Chapter 2 Compulsory Service
The fire was so bright that when he looked closely, he saw a group of vicious Ziyi officers and soldiers. Boss Sang was pulled by two strong men by the arms and dragged backwards. Because of his inconvenient legs and feet, he was sweating profusely and trembling all over.

"Brother, let go of my brother—"

When the little girl saw that Boss Sang was being bullied, she immediately cried loudly.

"Who is making noise!" The leader Jia in the team glanced over displeased, his eyes were unusual, with the evil spirit of killing people.

Zheng Quchi quickly covered Yaomei's mouth.

Ancestor, please stop barking.

Sang Yaomei groaned a few times, probably feeling the tension of the scene, and gradually quieted down.

The flames concentrated on Zheng Quchi at once.

The pressure was all on her side.

She put Yaomei down. She probably got up in a hurry just now, but now she just felt that the floor was stuck in a panic, so she dialed it with her hand without thinking.

But the next second, when she realized what she had done in public... her expression froze instantly.

And those who looked at her were also stunned.

Damn, this black-skinned boy... actually straightened his trousers in front of them?

Is he blatantly provoking them?

The officers and soldiers put their palms on the knives and asked harshly, "Are you Sang Xuanqing, a carpenter in Hegou Village, Fu County?"

Zheng Quchi comforted himself, she is a man now, and men like to do such wretched things... right?

Adhering to the fact that I am not embarrassed, the embarrassment is the strong mentality of others, she quickly looked at Boss Sang with the sharp scrutiny of the chief armor, only to see that he was embarrassed and anxious, shaking his head desperately to signal her not to admit it.

When she was considering the consequences of denying it, she saw that the chief armor squinted his eyes, and pulled out a notice from his waist——

The imperial court issued a serious fortification task to Fu County—to gather the efforts of craftsmen from all over the county to build a garrison camp.

This time the county also issued a death order.

Whoever sabotages work, cheats, flees or claims to be sick will be punished by the whole family.


The worries in Zheng Quchi's heart disappeared instantly: "Master, I am Sang Xuanqing."

After finishing speaking, afraid that the official would misunderstand that her face was smelly, she smiled friendlyly.

Good guy, with this smile, I can only see a row of bright white teeth in the dark night.

When Chief Jia heard her confess, the disgust in his eyes almost overflowed his eyes.

In his opinion, this short body can't do much work on the construction site, but when he thinks that the fortifications are tight, no matter how little mosquito meat is, it is still meat.

"As long as you are a carpenter, you will all give me a job in Changxuanpo! Damn, when the project is successfully completed and accepted, you can go home and get a lot of wages from the county lord, but who dares to give me a job? If he escapes from the military service, I will put his whole family in jail!"

Ai?What did he say, and wages?
Zheng Quchi's eyes lit up as soon as he was full of energy.

It was because she was superficial, thinking that serving as a craftsman meant working for the county.

For people who are so poor that they have no time to rest, money is definitely above unknown adventures.

She swept away the coy gesture before, and said sincerely: "Master, I was humble just now. The national concern is in my heart, and excellence is in my hands. I am very willing to serve and obey the county's arrangement."

Chief Jia, who wanted to express his official anger, was stunned by her sudden positive attitude: "..."

This realization came a little too quickly, which caught people off guard.

She trotted up to Brother Sang, seeing his eyes full of worries and eagerness, she hurriedly stopped him: "Brother, wait until I come back to build you a big house."

Being forced to build a camp may seem like a wolf's nest to a tiger's den, but as a civil engineering expert, she has organized many major engineering projects, and she is completely familiar with it.

Her eyes are full of confidence, but Brother Sang only sees the clear stupidity in her eyes.

This melon, does she really think of herself as a man?Besides, as soon as her lame craftsmanship is displayed, it is definitely a charge of "sabotage". She doesn't want to live anymore?

However, Brother Sang wanted to stop it, but he didn't have the strength.

The other party's process of arresting the strong men was smooth and smooth, and they were even worried that they would get the news and escape in advance, so they came out in the middle of the night to arrest them.

In the end, Zheng Quchi, with the suitcase on his back, was sent to Liaopeng, where he gathered with dozens of stinking men and got on the cart to Changshuangpo.

Zheng Quchi, who was riding a horse-drawn cart for the first time, was curious about the level of car-making by ancient craftsmen. After some observation and inspection, he found that the wheelbase of this open-top cart was too long. He only considered the load-bearing capacity of carrying people, ignoring the stability and speed... …

This can't even keep up with the carriages of the Later Han Dynasty.

She was a little surprised at the rudimentary means of transportation in Ye Kingdom.

At this time, a vicious voice approached: "Guapi, I didn't expect you to come to build the camp. This is an imperial fortification. I heard that a group of carpenters failed the acceptance inspection and were all executed for delaying the project... If your woodwork I've been dragging my legs, I guess I'll end up..."

Who is this foul-mouthed person?

She frowned and looked over, it was a mangy man with a smooth face... The other party's distinctive features let her know who the other party was right away.

Lowering her eyes, she measured the most vulnerable part of the scooter, and when she pressed her finger, the seemingly solid scooter trembled violently, as if it was about to fall apart.

He was so dizzy that he toppled over and fell to the ground one by one.

I saw Zheng Quchi looking down at him calmly, with a small dark face when he was not smiling, he looked like a life-threatening ghost: "If you talk too much, I will kill you asshole."

Mandiarrhea had never seen her look like this before, and he was frightened for a moment.


Changxunpo is not far from Shangou Village, more than ten miles away, there are horses in front and carts behind, and the people on the carts can't relax their legs and talk.

"Which village are you from?"


"What about you?"

"Yi Shang."

"Could it be that you are the young worker from Yishang?"

There are four levels of craftsmen in Daye, craftsman, craftsman, teacher, and family.

Craftsman is the name for all craftsmen with expertise in crafts, while Qinggong is based on the surname plus the level of the craftsman. Even if the evaluation is the lowest level, it is different from ordinary craftsmen. This shows that he knows at least three types of carpentry. live.

"How can you be..."

"Hey, it's not just me. The artisans in Fu County, Longjing County and the surrounding countryside were all arrested by the county government, er, conscripted."

"What happened?"

"Keep your voice down, I heard from my nephew that this time the barracks are not built for ordinary garrison troops, but live Yan Luo. Tell me, which county dares to neglect you, and you can't wait to find all the craftsmen Consecrate it to protect your own life."

"My God, what is he, what is he going to do in our small county, and doesn't he only trust the group of military craftsmen he raised?"

"I heard that in the last battle, Moye from the Julu Kingdom used ingenious weapons to attack his army, and the military craftsmen suffered heavy losses."

The rattling and rattling of the wheels on the dirt road in the country, and the sound of talking gradually faded away in the cold night.

The autumn wind is like silk, and the cold is bitter.

Zheng Quchi didn't have a coat, and while listening to them vividly depicting the violent image of "Living Yan Luo", he was so cold that he slapped Aqiu.

Gan, it was already cold enough, but hearing the horror stories along the way made it even colder.


At dawn, they finally arrived at Changxuan Slope with the wind, cold and dew in the field.

Fuxian County is located in a hilly area with many mountains and little flat land, while Changxunpo is located in the cracks of several hills. The Yudai Waterfall rushes down unstoppably and goes straight to the water channel. It can be described as a naturally hidden basin.

His limbs were numb from the cold overnight, so when Zheng Quchi got out of the car, he was as stiff as a man in his late teens.

Of course, others were not much better.

The officers and soldiers who were responsible for picking up the craftsmen and the guards of Changxuanpo finished handing over, untied the ropes of the carts, rode fast horses and returned.

When they came to the Dongyuan Gate of the camp with no one to guide them, what they saw was a construction site in full swing. On the huge open space, hundreds of shirtless craftsmen were hard at work, beating and sawing, jingling and babbling. ah.

Suddenly, the rural carpenter, who had never seen such a big scene, was deeply shocked by the orderly craftsmen in the town, and felt inferior.

 Jiachang, township soldiers, one Jia and ten people.

(End of this chapter)

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