Chapter 82
In Ghost Carboxy Ridge, Master Li, who had been waiting for Zheng Quchi's "invitation", heard the saw report: "Uh... Brother Sang didn't know what he said to Mu Gongguan, so he jumped up and down and left happily." Ghost Carboxy Ridge."

Master Li didn't say anything about "Sang Xuanqing" being a woman, so Zaozi always treated her like a man.

After listening to Master Li, he pondered quietly for a moment, and then suddenly said: "You mean, she forgot to bring me?"

The saw looks like an iron tower, half a head taller than the tall and slender Master Li, but now he wishes to shrink himself a bit, so as not to be too existential.

Not daring to tell the truth, Saw could only tactfully persuade: "Master, it's snowing, we should hide."

There was no special emotion on Master Li's face: "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Saw asked in surprise.

"Although she forgot, I haven't. Naturally, I want to come to remind her."

As soon as Saw Zi heard it, he knew that their master was serious. Once he recognized a truth, others would not give up until the Yellow River, but he would still not give up when he got to the Yellow River.

With him, there is never a choice of turning or detours, what should be done must be done, and if he can't do it, he will let her do it.

Knowing that he was doomed to be unable to persuade, Saw didn't speak again.

He scratched his head and thought to himself, I don't know what kind of expression Nasang will have when seeing their master come to visit without invitation?


still is……

At this time, Guijiaoling is basically in a state of semi-suspension. Most of the local stonemasons and laborers are allowed to go home for the holidays, while those in distant places have to stay on duty, but the construction site will prepare some more generous meals for them than usual. eat.

Master Li walked all the way, but he didn't see a few people.

That's right, it's snowing lightly, the road is wet and slippery, and there's nothing important to do, who would come out to wander around.

The excitement from before seemed to be taken away with everyone returning home for the festival.

Although Master Li's expression didn't change, the increasing strength under his feet made Saw Zi see a kind of dissatisfaction and loneliness of being abandoned by others.

He glanced at his master's upright back, and couldn't help complaining to Brother Sang at this moment.

Didn't he agree with his master that he would spend Zhengdan together? This temporary breach of appointment is too articulate, right?

She didn't even think about it, who is his master?
In the past, people couldn't even ask for it. I think Yu Wensheng was arrogant enough, so he had to work hard to win over their master to do things for him.

But their master was unwilling to talk to him, so he just accepted her appointment.

Now it's good, others almost delivered it to the door in person, and she can still give it to someone, it's unreasonable!

Not "poor", but "already".

Even if she is his master's savior, it's too much!
Deceiving too much!

Just when the pair of master and servant had just descended halfway up the mountain, they met an unexpected person on the road—Gong Shulan.

Wearing purple clothes fluttering in the wind, with long black hair pouring down her back, she has a gentle and elegant demeanor, just as the name suggests, an orchid in the empty valley.

Saw was stunned: "Second girl?!"


When Gong Shulan saw Master Li, even though this face was unfamiliar, the familiar feeling on his body made her eyes red with grievance, and the long eyelashes were covered with teardrops, as clear and beautiful as lotus out of water.

On the contrary, when Master Li saw Gong Shulan, he didn't show much excitement about the reunion of siblings. He glanced around her, but there was no one following her.

But his heart was sharp, and he understood what was going on in a second.

"He let you out? Did he want to make sure I'm still in Fu County?"

When Gong Shulan heard what he said, she immediately denied it: "No, recently Yu Wensheng allowed me to be free for two hours every day to prepare some things. I just happened to see the words left by my brother in the secret place of the workshop. I found it after tracking, but don't worry, I'm sure no one is following me."

Master Li glanced at her lightly: "There is no need to follow, as long as you can find me, Yu Wensheng will naturally know that I am still in Fu County."

Then he was found out, it was only a matter of time.

Gongshu Lan was stunned for a moment, her beautiful eyes opened slightly, and she gradually realized the other party's plan. She tightened her skirt and apologized immediately: "I didn't think... Lan was stupid."

I really didn't expect... Or is she trying to flirt with Yuwen Sheng through this method?
Master Li, that is, Gongshu Jiruo after disguise, he doesn't care what she thinks.

"I mentioned it to Yu Wensheng face to face, but he is not willing to marry you."

As soon as this was mentioned, Gong Shulan became excited. She bit her lower lip: "Brother, do you know why he doesn't want to marry me? That's because he married another woman not long ago!"

This matter should be true, because she learned about it by accident from Wang Zebang, Yu Wensheng's adjutant.

"What, Yu Wensheng is married?!"

Shocked, Saw blurted out.

Not to mention the saw, even Gongshu Jiruo was stunned for a moment when he heard the words.

"Since he has already married a wife, what's the use of you continuing to stay? You must have heard that the Yuwen family has always had a tradition of only marrying wives, not taking concubines, and there is no precedent for divorce."

Of course Gong Shulan knew.

It was precisely because she knew that she was so sad after learning about it.

"I'm not reconciled. How could a man as talented and ambitious as him marry a small peasant girl from Fu County? He must have been forced by the emperor of Ye Kingdom to do it out of his own free will."

But Gongshu Jiruo knew a little about people like Yu Wensheng, and he asked calmly, "Who else in this world do you think can force Yu Wensheng to submit?"

Even if there is an element of external force, as long as he is unwilling, even if a princess of a country wants to marry him, won't he still not marry?

Gong Shulan's face turned pale.

It was as if the fact that he had been unwilling to admit in his heart was torn apart all of a sudden.

With a "plop", Gong Shulan knelt down heavily.

"Brother, Lan just begs you this time, help me, help me get rid of her, you know I've been waiting for so many years, and finally I can get so close to Yu Wencheng this time, I don't want, and I can't let other women destroy her." Get rid of all this, please, just give me a little more time, and I can make him treat me differently."

"Are you asking me to hurt an innocent person?" Gongshu asked rhetorically.

Gong Shulan kowtowed to the ground vigorously, with great determination, bloodshot eyes appeared on his forehead after a while, and his forehead was flushed red.

"Please, please, for the sake of my father and mother's deathbed care, just help Lan this time, okay?"

Even if Gongshu is not a soft-hearted person, he just thinks it is a very stupid thing for her to do so.

So what if we get rid of that woman, as long as Gong Shulan can't convince Yuwen Sheng to fall for her for a day, there will naturally be a second or third person in the future. Does she plan to use such shameful means for the rest of her life to solve the problem? Abandoning women who approached Yu Wensheng one after another?
"Then what do you want to do?"

Gongshu Lang paused: "Lan still needs to plan carefully for this matter. I can't let Yu Wensheng find out that I did it. I just hope that when Lan asks for help from his brother, he can spare no effort to help me."

Gongshu Jiruo looked at her deeply, and after a while, Fang said: "If this is what you wish."

Knowing that once his parents moved out, Gongshu Jiruo would definitely not refuse, but before Gongshulan showed his smile completely, Gongshu Jiruo said again: "Gongshulan, do you know that what you spend is what your parents took? The merits and deeds accumulated in a lifetime?"

Gong Shulan's expression froze on her face, she trembled her eyelashes and lowered her eyes.

"Lan made a mistake, she knows it's wrong, but... Lan doesn't regret it."

Gongshu Jiruo said, "Regret or not, let's talk about it later."

However, even if you regret it, it is too late.


Zheng Quchi and Yu Wensheng came home together. Brother Sang had already heard the news that the laborers and stonemasons in Guijialing would be returning home from vacation today, so he rushed out to greet him when he heard the door open.

He was leaning on a crutch, and when he saw Zheng Quchi changed back into women's clothes, with a smile on his face and everything was fine, he criticized a few words with joy and anger.

"You, for so long, you only know how to ask someone to take a message, but you don't know how to go home and take a look?"

Looking at her brother's energetic expression, Zheng Quchi knew that apart from worrying about her, everything should go well during this time.

"Brother, am I busy? Look, what did I buy for you and Yaomei? By the way, where is Yaomei?"

"She went out to play with other children, what did she buy again? It's a waste of money."

"Huh? Go out to play, Yaomei is not afraid of people anymore?"

"In the past, other children always bullied her, so she was afraid of people. Now you... your second brother is doing well. I heard from others that he has worked hundreds of jobs. Isn't it that everyone coaxes her, and the children also treat her well?" If you are kind, she will naturally be willing to go out and play."

Second brother?

Oh, isn't "Second Brother" just her?

"Well, it's good to go out and play with peers more, so as not to be bored at home."

Although Yaomei's brain is not very bright, but fortunately she is young, and the other children are probably a little bit smarter than her, so it is not a big problem.

When Yu Wensheng heard the "Second Brother" they mentioned, he thought it was "Sang Xuanqing". It seems that Zheng Quchi is really "Sang Xuanqing"'s sister.

He deliberately asked: "Qu Chi, tomorrow is New Year's Eve, why hasn't your second brother come back?"

Zheng Quchi and Brother Sang were immediately stopped by questions.

The two of them looked at each other secretly, and Zheng Quchi laughed and said, "He...he must have gone to do some business, and he probably will be back soon. Speaking of my second brother, he doesn't go home all the year round, and sometimes we can't figure him out for sure. whereabouts."

This sentence is also in line with the characteristics of "Sang Xuanqing" as a meticulous worker. At this moment, he will pass on information to "Julu Kingdom", and at the next moment he will be an internal response to "Mohist". In order to get things done.

"That's it."

Yu Wensheng nodded, as if he accepted the answer well.

Zheng Quchi hastily changed the subject: "Brother, have you bought anything for the holidays? I don't buy much here. If there is anything missing, I will go back tomorrow. Let me tell you, the county has raised my monthly payment. Let’s have a great year this year.”

"Is there anything missing? Go to the kitchen and see that you want to eat bacon. I specially asked Hei Ming to buy and smoke a pig. I also bought ten laying hens. Ten chicks were kept in bamboo pens. In the future, just eat more meat to make up for it, so as not to keep complaining that you are short because you didn't eat good things."

"One, a pig?! Brother, you are really extravagant, but...thank you, brother, your legs and feet are inconvenient, so it's hard work to prepare so many things."

"It's all up to you to talk less in the family... Second brother earned money this year, okay, okay, let's not talk about it, I'm all wet, I boiled the water for you, hurry to wash After washing, I will also find you a change of clothes and hang them in the bathroom."

Although this bathroom sounds quite tall, it is actually a bathing place of about three square meters.

When Zheng Quchi was repairing the house, he paid great attention to bathing and going to the toilet. He didn't want to drag a bucket to the room to soak every time he took a bath like others, or take a ladle to wash himself in the open air on a hot day.

She specially opened up a bathroom, which is convenient for taking a bath or taking a shower. The main reason is that it is more concealed and the door can be locked.

At first, the elder brother thought that she was full of whimsy, and he thought it was too troublesome to fix another bathroom, but he has always been used to her, and she can do whatever she wants, and now they are used to taking a shower in the bathroom next to the kitchen .

Because she deliberately cut a small hole in the wall of the kitchen, and a bamboo tube was embedded in the hole to connect the two sides of the kitchen and the bathroom. It is very convenient to pour hot water directly into the tub from the kitchen without having to lift it.

As soon as he returned home from exhaustion, he could take a comfortable soak in a hot bath. Zheng Quchi had no choice but to sigh - it's good to have a big brother to take care of him.

"Brother, please cook another pot, Fengmian can also soak it in a while."

Thinking of Liu Fengmian who suffers from cold hands and feet all the year round, if he can take a bath in his body, he will sleep more comfortably that night.

Liu Fengmian, who had been neglected by the siblings, stood silently by the side. Now that he heard Zheng Quchi's words, he was more than happy to bend his lips and smile at Brother Sang, who had always looked at him disliked.

Brother Sang replied naturally: "Anyway, you are husband and wife, and the bathtub is big enough, so just go clubbing together."

Zheng Quchi: "..." Brother, do you really know what you are talking about? !
Yu Wensheng: "..." This suggestion sounds quite reasonable.

When Brother Sang saw them, his expression was unnatural, as if there was something unspeakable, but he thought about it again, it seems that Ruler has been busy helping the county to repair the city wall recently. This is a major event, which is related to the safety of the entire county. Pregnant at this time.

Oh, it's because he didn't think carefully.

Because I was anxious to hug my nephew, I ignored this point.

He immediately changed his words: "Forget it, let me go to boil the water. It's really inconvenient for two people to squeeze together."

Zheng Quchi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Her brother didn't know that they were still a plastic couple just chatting under a quilt. If he found out about this, a person with his traditional temperament would definitely get anxious with her.

She raised her eyes and glanced at Liu Fengmian.

If he felt something, he also turned his head and "looked" in her direction. Under the lamp, the beauty's face was so beautiful and snow-white, it was quite shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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