Chapter 56 Extreme Rescue
Although Zheng Quchi said he was born with strange strength, he had never done forging and quarrying.

However, isn't the county spending huge sums of money recruiting high-level jobs?Do they still have to be in charge of the quarry, as stone farmers to open up wasteland and dig stones?
Forget it, it's useless to think too much about these things, so let's play it by ear after we get to Guijiao Ridge.

"What about Autumn?" she asked.

The two slowly walked at the end of the artisan team, distanced themselves from the people in front, and talked quietly.

Shan Bian smoothed his curly beard with his fingers, and said, "He said that when he got the chance, he would hang out with the slave labor."

Zheng Quchi had already guessed that things would turn out like this, so he didn't panic.

As far as their unshakable iron triangle is concerned, it is destined that no one will be able to dismantle it in a short while.

"You just said that you don't know how to work as a mason, so how did you get in?" She wondered.

Shan Bian raised his chin: "I secretly used some relationships."

Zheng Quchi immediately looked at him with the eyes of a "sand sculpture joke": "You are related, so you won't find other jobs. Why do you want to be a fake stonemason who doesn't understand anything?"

Speaking of this, Shan Bian was also full of grievances: "You think I want to do this exhausting work, but Master Qu asked Qiu to give me a message—"

Halfway through, Shan Bian closed his mouth vigilantly, and finally stammered: "In short, everything is for the mission."

Master Qu?

Another person appeared who she didn't know, but whom he and Qiu knew.

This master Qu must be from the Mo family, and he only saw Qiu, who also handed over all the tasks to Shan Bian, no matter how dull she was, she understood that Ganqing was just guarding against her alone.

Oh, no wonder people "Sang Xuanqing" chose to rebel. An illegal terrorist organization like them still engages in internal division, isolation, concealment and utilization, so that no one will be blackened!
"Okay, needless to say."

She looked a little indifferent.

Shan Bian looked at her out of the corner of his eye, and didn't know what to explain to her for a while, his expression was a little awkward and tangled, and the two of them remained silent for a while.


When we arrived at the boundary of Guijialing, the mountain waves were peaking, damp and cold, and the cold fog shrouded the entire mountainside, like a winding and sliding silver snake.

Zheng Quchi walked this mountain road, covered in sweat and didn't feel cold.

She raised her head and looked at the rolling mountains, feeling that the shape of these mountains was quite different from what she saw on the plain.

Just looking at it from a distance from other hillsides, I only feel that it is majestic and desolate, with less green vegetation coverage and more white-brown exposed earth and rocks.

But when I got closer, I looked at the foot of the mountain, but it was very layered and messy, and it seemed that it might fall down at any time.

But this is all an illusion.

These stonemasons were all assigned to the temporary huts in the valley, and then the government soldiers came to organize personnel and arrange the preliminary cleaning work assigned by the above-moving rocks.

Zheng Quchi finally confirmed that these people really belonged to the category of doing everything, don't think that the government's money is easy to earn, it is all exchanged for sweat and labor.

Of course, Yuan Sui and Yin Xiao, the two master craftsmen of Jixia Academy, naturally don't have to do these things.

Their positions are equivalent to the engineering and technical personnel responsible for the design, organization and supervision of construction.

To put it bluntly, this work was done by Zheng Quchi before.

But now, she's starting over from scratch, and her level of mixing is not high enough, so she can only work as a construction worker at the lowest level.

After resting all night, the sky was slightly bright, and they were awakened by the sound of gongs. The government soldiers asked them to go to the Zhishan Mountain in Guijiapo to clear out the ruins of the collapsed city wall before dawn.

The stones that are intact and usable are kept, and those that are broken or damaged must be moved away, so as not to delay the next repair project.

"Quickly clean up the ditch on the city wall. In two days, the original division and the silver division will come to inspect and investigate the construction. The county magistrate said that their project must not be delayed!" Chi warned.

"The second-level stonemason (expertise) goes to the quarry to dig stones, and the rest of the staff and labor are responsible for moving the stones!"

From high to low, the ranks of craftsmen are divided into: family, teacher, craftsman, and worker.

Workers are ordinary workers, regardless of rank.

Starting from the craftsman, there are levels.

Craftsmen are divided into two levels, which are first-level apprentices and second-level specialists.

The teacher is the first-level craftsman, the second-level craftsman, and the third-level master.

Masters, everyone, basically people who have reached the level of "everyone" belong to the top leaders of various craftsmen.

These are all science popularizations that Shan Bian gave Zheng Quchi on the road.

The "second-level stonemason" that the soldiers called just now is the second-level expertise of the "craftsman" level.

The quarry was led by the government soldiers yesterday, and it was located near a cliff.

Because of the good quality of the rocks in the mountains there, many craftsmen would go to the quarry to dig stone strips and slabs when building various fortifications, so what was left there was half of the mountain full of holes.

Since Zheng Quchi didn't have a rating, she naturally belonged to the lowest category, so she had to move the stone. Of course, the same was true for Shan Bian who came in by virtue of her relationship.

The two walked to the southwest corner of the city wall of Pheasant Mountain. The locals did not call it the scientific name "Pheasant Mountain", but called it "Jijiao Mountain" according to its appearance and image.

The mountain wall here extends to the west, and finally forms two commanding heights on the south and west, which are pavilion barriers.

As for Guijiao Ridge, the area of ​​Jijiao Mountain has collapsed. Zheng Quchi has never surveyed the specific distance to be repaired, and he has no time to take a good look at the level of craftsmanship of the city wall of Ye State.

Because she was being watched by the government soldiers, carrying a bamboo basket on her back to carry the rocks knocked down by the mountain.

In the past, she had only heard people say that the working people were suffering, and she agreed with her, but she had never experienced it so personally now, and after experiencing it personally, she uttered it from the bottom of her heart.

——The working people are miserable.

Although she has great strength, her physical strength is not unlimited.

It was easy at first, but then it fell apart.

But this is only what she thinks, in the eyes of other muscular men, she simply does not look like a normal person!

The short and thin back and the basket full of stones behind her are probably several times heavier than her own, but every trip is like a small whirlwind, making them who are taller than her, who don't know how much taller, forget it. Unmatched.

They stared wide-eyed, dumbfounded.

How did her small body carry all this weight?
Shan Bian was also envious and jealous, he asked pantingly: "How do you usually exercise, are all the bones in your body made of iron?"

Zheng Quchi disliked that the sweat all over his body was about to splash on her face, so he quickly avoided it: "I am short and thin, not as big and thick as you, but I am all empty, stop talking, I am afraid that you will hang yourself in the next second." Don't get angry."

Zheng Quchi supported the long basket on his back and ran away quickly.

"Yo hey!"

The other people didn't know whether they were annoyed by Zheng Quchi's words against Dan Bian, or they were stimulated by her brisk and relaxed posture. In order to prove that they were not puppies or fake men, they all ran wildly with full power. up.

Zheng Quchi was at a loss and speechless when he saw these forced laborers who had been beaten with chicken blood.

What are they robbing of this kind of hard work, thinking that they should put this filial piety hat on?
She ran back and forth so many times just now, worried that she would sweat too much and take off her makeup, so she took a break and carefully wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve to take a rest.

The supervisor's soldiers saw it, but they didn't do the same thing as others. When they saw her being lazy, they stepped forward and scolded and urged her.

The main reason is that she worked really hard, and her work efficiency was extremely high, which also drove the "efficiency" of other people.

They were all full of surprises about her body, and for the first time they understood what it meant to be "a small body with great power".

I can't see it, I can't see it!

Zheng Quchi, who had just taken a sip of water, suddenly heard a panicked scream from somewhere.

"Something has happened. The wall of Jijiao Mountain is not stable, and another piece has collapsed. I heard that the stone fell and hit someone. Hurry up and save them!"

When Zheng Quchi heard this, he frowned slightly.

The most important thing is to assess the safety level in the vicinity of this kind of collapsed building and take appropriate precautions. What are the master craftsmen of Jixia Academy doing?
"Which people were hit?" The mansion soldier stepped forward and asked.

"I don't know. It seems that there is a county magistrate and a noble person. By the way, the master craftsman of Jixia Academy is also there. I don't know who was hit when it collapsed."

When the government soldiers heard this, they quickly waved to the laborers, and shouted anxiously: "All laborers obey orders, and follow me to the rescue immediately!"

"If something happens to Mr. County Prime Minister and master craftsmen, everyone present will not be able to escape being questioned!"

As soon as this threat of joint punishment came out, all the laborers panicked, quickly unloaded their back baskets, and rushed to Jijiao Mountain together with the government soldiers.

"Why did it collapse suddenly?" Shan Bian was puzzled.

Zheng Quchi said: "Once the overall structure splits and loses its support points, it will continue to deform and continue to settle. This possibility is very high."

Shan Bian was stunned for a while, and asked her in a daze: "No, what astronomical book are you talking about?"

Zheng Quchi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

As soon as I arrived at the accident site, I saw a group of people gathered in a mess in front of me, moving the fallen stones and soil.

Soon, the county magistrate was rescued. He was ashamed, but fortunately he was not seriously injured, but his back and shoulders were hit several times.

After that, several people were pulled out one after another.

"Just now, the mountain wall suddenly fell down, scaring everyone to death. By the way, how many people were rescued? There seemed to be a person with bad eyes standing there just now. His head was hit, and he didn't know what to do. run."

Zheng Quchi was bending over to lift a stone when he heard a man next to him muttering with lingering fear.

Someone also saw it: "Yeah, I heard someone shouting, but he stood motionless in that corner."

Zheng Quchi's heart tightened suddenly, he threw down the stone and walked over to ask: "Brother, what did you say just now that the person's eyesight is not good, is it a man wearing a fox green fur?"

The man was stunned for a moment, but seeing her anxious and nervous look, he recalled: "It's a young man, he seems to be wearing a very valuable fox fur coat."

The young nobleman has bad eyesight and is wearing a fox fur coat...

Will not.

It won't be Liu Fengmian, he shouldn't be here...

...But what if Yu Wensheng sent him to oversee the work?
After all, building the city wall is also a matter of military defense. As a general stationed on the border, it is not surprising that he would attach importance to the county's preparations for rebuilding the city wall, right?

Besides, there should not be too many people in Fu County who can meet these several conditions at the same time, just in case...

If it's such a coincidence——

Zheng Quchi was uneasy because of the guessing in her heart, she no longer hesitated, turned around suddenly and rushed over.

Even Shan Bian tried to reach out to grab her at the first moment, but he didn't have time.

He just watched her rush into the stone ruins, and began to pick up stones with the soldiers.

But at this time, several stones from "Gulu" rolled down from above. Someone noticed it and shouted anxiously: "Run, the soil on the city wall is loose, and it is about to collapse again!"

The towering city walls began to be continuously destroyed like ashes.


Shan Bian was agitated for a moment and couldn't help calling her real name, but luckily the surroundings were in chaos and noise, so she didn't notice the scream.

As soon as the other people heard that the city wall was about to collapse again, they didn't care about saving people, they all hurriedly evacuated from the dangerous position and fled to a safe place.

Zheng Quchi didn't leave, and she didn't stop to search for a moment.

Her mind is full of thoughts now.

Could it be Liu Fengmian?Will he just be crushed under this pile of rocks and wait for someone to rescue him?
Everyone else was yelling in fear, even the county magistrate and the others didn't care about saving people, and fled to the side early, but she was the only one who refused to give up on the buried person.

"what is she doing?!"

"Run, don't be stupid!"

"It can't be saved, it will collapse soon, it depends on what you have done alone! Run, don't stay there and die in vain!"

There were all kinds of eager and panicked roars all around, and although Zheng Quchi was panicking, he was not in a panic.

Based on the position described by others, she speculated that if a person was standing in a corner and was hit by a stone first, but did not run away immediately, then the position would be almost the same.

She picked up a wooden stick, determined the approximate location, put her ear on the crack of the stone, and shouted.

"Answer me, where are you?"

"If you can't move your body, but you can move your hands a little, touch a stone or something and hit it with all your strength!"

"If you can't even do that, then shout as hard as you can, I can hear you."


there's noise!

She has found it!

Zheng Quchi's heart was raised heavily, her light-colored pupils were like streamers of light, and flying stars flashed by one after another, and she began to calculate in her mind the angle and strength needed to move the stones covered above.

In addition, through the direction and strength of the opponent's knock just now, determine the approximate direction of the opponent's location, so as to prevent secondary damage caused by improper rescue.

"Shut your mouth and nose, I'll rescue you right away!"

She took a crowbar, slanted it down 45 degrees, shifted its orientation, and then exerted all her strength with her arms to pry up the heavy-rolled rocks that at least three or four adults could move.


She gritted her teeth and finally pried out a "hole" from the crack in the stone where the clam lived, and then she saw a blood-stained arm.

"Wind sleep!"

She bowed her body and her arms trembled. At this moment, she almost exhausted 120 points of strength, and then overturned the pile of stones that everyone thought was impossible to pry.


The stick is torn from the middle, breaking off.

She shook off the broken wooden stick, as if drenched in sweat, pushed away the broken stones, dragged the people underneath out, and then turned her face: "Liu Feng——"

 Guess who was saved, hey, who can guess
(End of this chapter)

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