Ma'am help, the general is in trouble again

Chapter 43 Luring the Wolf Into the House

Chapter 43 Luring the Wolf Into the House (Three Chapters Combined)

He had already changed the bloody clothes on his body, wiped the soft sword and wrapped it around his waist, there should be no flaws to kill Yingye.

A while ago, he lost the assassinated dwarf and his companion, but he was not in a hurry, because he found some clues on that fellow.

Wang Zebang and Wei Yao rushed over with a team full of anxiety. They came to report that the border city defense was blown up by the people of Julu Kingdom.

"City defender, replace a group of people." Yu Wensheng tore off his gloves and threw them on the ground.

It is self-evident what kind of bloody result this sentence represents.

For the Julu Kingdom to blow up the city walls so easily, someone must have arranged for them, which resulted in the last series of worst results.

After searching for so long, there are still fish that escaped the net, so there is no need to investigate, just replace all of them with fresh blood, and the old parts that have been corrupted inside should be buried with this serious incident.

"General, the matter of city defense is very serious. I suggest that all the masons and masons in the county be summoned immediately to build a new city wall."


"In addition, we need to ask for help from Taiyuan... The terrain on the edge of Fu County is changeable, and ordinary craftsmen can't make it stand upright. , collapse, crooked flash and other difficult problems.”

If it was really hard enough, it wouldn't be blown up so easily by Moye this time, because it had too many problems in its early years.

"Taiyuan? Heh~" Yu Wencheng sneered, "Instead of pinning our hopes on those moths in the court, we should hope that the Mo family and the public losers will suddenly turn against each other and abandon their mechanical power to join our dilapidated country of Ye."

Wang Zebang's heart was heavy when he heard this, and he knew the truth: "...then the lowly job is advertised, and the whole country is looking for skilled craftsmen?"


Wei Yao bowed down: "In addition, just now, all the ministries reported that Julu Kingdom escaped with serious injuries except Sima Moye, and the rest of the party departments were all wiped out. This time, our Ye Kingdom is very angry!"

Wang Zebang also had a smile on his face at this time, and said: "General, the Gongshu Lan you brought back this time is indeed very useful. Those carpenters' headaches were solved by her one by one. With her, Gongshu orthodox, Why do you need Sang Xuanqing to be first-class, she begs you to have time, can I see her?"

Yu Wensheng didn't react much to these two pieces of news. He glanced at the sky. The blue sky in the west was dyed red with bright red, and a group of migratory birds were returning home.

"What time is it?"

Wei Yao was stunned for a moment, not understanding why the general suddenly cared about the time: "It's probably almost you time (five o'clock)."

He was silent for a while, as if thinking about something.

"What is the general thinking about? By the way..." Wang Zebang suddenly remembered a very important matter, and he asked cautiously: "Did the general meet someone in the procession this morning, if not , the next batch will start in four days, subordinate..."

"No need, I'm married." Yu Wensheng interrupted him directly.

"Subordinate..." Wang Zebang stuttered, suddenly realizing the meaning of the general's words, his eyes almost popped out: "S-married?!"

Wei Yao staggered, and her jaw dropped in shock.

"What? This general can't get married?" Yu Wencheng smiled and looked at the two of them.

They immediately looked serious, and quickly lowered their eyebrows to be pleasing to the eye, not daring to be presumptuous.

But the bottom of my heart is still scratching like a cat's paw.

"Husband, madam, who is it?" Wei Yao couldn't help being curious, and asked at the risk of being hacked and killed by the general.

What he actually wants to ask is, what kind of god is this, the general who can make them disdain even the princess, married her in just one morning, is she relying on her fairy-like beauty, or The seductive charm of a vixen?

In short, it is simply a miracle to hear about the general getting married in one's lifetime, isn't it?

Yu Wensheng wiped the sword casually with a silk handkerchief, and had no obligation to answer their curiosity.

At this time, a thought flashed through Wang Zebang's mind, and he asked cautiously: "General, according to our plan, you should leave when Moye sent people to burn Wenshu Hall at the end of the procession to see you off. ...Madam has made a marriage agreement, so what about Madam, where is she now?"

In the blind date team, the man usually chooses the woman, and then takes it home directly. Those who are rich will hold a wedding on a certain day, which is lively and festive.

Who won't hurry home to get a new daughter-in-law?
But what about their wife?

Yu Wencheng's hand wiping his sword paused slightly, and the smile on his lips also subsided a little.


He seems to have dismissed her with the excuse of eye disease.

He thought to himself: "Could she still be waiting there foolishly?"

Very likely.

The enthusiasm and vows she expressed when she proposed marriage are enough to prove that she has a heart for him. If he doesn't return, how can she let it go?
Yu Wensheng: "She's still in Marriage Ping."

"What are you doing there? Before the general left, did you explain anything to your wife?"

"is it necessary?"

That is to say, just after the general got married, he turned around and left his wife behind, leaving her to fend for herself?

Wei Yao and Wang Zebang, who were married at a young age, looked pained: "...General, it is very necessary."

Once a woman gets angry, not only will she be sly and sarcastic, but she will also make you sleep on your side at night!Terrible!
Yu Wencheng could see through what they were thinking at a glance, he bent his lips slightly, but the corners of his mouth stretched slightly strangely: "She is different from your wife."

Thinking of what she had said sonorously and powerfully to him in public, the tails of her eyes narrowed slightly, filled with eerie joy and interest.

"She has a house and can support a family, and I don't have to worry about her being weak and crying when things happen. She doesn't care about anything else, only me. She even promised to go out to work to support me."

I don't know if it was a show or a joke, Wang Zebang and Wei Yao were dumbfounded.

General, listen to yourself, is there anything wrong with your translation?

Why did they listen and feel that the general is like a man who is going to be a son-in-law, so he lives in a woman's house, is raised by a woman, and eats a woman's soft meal?

They were shocked, they dared not speak up, they dared not speak up.

It turns out that the fact that so many famous ladies in Ye Kingdom can't win the generals is not because they are not good enough, but because they only want to marry into the general's mansion to enjoy the glory and wealth, but they don't know that their generals also want to lie down and enjoy the feeling of being supported by others .

Who can imagine this?
It's over, it's over, they seem to have accidentally discovered a terrible secret!

Out of curiosity about what Zheng Quchi could do for him, Yu Wensheng finally came to Marriage Ping alone.

When he came over, he laughed in his heart, thinking that Zheng Quchi would definitely be waiting there, waiting hard.

But the reality is—the empty Marriage Ground, no one is seen.

Everything was silent, as if sleeping in the cold air.

Yu Wencheng's eyes gradually froze, and he was so cold that it was indescribable, until he heard a series of small and slight footsteps approaching from behind.

He guessed that she must have been looking for him anxiously.

So, would she be sad, annoyed, and blamed for his disappearance for one day without reason?
"Liu Fengmian, I have bought the medicine."

However, there was no sadness, no anger, and no blame.

Her voice is clear and natural, and she feels relaxed when seeing him, this is a feeling that Yu Wensheng has never had from others before.

They only fear him, loathe him, hate him, and some are obsessed with his skin, but without exception, all of them have deeper desires and plunder.

Everyone wanted to take something from him, but no one ever thought to regurgitate anything for him.

He was leaning on a stick and turned his face. The graceful side face was smooth and exquisite, but it felt unreal: "I thought you left me and left."

As soon as the words came out of their mouths, they fell into the ears of the two of them. Everyone could tell that there was a bit of accusation in the low, hoarse voice.

Yu Wensheng was slightly taken aback.

He was also shocked by his own tone.

Zheng Quchi froze for a moment, then retorted: "Of course not."

She was well aware of the other party's departure, but she didn't know when he came back. Could it be... After he came back, he just stood here stupidly waiting for her?
If today, she hadn't had a whim to look back, would his weak and sick body just fall ill in the cold wind?

Yu Wensheng also thought that she had been waiting for him at Marriage Ping all this time, but he broke the appointment, disappeared, and didn't even say anything, but let her wait foolishly from morning to night...

This pair of plastic couples who got together due to their own reasons, thoughts and ideas, couldn't help but feel a strange ripple in their hearts at this moment.

He wanted to get rid of the strange emotions in his heart, and said softly: "You said, you will take me home."

I don't know why this sentence poked Zheng Quchi very much.

She felt that Liu Fengmian at this moment was like a noble and arrogant Persian cat, it was obviously a kind of weak speech, but it was like alms from his mouth, he bent his noble back, but let her pretend to be dissatisfied Shun Mao.

She grinned: "Yes, I said so. Then let's go. If we hurry up, we should be able to get home before dark."


The small roads in the mountain villages are different from the flat roads in the county. Most of the roads have to cross narrow field ridges and walk on uneven stone pit roads.

Considering that Liu Fengmian's eyesight is inconvenient, and she is not as familiar with the road conditions as she is, she hesitated for a moment, and stretched out her hand to tug at the corner of his clothes.

"Be careful, the road here is narrow, you have to go around the field from here, let me lead you, so that we can walk faster, and I don't have to worry about you falling."

This is the second time she has reached out and pulled him.

Yu Wensheng's body still froze instinctively, with an urge to break it.

The temperature of the human body is the least familiar to him, but the temperature of the blood splashing inside the human body can excite him, his eyes dimmed slightly: "How do you want to hold it?"

Because it's Liu Fengmian now, he doesn't wear gloves, but he hates being touched by anyone.

Zheng Quchi also knew about his fluff and cleanliness, so when she heard him ask this question, she just assumed he agreed.

Through the fabric of the sleeves, she held his skeletal but not scrawny wrist.

But he didn't want to see Liu Fengmian's hair stand on end like a cat's, so he looked at her quickly.

Zheng Quchi knew about his problem, and she didn't mean to take advantage of him on purpose, but with such a slow moving speed, it would be completely dark in a while, and with her eyesight that hadn't dissipated, the two of them might be blind and gnawing mud.

So, she pretended not to know anything, and pointed to the front: "Look, that field seems to be dry and cracked, and this year's harvest is probably not good."

"Look at the terraced field in front of you. It's a disaster among disasters. It's all dried up. I think this year must be nothing, nothing..."

Seeing that she suddenly looked strange, Yu Wencheng asked quietly: "What's wrong?"

Zheng Quchi's throat choked, and with an uncomfortable expression on his face, he gritted his teeth and cursed, "That disaster-ridden land seems to belong to my family."

Yu Wensheng: "..."

It can make him feel speechless, she is indeed a special person.

There was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth: "Fuxian County has been drought for many years, and only the well water picked up by farmers from afar is left for food and drink. If this natural disaster continues, all the fields in Fuxian County and Zhou County will not be irrigated. It will all be the same result."

Zheng Quchi frowned slightly after hearing this, the situation is already so serious?

"If the well water is not enough, then the only option is to divert water from the south to the north and dig ditches."

South-to-North Water Diversion?

The word is new.

"How to divert water from the South to the North?"

She simply gestured to him: "For example, dig a canal to cross the river from Ruixi to Fu County for irrigation."

"However, there is a natural broken wall between Fuxian County and the largest river in the watershed here. Over the years, some people naturally thought about digging canals, but they couldn't solve this huge problem, which led to failure."

Zheng Quchi felt that there are always more solutions than difficulties, and how many manpowers have overcome natural dangers since ancient times: "There are ways, but the amount of work is larger. If I can get a map of Fu County and the vicinity of the river, I should be able to solve this problem. .”

Yu Wencheng looked at her when he heard the words.

But he didn't believe it. He was really a newborn calf, and he always thought that if he knew a little, he didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

"How did you do this?"

Zheng Quchi suddenly woke up, that's right, she is Zheng Quchi with a female body now, she shouldn't understand it, it takes Sang Xuanqing with a male body to understand this.

She immediately made up for it: "I'm just talking casually. In fact, my second brother understands. He often talks about these things to me. I've been fascinated by them."

"Your second brother?"

She laughed and said, "He's gone to visit relatives, and he should be back in two days."

Since brother Sang provided a reason for missing persons, the two Sang brothers and sisters are always on the way to visit relatives.


When he came to Hegou Village and saw the poverty and shabbyness of the village, Yu Wensheng thought he would also see a thatched cottage of the same style, which might be dilapidated, but he did not expect that Sang’s house was a tall house with a courtyard wall. gate house.

When the wooden door with the "Sang's" number plate was pushed open, the faint moonlight fell, and everything seemed to be silver.

Inside, there is an aisle paved with round cobblestones at the bottom of the river, the ground is paved with turf on both sides, bright flowers and green herbs are planted in the altar, elegant stone tables and bamboo pavilions are placed, and there are many autumn fruit trees... …everything says it all, this is a home like no other.

"Who built this house?"

She led him into the house, and replied casually, "It's also my second brother."

Her voice was heard inside the house, Brother Sang heard the movement, and immediately pushed the door out: "Is Brother Qing back?"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Quchi hurriedly said, "Brother, it's me, Ruler. Second brother hasn't come back from visiting relatives yet."

Hearing her response like this, Brother Sang felt a little strange, but when he saw that besides Zheng Quchi, she was leading a man back, he couldn't regain his senses for a while.

"Ruler, he, he is?"

Zheng Quchi said in shocking words: "Brother, this is the husband-in-law I just recruited today. We have already got married under the witness of Xiang Zuo, and he will live with us in the future."

Brother Sang staggered when he heard that, and almost lost his footing.

He exclaimed, "Are you really married?"

This is said as if it is difficult for her to marry... Well, if it is true, her current skin color is indeed a bit difficult to deal with. It is better to be a man, but to be a woman is directly regarded as a heterogeneous discrimination. If it is not There is a blind Liu Fengmian, it is really difficult for her to get married as she wishes.

"Well, to marry is to marry, but I didn't marry out, but married in with my husband and son-in-law. I will work hard to make money to support you in the future."

Big Brother Sang got dizzy when he heard that: "Why?"

"Because he has neither a house nor money."

Brother Sang was so stimulated that his hands and feet trembled. He finally understood Zheng Quchi's original plan belatedly. No wonder she said that she could continue to be Sang Xuanqing. It turned out that she was not going to marry at all, but looking for him outside. A son-in-law who eats soft food!
Inadvertently glanced at the gauze covering the opponent's eyes, Brother Sang gasped: "What's wrong with his eyes?"

Zheng Quchi saw that his face was livid, and his hands trembled unconsciously. He was afraid of irritating him too much, so he could only gently say: "His eyes have such a small problem, but if he treats it well, maybe It can be cured."

Small problem, take care of it, maybe...

"Dare you not only find a poor and white man, but also find a blind man to be your husband?! You, you are just messing around! Are you trying to piss me off?" Brother Sang finally couldn't hold back his roar.

Zheng Quchi was sprayed with saliva all over the face, she pushed Yu Wencheng back, instinctively protecting him who was thin and fragile.

"Brother, I'm not messing around. He is the only and sure person I selected after careful consideration! Brother, you can be dissatisfied with him or disagree with my ideas, but apart from him, I won't There are better options."

This is what Zheng Quchi really thinks in his heart. Those who come here today are all crooked and inferior dates. They have houses, money, and self-esteem. They are all extremely proud. Only he can let her take over smoothly. Go home and sign the contract.

Based on this alone, he is her best and most optimal choice.

As soon as her serious words came out, Brother Sang was shocked.

Yu Wensheng, who was still watching the show, was caught off guard by Zheng Quchi's passionate and serious confession. Although he didn't say it to him, every sentence in the content was expressing his heart to him.

She was really infatuated with him. She said she wanted to raise him before, but now she is willing to contradict her elder brother who has lived with her for more than ten years because of him.

It turns out... Men can also enjoy being loved so much that they have no moral bottom line?
He lowered his head and laughed nervously, silent, playful, novel, and mixed with some emotions that he hadn't even noticed.

"You..." Brother Sang didn't notice it at first, but when Yu Wencheng suddenly raised his face——

The moonlight was gentle, caressing his delicate but pale face and red lips with the most bewitching force... The more I looked at it, the more I felt that the face of the new sister-in-law... was too exaggerated, it didn't seem like they could be born out of their muddy legs The best appearance and temperament.

It's the face.

Brother Sang hates it.

It must be because of this bewitching face, his innocent and lovely sister is so fascinated by such a good-looking face, she doesn't even mind marrying a blind man who eats soft food!

But now, his heart is depressed, the two of them have even done the notarization, and the rice has been cooked, so what's the use of his objection?
After thinking about it, for a complicated family like theirs, perhaps it would be better to find such a weak and ignorant son-in-law. In this way, with Brother Qing's strange strength, he can hit two with one, so there is no need to worry about losing money.

"Forget it, you choose the person. No matter what the situation is in the future, you have to bear it. Tomorrow, I will go to the city to buy some things and come back to arrange a wedding for you." He sighed long.

Originally, these should be prepared by the man's family, but now it's her mother's family who come to contribute money and effort. You can imagine how depressed Brother Sang is at the moment.

"Brother, your legs and feet are inconvenient, so don't bother, I'll go to the city tomorrow." Zheng Quchi hurriedly flattered him.

"A new set of quilts has to be added."

The reincarnated Zheng Quchi hesitated immediately: "But..."

"You get married once in your life, it's worth spending some money!" Brother Sang knew what she was thinking, and interrupted him directly.

It was the first time Zheng Quchi had seen him get so angry, so he kept quiet and let him decide.

"The wedding hasn't happened yet, you two need to separate rooms, he should sleep with me tonight."

Zheng Quchi knew that Yu Wensheng didn't like meeting people, let alone sleeping on the same bed with others, she said: "No need, I will sleep with Yaomei tonight, as long as he is my husband-in-law, he can sleep in my room."

Brother Sang thought it was wrong at first, but they are a married couple, so being too harsh would make it difficult for Zheng Quchi.

"what ever."

After speaking, he leaned on his stick, returned to the room, and closed the door with a "snap".

Zheng Quchi covered his ears and shrank his neck.

"So angry..."

Yu Wensheng, who had been watching the fire from the other side, said at this moment: "If he doesn't accept me, will you listen to him?"

Zheng Quchi, who thought that the husband-in-law who came home with her for the first time felt wronged and sad because her natal family looked down on her, immediately comforted him: "Of course not."

"Will you still help me after that?"

"If you don't help anyone."

Oh~ so, since Zheng Quchi won't be influenced by him at all, then let's not get rid of the cripple who dared to call him blind.

I don't know at all, but if I hesitate a little, maybe I don't satisfy Yu Wensheng's greedy appetite, and her elder brother might not be able to see the sun the next day.


Zheng Quchi is used to soaking her feet before going to bed. Although her hands are normal temperature, her feet are always cold in winter.

But something special happened tonight.

 Jing came back late, checked the typo, and put all the 6000 words in the three chapters into one chapter. I am too lazy to divide the chapters. Thank you for actively leaving comments and voting for Jing. Finally, 520, refill~
(End of this chapter)

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