Chapter 23 Supporting Her (Part [-])
Brother Sang put Sang Yaomei to sleep, and asked her worriedly: "You haven't seen anyone all day, what are you doing?"

Zheng Quchi seemed to be very tired. He squeezed a towel and wiped his hands and neck, then nestled on the bed and hugged the warm Yaomei, and said vaguely: "Do business."


What can she do?

He guessed that she must have asked for help.

I don't know how her done.

Don't look at her usually not covering up in front of him, but when it really comes to a critical moment, he can't see through her mind at all.

But considering that their Sang family has no relatives and no reason in Fu County, and offended five local families with big surnames, it is likely to fail.

He looked at the young girl who was sleeping innocently on the bed and the young brother who was black and tired in front of his eyes. His always rigid expression softened, and he decided that no matter how hard it was, he had to support the family.

As long as their family stays together, they will be able to survive the bumps and wanderings.

He moved his sluggish body, intending to pack up the things he was going to take away before dawn.

Since he was destined to leave, he might as well leave with the last vestige of decency, rather than being chased away in a disgruntled manner.

The next day.

The five families of Hegou Village and the villagers who joined in the fun all gathered at Sang's house early.

They all braved the wet mist and cold early in the morning, and wanted to see how Sang Xuanqing, who was so arrogant yesterday, would end up today.

If you can catch them sneaking away for fear of embarrassment, then this trip will be more worthwhile.

But wait, wait... What a fucking day, still sleeping late, what kind of bet is it, making them stand in the cold wind like melons.

Just as they waited bitterly for more than half an hour, almost passed out from the cold, the pair of brothers Sang Xuanqing arrived late.

They were suddenly shocked, and their frozen purple mouths trembled.

Heh, he hasn't run away yet.

They came at the right time, and they had to be humiliated severely in a while, and then let the disgraced brothers get out of their Hegou village.

This time, not only the daughters-in-law of the five surnames came, but their men were also dispatched.

"What about people? Didn't you say that someone will come to help you build a house today?"

"That's right, someone is so shameless, bragging as if it's true, causing us to make this trip for nothing."

"Cripple Sang, we will not keep you ominous people in Hegou Village. If someone comes to burn your house today, it will bring disaster to Hegou Village tomorrow. You should leave our village as soon as possible."

"I don't think you can call anyone out..."

Brother Sang was embarrassed and angry amidst everyone's taunting and chasing words, but Sang Xuanqing yawned, with a weird smile on her face, and she glanced lazily behind them.

"See for yourself."

A red glow rose from the east of the village, and the pervasive mist gradually dissipated under the sunlight.

They turned their heads suspiciously, trying to see if she was playing tricks.

On the scattered houses in the distance, on the winding path covered by trees, a piece of clothing was first blown by the morning wind, and then half of the figure was revealed. When the distance was getting closer, a tall man could be clearly seen carrying Boxes appear.

At first, they thought it was the sun that dazzled their eyes, so they rubbed their eyes vigorously.

It’s okay if you don’t knead it, but as soon as you put your hand down and look again, you find that there is another one, no, it’s two, three...

When the five families and the villagers saw who this group of people was, they were stunned.

"It's a craftsman from the village..."

Among them, there are stonemasons and masons they are familiar with, carpenters who used to spend a lot of money to make furniture, and even fourth-level carpenters who think highly of themselves and only build houses for the rich in the county.

There are more craftsmen who are not very familiar, but are talked about by the villagers with exquisite craftsmanship.

In short, they are all built in court fortifications, but should not appear in this barren and desolate Sang family residence.

Their hearts were beating fast at this time, and they felt a sense of suffocation as if the water was almost flooding their noses.

Impossible, it must be a misunderstanding!

These people may just happen to come here to do business, and it is absolutely impossible for them to come here for Sang Xuanqing's affairs.

Absolutely impossible.

But no matter how they comforted and persuaded themselves, as these people got closer and closer, they accurately bypassed any branching paths until they reached Sangjiabaokan——

Their strong confidence has begun to crumble.

Brother Sang was also irrational at this time, his eyes widened, and he stood there motionless like a stump of wood in amazement.

Zheng Quchi had a panoramic view of their expressions, and saw that the people who were arrogant and vicious just now seemed to have their tongues cut out, unable to speak a word.

Not far away, a loud voice came: "Brother Sang, we are here to help you build a house."


What's the sound?
Oh, it turned out to be the sound of eyeballs falling to the ground and breaking.

This shout directly shattered the impossible hope of the five surnames and the villagers to pray desperately. Instead, they were slapped to death on the ground, and their faces were trampled on the ground repeatedly.

Zheng Quchi immediately stepped forward with a smile to greet them.

She put on a look of surprise, surprise.

"How do you..."

A young worker in bunt came forward, and they were all carrying toolboxes for work. His smiling face was as kind as ever.

"Brother Sang, do you welcome us to come here uninvited?"

"Yes, if this is not welcome, we will return."

The other craftsmen also laughed and made fun of her.

They also heard about what happened in Hegou Village yesterday.

Back in the camp, it was all thanks to her that she was able to successfully pass the project acceptance of General Yuwen.

Invisibly, each of these craftsmen owed her a favor. At the same time, she was definitely a potential stock, and they also wanted to make friends with her.

Now that such a good opportunity came to their door, they naturally had to seize it.

Today, they came here to support her, Sang Xuanqing!
Zheng Quchi looked flattered: "Where is it, how could I not welcome it? On the contrary, I am worried that a good woman can't live without rice. Now that you come here, I will definitely not worry about not being able to build this house."

How did such a small matter spread like crazy to several villages in one day... and then reached their ears?
By providence?
Don't be kidding, it's all the result of Zheng Quchi's hard-earned money.

She worked hard all day yesterday, but instead of directly asking for help from anyone, she bought food and distributed it to the idle refugees nearby, letting them scatter around, spreading Sang's house and building houses in various villages for her to encounter difficulties thing.

She doesn't ask for help, but she knows that if they find out about this, someone will definitely come.

But exactly who will come and how many will come, this is an unknown.

But now, this unknown made her a little moved, and most of the nearby craftsmen came overnight.

 Fort ridge is a protective body built with rectangular hard block building materials such as strip stones (stone materials) and cement concrete blocks.The main purpose is to protect the soil structure in the fort from being damaged and prevent soil erosion.

(End of this chapter)

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