Ma'am help, the general is in trouble again

Chapter 8 Here Comes the Connection

Chapter 8 Here Comes the Connection
Everyone's hearts are in their throats... They are all waiting for Yu Wensheng's final trial result.

A kill or a turnaround.

Yu Wencheng met her eyes, perhaps because of uneasiness, there was a shattered watery light shining.

With such an ugly face, only this pair of eyes are pretty good.

The drooping eyes bring a natural sense of innocence because of the downward curvature, and the eyes are relatively round... like a little black dog.

Zheng Quchi didn't know that her image in Yu Wensheng's eyes had changed from a little black mouse hiding her head and showing her tail to a pure little black dog.

"It sounds reasonable."

Your life is saved once again.

He stood up on his knees and glanced at the craftsmen: "She restored all seven wooden utensils by herself, and this time you all rely on her, I don't care about it anymore, but if my camp can't be completed on schedule..."

He paused, glanced at Zheng Quchi, his eyes turned, his words rhymed, and his bones were cold.

"Then continue to play with me for a more interesting game."


Yu Wensheng did not stay in the camp, but headed towards Fu County with the cavalry regiment.

When the dense sound of horseshoes gradually went away, everyone sat on the ground from the fear of death to the rebirth after the catastrophe, and it took a long time to recover.

This also includes Zheng Quchi.

It was the first time to face the murder scene directly, and one can imagine the impact on her, just now she was able to hold on to survive, but now that she vented her breath, her legs were weak.

After a long time, the sweat on her back had cooled completely before she got up.

Everyone looked at her in unison.

Those eyes were empty, as if subconsciously looking over.

"I'm going to move the logs."

She made up an excuse, but in fact, she just wanted to be alone.

When she came to the river, she squatted down slowly, and buried her head in her knees.

This era really made her feel what it means to be cruel, and what it means to be involuntary in life and death.

"Zheng Quchi, you were frightened like this after only a few people died, but you were very calm when you faced that living Yan Luo just now." A joking voice sounded from behind.

Zheng Quchi lifted it up abruptly, and looked back.

How could anyone in this world know her real name? !

But she was even more surprised when she saw that this man had dysentery.

Although he still has a flattering appearance now, he has lost the villainous expression before and is much more serious. However, this change did not make Zheng Quchi feel at ease. Instead, there was something bad about him Feel.

If there is no normal state, there must be ghosts, and when things go wrong, there must be ghosts.

This person's scabiest hair on the front and the back made her instantly panic, and she turned around and ran away.

Diarrhea head is also dumbfounded.

He hurried to catch up and grabbed her.

"Where are you going?"

"Let go." Zheng Quchi shouted.

Diarrhea was stunned for a moment, then let go of her, and lowered his voice: "Zheng Quchi, aren't you unwilling to accept the Mo family's hunting order?"

Mo family?

There are also Mohists in this world?

Immediately after she realized what the "hunting order" was, her expression trembled uncontrollably, and she said slowly, "I really don't want to..."

"Then why are you still staying at Sang's house as a carpenter?"

Zheng Quchi seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

This dysentery head and "Brother Qing" might both belong to the Mo family, and he is also responsible for some kind of murder mission, but "Brother Qing" seems unwilling...

Why is she unwilling?

How could Zheng Quchi, who didn't inherit the memory of "Brother Qing", know this, but the problem is, she can't let the scab in front of her realize that she doesn't know anything.

She scratched her palm in a moment of anxiety, but there was no sign on her face: "I regretted it again."

She observed the mangy head's reaction, and after seeing that he didn't show any strange expressions, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I knew you would change your mind. Since you accepted the hunting order, I will do my best to cooperate with your actions."

Cooperate?The two were indeed partners.

"Yes, but I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry..." She wanted to delay.

"You made a big splash just now. If you don't complete the task as soon as possible, I'm afraid you will be found out."


Did what she said just now accidentally choose a dead end for herself?
"Hey, what will happen if you give up the mission?" She asked pretending to be melancholy.

"As long as you accept the hunting order, there is no chance of turning back. You must not have the idea of ​​betraying the organization. Apart from us, there are people secretly watching all the time. Once you have any act of betrayal..."

He looked at her sternly, and he didn't say the rest, but everyone knows what the consequences will be.

Zheng Quchi's heart felt cold at the moment.

She thought that she had traveled here just to cross the catastrophe, but now she discovered that she was actually here to fill in the pits, one step at a time, one foot at a time of lightning, God knows which foot was accidentally stepped on, and she died.

Now, she suddenly calmed down.

She guessed that Brother Qing most likely died at the hands of the spy.

But why did she betray?
And the person who killed her is now monitoring her every move.

Thinking of it, a chill came down her back.

"The people that Yu Wencheng killed today must have been the secret work of other countries. He is too terrifying, and he lured them all out with just such a trick."

is it?

No wonder she felt that Yuwen Sheng's killing game was weird, he acted in a hurry and then left secretly, so it was like this.

"But I'm out too."

"Yeah, why did he let you go alone?" The mangy head was surprised: "But you have been pretending for the past two years, and I almost thought that you were invincible about carpentry. I finally know why they sent you You are here, you are indeed stronger than those trash, if it weren't for you this time, Yu Wencheng would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go, and he could really kill all these craftsmen."

"Yu Wencheng already knows that the camp has a detailed plan,"

No, the real Qing Geer should not be pretending. If he really reported the incident this time, she would definitely be suspected.

Zheng Quchi's voice was calm: "You'd better not report this matter."


"Yu Wensheng is investigating the work carefully. All the actions of these craftsmen are under his supervision, including you and me. You'd better act cautiously so as not to destroy my plan."

Diarrhea frowned and hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Indeed, you'd better find a chance to get Yu Wencheng's mechanism box as soon as possible. You can wait for the hunt, but you must not let him have the opportunity to see the contents of the box."


"What does that box look like?"

"A square box with copper ornaments on the four corners. No one can open it without special techniques."

After listening to his description, Zheng Quchi's expression froze, and he didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment.

Very good, another thunder has been successfully stepped on.

She asked calmly, "What if the box has already been opened?"

 Happy Valentine's Day~ I thought it would be fine to just drink milk tea, but I didn't expect Jing to receive a Valentine's Day gift from the babies today, Kaisen~~
(End of this chapter)

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