Chapter 75
After hearing this, Wei Yao squinted her eyes: "Then give it a try, after all, how great are the people of your Mo family."

Qiuwu's black pupils sank in vain, and he lined up the "Changqiu" in his arms. The "Changqiu" was originally a whole, but it was taken apart.

From large to small, from one to a long series.

He flew up with a flick of his wrist, with a burst of strength, and the "Long Hill" weapon, as its name suggests, leaped to his body, forming a mountain mound, moving in a meandering manner.

All the people present couldn't help holding their breath, staring at all these changes.

Qiu stared at Weiyao, her breathing fluctuated, "Changqiu" had already left her body.

They were shot at Weiyao like a goddess scattering flowers, and the "long mounds" shone with a dazzling metallic luster under the refraction of the light.

Zheng Quchi's eyes sparkled.

How is this kind of five-pointed star "dart" controlled by Qiu back and forth, allowing him to fly wherever he wants, instead of being a mess?

Also, how is this "dart" built into a whole, what kind of technology is used, nesting?Separate parts?

Weiyao sank and stepped out of the horse step, the spear rushed out, like a silver snake spitting out a letter, and danced wildly, the tiger and the tiger were in the wind, dangdang... No matter from which angle "Changqiu" swirled and shot, they were all shot by him one by one. blocked.

At this time, Qiu stretched his arms inward to absorb, and all the "Changqiu" returned to him, regrouping from the number of "complex" to "one". of the spear.

In the middle of the journey, it flew into a double image, forming a seven-star Big Dipper.

Wei Yao turned the body of the gun, freezing it in mid-air like a hurricane vortex barrier.

However, the momentum of the "Long Hill" is one force, one force, one force, one force. Its smallest "Long Hill" is called Yaoguang. Hit the gun head.

Before Wei Yao could react, he directly broke the tip of the spear.

The tip of the gun that was broken in two fell to the ground.

Wei Yao clenched the body of the gun tightly in his hand, and looked at the tip of the gun, terrified.

What kind of metal is this weapon made of? With a tiny body, it can go head-to-head and cut off the head of a spear embedded in it?
Zheng Quchi was on the sidelines, from being nervous and apprehensive to finally seeing this miraculous scene, he was also amazed.

Although she didn't understand how this weapon was made, the material used for this weapon is very particular.

It is the most special type of iron weapon she has seen so far. She cannot guess the specific material of this unwrought iron weapon.

Master Li stood aside, and at this moment he finally saw something bright: "Changqiu, one of the Nine Divine Soldiers enshrined in the Zhushen Ancestral Hall of the Mo family, is now in his hands, presumably his identity is not simple."

Hearing this, Yu Wensheng glanced at Master Li who appeared here, this person's "reminder" was a bit interesting, his eyes turned deep, and he turned back to the field.

"Wei Yao, step back."

Wei Yao turned around in astonishment.


Seeing Yu Wencheng, the great demon king, recalling Wei Yao and planning to end himself, Zheng Quchi finally panicked.

He has never understood the principle of staying on the line in everything so that we can meet each other in the future, so he really made a move, how can Qiu survive?

She was torn.

Knowing that it shouldn't be, knowing that at this time, she should be wise and protect herself, put aside her relationship with Qiu and the others, and express her position to Yu Wencheng, and she also knows that it is best to reduce her sense of existence at this time...

But in the end, Zheng Quchi shouted with a broken face: "General, please be merciful! He...should know a lot about the Mohist family. Let's not always consider everything in one size fits all. Why don't we leave him alone and interrogate him slowly?" .”

After Yu Wencheng heard the words, he turned his head and stared at Zheng Quchi, who had already shown his fear. The expression under the mask did not feel unhappy at all, but he thought that she was right to remind.

"It makes sense."

Zheng Quchi was a little surprised, thinking that he agreed, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a dark red afterimage flashing past his eyes.

She didn't see how he moved.

She didn't see clearly what he did after he moved.

In short, when she heard a cry of pain, "Ugh——", she subconsciously turned pale and looked in Qiu's direction.

I saw Qiu, who was fighting proudly just a second ago, now fell to the ground with twisted limbs, in a miserable state.

His hands and feet had been brutally broken by Yu Wencheng.

She stared blankly.

At this moment, Yu Wencheng's clothes, which were as light as floating clouds, slowly fell down, and a wisp of black hair around his lips was lifted by the wind, and he smiled at her: "So, are you satisfied?"


The sick madman!

Zheng Quchi looked at him with eyes clouded with a thin layer of mist, and cursed him viciously in his heart.

He has never understood what it means to be soft-hearted when dealing with enemies or people with malicious intentions.

But I don't know why when he saw the fear and anger in Zheng Quchi's eyes, he always felt happy after torturing people, but he leaked out like a needle was punctured, and he became irritable.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" He stepped in front of her, grabbed her chin, and raised her face.

Those dark, slightly curved eyes cast a compelling light.

Zheng Quchi glanced at Qiu from the corner of his eye. He gritted his teeth and wriggled on the ground. It must have been in too much pain. His delicate facial features were now hideously pale.

"Is it because of my begging for him... that you tortured him so much?" she asked in a trembling voice.

Seeing that she was still unwilling to look at him, Yu Wensheng increased his strength, but this time even if Zheng Quchi gritted his teeth in pain, he refused to compromise.

He said in a gloomy voice: "Do you think your words are so important to me? What he becomes depends on who he is and what he has done."

It was precisely because of this sentence that Zheng Quchi finally turned his head to look at him.

But when Yu Wensheng saw her slightly resentful eyes, his mood that had been gloomy before improved a little.

She pursed her lips and said, "I used to be a disciple of the Mohist family, but later I didn't want to sacrifice my life for them. You said that I escaped a catastrophe, so now you will settle accounts after the fall?"

Yu Wensheng relaxed and said: "I will not go back on what the general said, but Sang Xuanqing, you are hiding more and more things from me. If there is another time, if I find out something, I will I don't know if you will be so lucky."

Zheng Quchi couldn't help shivering when he heard this.

Recalling all the things before, she couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine.

Yu Wensheng is different from any kind of person she knows. He is so deep that people can't see his next move at all. If it wasn't for his hint before he left, she would never even guess what he was right the second before. What kind of thoughts did she have in mind.

Whether he wants to kill her or keep her, it's up to him.

And this kind of person who can judge other people's life and death based on their preferences and moods, how can she beat him with her tricks?

So she decided to come with sincere nirvana.

"You see, I don't want to run away with him. I want to live a stable life, and I don't want to get involved in these troublesome and dangerous things. I'm just a craftsman. My role is only to overcome the difficulties of various fortifications and constructions. Not getting involved in wars and politics."

After Yu Wensheng listened, he was silent for a long time, and curled the corners of his mouth: "Your words, the best sincerity, Sang Xuanqing, I only give you this chance." Said: "Your choice just now is correct."

"Will you kill him?" She still couldn't help asking.

"Of course not." Yu Wensheng seemed a little surprised that she would think so. He seemed to be confiding a secret to her, his eyes were fixed on Qiu, but the volume of his voice revealed that she was the only one who knew: "I seem to have guessed who he is. His status and value in the Mohist family, I can exchange for a very good condition from the Mohist."

"..." In the end, Ganqing was the only one who was a small person.

Knowing that at least Qiu still had a chance to survive, she was not in a hurry to be happy for him. The most important thing is that Yu Wensheng is going to be betrayed by you, so you can't treat him well. Abuse of hostages is the worst thing. !
Yu Wensheng's current interest seems to be drawn by Qiu, he hums a weird and dark tune with vigor and malice.

Hearing this, Zheng Quchi had goose bumps all over his body.

She remembered "Ten Rabbits".

When Wei Yao and the sergeant listened together, they knew that the general's nerves were being plucked like strings, and he was immersed in his own crazy and excited consciousness.

Although on the surface, he is no different from ordinary.

But at this time, it is also the time when his murderous aura is strongest, so please don't mess with him, otherwise it will be very difficult for him to control himself.

After Yu Wensheng let go of her, he put her aside. He asked someone to drag Shangqiu, and glanced at Master Li again: "Master Li under Jixia?"


"The words just now made this general Mao Sai suddenly enlightened. As a thank you, why don't you come with me and discuss it in depth?"

Wei Yao stepped forward and made a gesture of "please" to Master Li that seemed polite but was forceful.

Master Li came here for Zheng Quchi, but because of the "inappropriate" words just now, he caught Yu Wensheng's attention, and now he was taken away for interrogation.

Li Shi's cold face did not show any emotion, he glanced at Zheng Quchi, and then followed the team without saying a word.

Wei Yao also looked back at Zheng Quchi.

Zheng Quchi noticed Weiyao's gaze, and she looked over.

Although not long ago, he still felt a little resentful for his betrayal of her, but after thinking about it, she was originally sent by Yu Wensheng to "deal with" her, and people's hearts are biased. Besides, he was beaten by Yu Wencheng in order to save her before. hurt.

If a person lives too sharply and cannot blink his eyes, then there is no room for change for himself or others.

She returned his gaze, without any impurity or darkness, and opened her mouth: "Brother Wei, thank you for what happened before."

Wei Yao seemed surprised for a moment, and his expression was complicated for a moment, and then he showed her an apologetic smile.

"You don't blame me, that's fine."

She has long understood the dark bottom line in the communication between adults. As long as you don't cross the bottom line, talk and laugh, and help each other, why not do it?

After waiting for everyone to leave, Zheng Quchi stood quietly for a while, then squatted down exhausted physically and mentally, and she hugged herself.

In fact, everything is fine now.

she said to herself.

Zheng Quchi, you have done well enough.

In this world, many things cannot be determined simply by good or bad people.

Just like autumn.

Just follow Wei Yao.

They were both good to her, but enemies in each other's position.

So, her current position is also a bit dangerous, she knows.

They are all giving her time, telling her to choose a side firmly.

But, let her choose Yu Wensheng like this, she can't make up her mind, and even more unwilling.

What are you not happy about?

The reason for her reluctance is that she feels that he is not the choice she wants. People who have traveled from modern times, who would be willing to follow a sick and dangerous person who has a wrong outlook on the future.

He had never been the first choice in her mind...but the uncomfortable thing was that he was her only choice right now.

Let's do it first, who can know what will happen tomorrow?

... She discovered that she might really have the potential to be a fool.

Maybe there will be another "boss" offering her an olive branch in the future, so she chooses to quit.


Zheng Quchi actually knew one thing well.

The biggest reason why Yu Wensheng chose to keep her was because of the fortification of the city wall this time.

So for the sake of her life, and of course for her own sense of responsibility, she had to abandon the interference of external objects and devote herself wholeheartedly to the fortification of the city wall.

Although she has no experience in repairing ancient city walls, she has something to refer to, and something worth learning from, that is her most famous military project - the Great Wall.

Before the official start of construction, the most important point is to obtain data through field inspections, and then combine the surrounding maps and topography. It is best to have the sum of relevant data for the original construction of the city wall.

After three days and two nights, Zheng Quchi stayed up all night to customize the corresponding design plan.

She thought that the city walls in Fu County were too large and difficult to defend, so she narrowed down the corresponding area. Based on the low-lying area to the north of Chushan Mountain, she shrunk the east, south, and west walls and closed them inward.

Of course, in order to be safe and cautious, she also specifically consulted the opinions of many craftsmen and soldiers.

They probably got the wind and knew that she was appointed by General Yuwen as the person in charge of the city wall fortifications. Although they were suspicious of her young age, her hairless mouth and inability to do things well, at least they would not confront her openly. Go against it.

In addition, after thinking about it, she discussed with Wei Yao and applied for a subsidy for the burning of bricks with Fu County.

In her project plan, some landforms are suitable for stone construction, and some landforms are intended to be built with rammed earth walls.

However, there were not enough earth bricks piled up in the county, and they had to be redone. They naturally dried too slowly in winter, and the humidity and load-bearing capacity were too poor, so she planned to fire city bricks.

At present, there are no kiln workers in Fuxian County who know the technology of burning city bricks, but Zheng Quchi heard from some craftsmen that places such as Julu Kingdom and Beiyuan Kingdom have already developed it.

For the advanced inventions of other countries, the craftsmen of Ye State could only sigh in silence, envious of them.

When Zheng Quchi heard it, he became very proud on the spot.

She can't do other things, but she is familiar with the job of burning bricks.

If other countries have them, our country of Ye must have them too, so she left it here.

Because this matter required the participation of masons, she went to the engineering officer and discussed to help arrange a group of masons for her to burn bricks.

(End of this chapter)

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