Ma'am help, the general is in trouble again

Chapter 66 The Prototype Revealed

Chapter 66 Prototype revealed (two chapters in one)

"Look, I also have phoenix tears. Could it be that I am also a scourge? If so, then let me be a scourge with you." She joined him in the ranks without hesitation.

Yu Wensheng didn't mind her nonsense, but when she said that she would stay with him no matter what, and even presented the so-called "evidence", he laughed.

His eyes were narrowed, and he looked really happy and wonderful.

He knew that Zheng Quchi definitely didn't know the true meaning and origin of "Phoenix Tears". .

"You always seem to make promises so easily, what if you go back on your word later, what should you do?" Yu Wensheng seemed to be thinking seriously, worrying about the future.

repent?Isn't this the behavior of scumbags and scumbags?

She felt that every word she said was sincere from the heart, and there was no such situation as what he said.

...Besides, she doesn't seem to have made any serious promises.

"I'm not a casual person, I will do what I say, and I will never regret it."

When he saw her staring at him, her eyes were as bright as stars, and he didn't see any evasion or strangeness, only pure trust and affection.

He whispered, "Me too."

Zheng Quchi grinned when he heard it, but there was no one on his lips.

"Then we're pretty good."

As soon as she finished speaking, she froze in a daze, and after Yu Wencheng was silent for a moment, he tilted his head and smiled at her like a magnolia flower, with soft ripples on his lips, which made people feel its tenderness. gentle.

"you're right."

She couldn't look at his face for a moment, she suddenly turned to look behind him, and stammered, "Then, did you follow someone behind you? Where are they?"

"Follow, but you can't see it."

Followed behind, but couldn't see... Why does this sound so creepy?
Moreover, he led a group of people out in the middle of the night, so he couldn't be taking a walk to admire the moon. Zheng Quchi realized that he might be on a "mission".

"Do you have any urgent matters to attend to?"


"Then you put me down, you go and do your work, and I will go back by myself."

"Where are you going back?" he asked.

Zheng Quchi: "..."

Go back and continue to pretend to be a man and work as a laborer.

Since she couldn't come up with any legitimate reason to get out, Yu Wensheng finally took her to the Sifang Guild Hall.

It is located between the green tiles and red walls. The abrupt and horizontal eaves show its high value, the high-flying signboard flags, and the exquisite yellow lanterns hanging all over the roadside, all make this small Fuxian County An area is like a treasure land of geomantic omen, bustling and sleepless at night.

BMW carving cars are fragrant all over the road, this is the place where merchants gather.

Zheng Quchi turned her eyes curiously. Since she crossed to Fuxian County, she wore poor commoner clothes and lived in the most basic earthen hut. The people who came and went were either farmers or craftsmen.

It is really rare for her to meet so many "high-class people" at one time.

Yu Wensheng's appearance did not attract much attention. After he put down Zheng Qurui, he covered her head with a cloak, first to keep out the cold, and second, to prevent others from seeing her true face.

"You wait for me in the side room first."

He took her little hand, put on the Shura mask again, and walked all the way through the main entrance. Everyone passing by him was terrified. When he was about to kneel down and salute in the next second, he pointed to his lips and smiled. Eyes narrowed slightly, warning silence.

Zheng Quchi couldn't see it, but she always felt that there must be a lot of talented people around, but the strange thing was that whenever Liu Fengmian took her through the area, there was chattering and laughing one second, and the next second it stopped abruptly. The stagnation was especially sudden and weird, which made her puzzled.

There are also those shadows cast on the ground, originally elongated and staggered standing postures, but as soon as they passed by, they crouched and shrunk... What are they doing?Crouch down?Or... knelt down?

Why are you silent again?

Because they couldn't see, they could only use their hearing to distinguish the surrounding environment. However, after they entered the Sifang Clubhouse, which was so noisy and lively, they fell into an illusion that it was so quiet that time seemed to have stood still.

"Liu, Liu Fengmian?" She squeezed his fingers and called him.

Yu Wencheng guessed that she must have noticed something, so she called him a little uneasy.

"A Taiyuan official came to the guild hall." He said.

Taiyuan officials?
The capital of Ye Kingdom is Taiyuan. Generally, those who can be officials in Taiyuan basically belong to the central government. When local officials meet with the power gentry, they will show various expressions of seems normal.

But to some extent... the awe is too much, this is almost catching up with the chilling silence.

At the same time, there was another strange place in her heart.

When other people see Taiyuan officials, they want to kneel and lick, but why is Liu Fengmian so calm?Could it be that if Yu Wencheng is a subordinate, can he be as blind as he is?

She was taken by Yu Wensheng to an elegant hall in the East Pavilion for meeting guests. Behind the hall was a screen of romantic birds, flowers, snow, moon, and birds. He placed Zheng Quchi behind it, and sent someone to deliver a new set of matching dresses.

It was a very beautiful skirt. Zheng Quchi didn't know what the name of this kind of skirt was, but it looked like a skirt, with trousers, a cloak, and half arms.

She picked it up, only admired it for a while, and put it aside in disinterest.

Have you ever seen a craftsman in a skirt to carry stones?Still such a gorgeous and bright dress.

She found that her husband-in-law was somewhat suspected of being a prodigal, so why did he buy these flashy and beautiful dresses for her?With their current family background, the money should be used in more practical places. She doesn't need these gorgeous appearances to decorate herself.

At least not at this stage.

Thinking that she didn't wear any beautiful clothes in her previous life, her vision and knowledge have been enhanced in all kinds of feasting and feasting, so she can be arrogant, but also lower her figure to develop.

It all depends on whether she is strong and confident enough in her heart.

Looking at Liu Fengmian in front of the screen and sitting in the main seat in the living room with his back to her, she once again felt that he might be Yu Wensheng's guest minister or something. Wei Yao said that Liu Fengmian was sent on a mission.

According to her many years of working experience, employees who travel on public expenses generally earn more extra money than those who work on duty.

Thinking of Liu Fengmian's eyes being so inconvenient, and working so hard to earn money for her family, she felt as if she had been bruised all over.

She can't slack off, she has to plan and develop her career well, so that she can be responsible for earning money to support the family in the future, and Liu Fengmian doesn't have to work so hard, just be responsible for being beautiful at home.

In the front hall, a group of richly dressed businessmen filed in.

Zheng Quchi is not interested in these discussions in the officialdom, and he is also concerned about her other identity. If she knows too many secrets about Yu Wensheng and the others from Liu Fengmian, if one day her identity as a secret writer of the Mo family is revealed, she may Get him into big trouble.

So, she quickly put on men's clothes, combed her dry hair and tied a bun on top, and quickly applied makeup and changes in front of the bronze mirror.

Finally, he took a charcoal pencil and wrote a message to Liu Fengmian on the table, then wrapped his cloak and pulled the hood to cover his face, and then sneaked out through the back door.


This time Yu Wensheng appeared in the West Street Workshop in Fuxian County, and he really came for an important matter. He came to summon the wealthy gentry from Qizhou, just to buy a huge amount of rice for the construction of the city wall.

In addition to quantity, money is needed.

This is also the customary style of the government. Once the government has difficulty making up the number, it will call the wealthy gentry from all counties to discuss, or "borrow" or "seduce", in the end, let them bear the vacant funds. .

Generally speaking, the county magistrate or other civil servants were always in charge of negotiating such matters, but these wealthy gentry in the border areas of the Ye Kingdom were amazing, they didn't take officials like the county magistrate seriously at all.

They pay a large amount of taxes to the country every year to ensure the financial balance of the treasury. It is expected that the imperial court can't do anything with them except for "soft words".

Therefore, under such a premise, Yu Wensheng will end in person.

After Wei Yao finished inspecting the surroundings and arranged the security work, he returned to Yu Wensheng.

As Yu Wensheng's guard officer, he was standing not far from the screen, and he should obviously keep his eyes straight, like a cunning fox, suppressing all the changes in the scene with his beastly eyes.

But at this moment, when he was on duty, his mind was off, and his eyes always drifted unconsciously.

He is really curious, he really wants to know who is the woman who is suspected to be the general's wife, what does she look like, is she beautiful or extremely intelligent?After all, it can make the general take care of it, it can't be mediocre.

He quietly shifted his sight again, intending to peek at the person behind the screen, trying to see some clues through the blurred layer of silk, but after many arguments, he was sure that he had just been brought back by the general and placed in the side hall of the Nuan Pavilion The woman who is missing? !
He couldn't hold back his excitement, and he didn't care about so many people present, so he immediately clasped his fists and reported: "General, madam is gone?"

Hearing this, Yu Wencheng got up quickly.

Quickly walking around to the screen, Zheng Quchi was nowhere to be seen, and he saw a line written in charcoal on the corner of the table.

Liu Fengmian, I'm going back first, don't worry, I'll definitely go home when I'm done.

In addition, after the words, she also drew a peach-like pattern (Bixin).

In the negotiation with Fushen just now, in order not to frighten Zheng Quchi behind the screen and to restrain Yu Wencheng's bloodthirsty impulse, he turned his head, but his eyes changed instantly.

The pitch-black eyes contained extreme blackness, and the corners of his mouth were grinning, raising a gloomy smile that was almost sickly, and waves spread from the pupils, like a demon descended from the sky.

"For Ye Kingdom, you may still have the value of survival, but for me, at the moment you refuse, there is no need to continue to survive."

"You said, if you all died unexpectedly tonight, and this general casually charged your death with a crime of rebellion and treason, wouldn't it be logical for your rich family property to be handed over to the court?"

The gentle and melodious voice suddenly sounded sullenly, startling all the wealthy gentry who were arrogant before and refused to pluck their hair under various excuses, trembling all over.

They were so frightened that they were sweating all over their bodies, and their feet and scalps were numb.

As the saying goes, people don't talk too much, and this describes Yu Wensheng.

From the very beginning, they relied on being the big taxpayers of the Ye Kingdom, and insisted on refusing to pay for the construction of the city wall. They only wanted to selfishly guard the one-third of an acre of their own farmland and shops, and sweep the snow in front of their doors.

However, after Yu Wensheng killed a "leader" cleanly, the scene of blood splashing on the spot made the others finally realize one thing.

That is the person in front of him, not a county magistrate who has to consider the overall situation in everything, but a "living hell" who will be divided into corpses if he disagrees.

Sure enough, iron and blood tactics are more useful to businessmen than any soft policy. After they were frightened, they confirmed that Yu Wensheng was not joking, but when he really planned to bloodbath the rich gentry, they immediately scrambled to express their position.

A joke, compared with life, losing some money is nothing.

In the beginning, it was because people hadn't been forced to that point, so they had a fluke mentality, and they wanted to pick a little bit.

But now it’s no longer possible. I will give up money to avoid disasters, and spend money to send "Living Yama" respectfully.

Wei Yao couldn't help being amazed at the side.

It's not because the general made a move, and he packed up the group of rich gentry who had attracted [-] people into obedience.

Instead, he purposely called out "Madam General" just now, intending to test for confirmation, but the general's first reaction told him to pat his chest for confirmation.

That woman is really the general's wife, [-]% sure.

Look at the general who was fighting with those slippery wealthy gentry at the beginning, restraining the destructive violence in his eyes, trying to follow the common courtesy of a general, but as soon as his wife left, he tore up the painting skin directly, revealing the prototype ...

At this point, an absurd and lingering thought arose in Wei Yao's heart.

If one day, when the general completely loses his mind and becomes a massacre who doesn't recognize his relatives and only knows madness, maybe only his wife can stop him.


Zheng Quchi was still a little nervous walking alone at night, so she ran to the archway of "Ingenious Craftsmanship" without any hesitation.

Wei Yao said that he sent someone to wait for her here.

She looked up, and sure enough, she saw a soldier leading a horse, with a silent face, waiting for someone at the vertical stone pillar of the archway.

"Well, hello, I'm Vi—"

The soldier heard her greeting and turned his head.

Zheng Quchi looked at the other person's face, and his tone soared: "Qiu?"

Qiu was not surprised at all, he nodded at her: "Well, it's me."

"Why are you here?" Zheng Quchi's small face was wrinkled, unable to hide his disgust and powerlessness.

As soon as he appeared, it meant that she might be in trouble again.

"Shan Bian called me here." He handed her something wrapped in cloth, which seemed to be quite heavy: "Your crossbow."

As soon as he mentioned Shan Bian, Zheng Quchi understood what he was talking about.

"The assassination plan is arranged?"


"What do you want me to do?"

"Snipe Killing Yuan followed Yin Xiao, and Shan Bian and I will create opportunities for you. The time and place are not yet clear, but it should be within the next three days."

"What will happen to me if I fail or get found out?"

When Qiu heard her calm question, he breathed very lightly. After a long time, he said in a hoarse voice: "They won't die, and the one who dies... will be you."

(End of this chapter)

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