundred catties of soil at a time, and one person can do the work of more than ten people. It can also be used to irrigate fields, carry stones and logs in high-rise buildings, and so on."

How useful is this soil lifter?
Everyone gathered around excitedly, looked at it curiously, and some people tried it. Sure enough, after the equipment replaced the manpower, the efficiency was greatly improved.

The Zheng Quchi was surrounded by craftsmen, who praised it again and again, and rushed to ask about the beauty of the earthenware.

On the other side of Hegou Village, Brother Sang was worried about Brother Qing in the camp.

Suddenly a well-trained team surrounded the thatched cottage. Brother Sang was startled, but saw a handsome man in a cloak come to this desolate and shabby place.

He took off his hat and raised his dark eyes, but they were drowned like a pool of deep water, leaving nowhere to breathe.

"This is Sang Xuanqing's home?"

(End of this chapter)

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