Chapter 6
For a moment no one dared to answer. Under the strong aura, it was difficult to even breathe. It was as if someone had strangled his neck, and he couldn't squeeze out a word.

Lei Gong was sweating profusely, but still bit the bullet and begged for mercy: "Please, please give us another chance..."

"I would also like to give you a chance, but I only like those who are capable."

The soldiers pushed a cart of wood, and it all fell to the ground with a "crash".

Yu Wencheng pushed and caressed the mask, his red lips curved slightly: "How about this, who knows the original appearance of this pile of wood, then I will spare that person."

The pile of wood was strangely shaped, but an experienced carpenter could tell it was deliberately dismantled at a glance. Unless they were spliced ​​together, they would not be able to guess what it was.

But with so many pieces of wood, there are no drawings or styles, so it's not easy to put them all together?

Seeing them trembling and hesitant, Wei Yao narrowed his eyes and added pressure: "The time is limited to one stick of incense, if you haven't pieced together one after one stick of incense... that means they are all incompetent people, keep it." What's the use?"

Don't look at Wei Yao's playful and smiling face, which is not in good shape, but in fact he is the most ruthless when doing business.

Someone nearby brought a stick of incense and lit it.

Time gained weight at this moment, and they saw that the stick of incense burned shorter and shorter, and their hearts beat faster and faster, just like a guillotine hanging around their necks, getting closer and closer.

Finally, a carpenter crawled out, and he ran to the pile of logs and kept searching.

Finally, when he saw the familiar seal carving in an inconspicuous position on a piece of wood, he immediately gained confidence.

After searching and searching, I finally found sixteen pieces of wood with the same seal carving in a pile of complicated wood.

He wiped the sweat from his brow and started stitching.

He had an image of the finished product in his mind, but after all, it was his first attempt to organize it together, and the process had not been smooth. Seeing that the stick of incense was getting shorter and shorter, he was so anxious that his whole body was sweating, and his fingers trembled .

"Hurry up……"

He kept urging himself, but until the incense was burned, he still had only a half-finished product in his hand.

"It's time, you failed."

His pupils dilated and his face was as pale as a ghost.

A cold light flashed, and a bloodstain appeared on his neck, followed by a thin spout of blood, staining the yellow land on the ground red.

The strong smell of blood filled the air, which made many people gag "yue", including Zheng Quchi.

Wang Zebang stepped forward, picked up the half-finished product from the dead man, and sent it to Yu Wensheng.

I saw him rubbing the engraving on the wooden surface and laughing lowly.

This is a "".

"It turned out to be Nan Chen's..." It's a pity that they were reluctant to send some high-level craftsmen to lurk, otherwise it would not be just a semi-finished product.

With a glance in his eyes, Weiyao got the order and continued: "Next stick of incense."

Looking at the person lying in the pool of blood, everyone was silent and still in shock.

But this time, one person learned his lesson and ran out first as soon as the incense was lit. He knelt down in the pile of logs and quickly pulled them up.

Unlike the last one who touched the mark, he distinguished the color of the wood. He found dozens of wood blocks of special wood, the same type, and the same color, and picked out the mortise and tenon structure he was familiar with.

Fast, fast, he'll be done in no time.

Just when the last piece of wood was about to be embedded, a cold light flashed past his eyes, and the next second, the ecstasy on his face froze, and he fell straight on his back.

"It's a pity, the incense... has gone out." Yu Wencheng regretted.

Went out? !
The others looked incredulous.

And Zheng Quchi was also stunned at this time.

Just now she saw that there was only one centimeter of incense left, but it burned out in an instant.

Wei Yao: "Continue, next stick of incense."

At this time, Zheng Quchi and the others had already understood that the general Yuwen was not letting them live, he was clearly playing with them, and he was simply throwing a grand banquet.

This time the incense was burned for half a stick, and no one dared to take the risk.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to live?"

Maybe it's all a gamble that he won't be so crazy as to actually kill them all.


Yu Wencheng raised his thin eyelids, clearly smiling, but babbled like a devil.

"The time is up, since you don't want to live, let's all die."

Zheng Quchi raised his face in horror, and when he saw the soldiers behind him posing neatly, the silver-armored feather soldiers put on their bows and arrows expressionlessly.

Suddenly, the heavy shadow of death hit my heart.

A carpenter's psychological defense collapsed: "No, don't, let me try, I can."

He raised his hands and yelled in panic.


Poof—an arrow pierced through the heart.

Another body fell to the ground.

Everyone's face was pale, and they just stayed where they were.

Just when everyone thought they were going to die, Yu Wensheng seemed to be amused by their expressions, he stroked the back of the immaculate white gloves: "Forget it, let me give you another chance, who will come?"

This time, after a moment of dead silence, a carpenter with limp hands and feet got up.

He seemed to have a goal long ago, and quickly found out the parts he wanted from the pile, and then quickly put them together, and soon the prototype came out, and then enriched the structure, and finally took shape.


what time?
He looked to the side in fear.

... There is still half a stick of incense left.

It wasn't until now that his stiff and trembling cheeks calmed down.

"I'm done."

A blush flashed across Yu Wencheng's eyes, and he sighed with admiration and admiration: "Sure enough, it's still amazing, let me see."

Wei Yao stepped forward to take it away and handed it over to Yu Wensheng, who looked at it casually.

"Yes, it's complete, but do you know what it is?"

The carpenter was shocked when he heard the words, and said, "No, I don't know."

Hearing this, Yu Wencheng smiled meaningfully and said, "This is an inverted hook made by the Beiyuan Kingdom. Except for the military craftsmen of the Beiyuan Kingdom, few people know of its existence. There is a hidden weapon inside, which is extremely sharp. , can pierce the hard city wall, do you want to try it?"

When the carpenter heard this, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and immediately understood that he had been fooled.

When he tried to run, an ink thread pierced his chest directly, and he fell to the ground.

"Look, it's really powerful, it can easily penetrate human bones."

He didn't hesitate to give affirmative praise, but in the next second, his eyes darkened and his red lips curled slightly: "It's a pity that the waste of our Ye Kingdom has never been able to produce anything good."

The words were not too loud, but they were so frightening that all the craftsmen in the field started to shake their heads.

And Zheng Quchi looked at General Yuwen of Ye Kingdom, his palms were wet with sweat, and he felt that he seemed to be suffering from that serious illness.

He obviously killed people even though they were all trying to figure it out.

Smiling tiger, duplicity.

Killing keeps laughing.

But he was obviously irritable and unhappy all the time, why did he still smile so happily?
"...Why did the general want to kill him?" Finally someone couldn't help but speak out.

Yu Wensheng slammed the barb on the wall in his hand and threw it on the ground.

"Are you questioning this general?"

"You said you gave us a chance, but if you don't fight it out, you will die. What kind of chance is this?"

"Dying on something he spelled out by himself is already the greatest grace that this general bestowed on him. Otherwise, this general also bestows a grace on you?"

The archers behind Yu Wensheng were already ready to go. This time, the killing intent seemed to have substance, but the courage of the craftsmen due to anger was extinguished in an instant.

They were frightened and kowtowed desperately to beg for mercy.

"Forgive me, General."

"Please, don't kill us, we don't want grace, we just want to live."

The archer never shot, because Yu Wensheng hadn't given the order yet.

And Yu Wensheng seemed to have been waiting for a certain person, and when his patience ran out, he finally heard it.

"I would like to try."

When he saw the little black mouse get out of the hole, he wanted to hum again inexplicably~
 In the past two days, I have been quietly revising the text, and changing some missing or deviated plot content. If the latter text is found to be wrong with the previous one, it means that some content has been revised.

  Then I would like to thank Jing Jing’s little fans for their rewards, because Jing’s backstage rewards show a row of book friends numbers, I checked the comments and fan list, I probably know who they are, and there are positive comments My dear, I would like to thank you for your support of Jing Xinshu, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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