Chapter 87

Seeing the Crazy Horse rushing towards him, Zheng Quchi desperately told Yu Wensheng to run quickly, run to the side, and find obstacles to avoid.

But seeing her yelling hoarsely and her mouth dry, it happened that the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuchs were in a hurry.

Yu Wencheng turned around leisurely, he was calm and composed, with an incomprehensible smile on his mouth.

Was he dumbfounded by fright, or he was out of his mind!
Hooves churned, mane flew, Crazy Horse leaped into the air, and that huge and heavy black shadow enveloped Yu Wencheng...

Just when everyone was so frightened that they wanted to close their eyes subconsciously, believing that the slender young man on the road would be trampled into a pulp by the horse's hoof, the situation took a turn for the worse, and only heard a mournful and elongated neigh...

Alas?This piercing and high-pitched scream doesn't sound like it came from a human mouth, does it?

They widened their eyes, and under completely unexpected circumstances, they saw the crazy horse running like a storm, its feet slipped suddenly, and it roared to the sky. It fell heavily on the ground, making a huge knocking sound.

There was only a "click", and the crooked head showed a twisted state.

It pawed the soil with its hooves weakly and convulsively, screaming "咴咴" in its mouth, getting lower and lower until there was no more sound.

Just... what happened?
Isn't Crazy Horse attacking passers-by?
Why, that "passer-by" stood there perfectly, not stained with dust, with a languid and noble character, but the horse that suddenly went crazy broke its neck in front of him and chose to commit suicide?
The surroundings fell into a shocking silence for a moment, spreading silently, but there was a vague sense of tension, anxiety and darkness brewing around.

Master Li knew that it was he who made the move.

However, no one could see when and how he moved his hands.

Including Master Li himself.

It's a pity... Master Li still can't confirm whether the fact that Liu Fengmian suffers from eye disease is true or not after this trial.

But it's been a long time since he met an opponent who made him want to stop, and today he insisted on showing Liu Fengmian his original form in front of Zheng Quchi.

If this plan fails, then try another one.

There is a string of silverware pinned to his waist to decorate the hem. It is shaped like a wheat ear, but it is not a whole, but is strung together one by one. It is very unique and exquisite, with exquisite craftsmanship.

But that's not the point, when Master Li picked it up and shook it gently in the air, there would be a crisp sound of "jingling".

Moreover, it can also produce sounds with different emphasis according to the strength and angle.

Yu Wensheng's ears trembled, and he caught the sound coming from the air. In the next second, his gloomy and hairy gaze was accurately positioned on Li Shi's body.

Master Li raised his eyes leisurely, and stopped moving.

In the next second, someone from upstairs "ding ding ding" sprinkled a handful similar to barbed wire, but smaller, like blossoming "dandelions", and the slender needles were thrown on the ground in a large area .

Zheng Quchi also recovered from the surprise of Crazy Horse's "suicide" just now. She raised her head a little too late, and saw a suspicious figure at the entrance of a staircase on the side of the street, turning into the inner room in an instant, and then disappeared.

what the hell?Why is that man throwing these things?
Just when she was suspicious, the kind-hearted aunt who pulled her before suddenly changed her expression behind her back.

Her dark eyes were glued to Zheng Quchi's back, and she leaped up from behind.

She took out a dagger from her waist and pressed it against Zheng Quchi's neck. The set of actions was smooth and clean, without giving anyone a chance to react or evade.

"Get out of the way, everyone out of the way!"

As soon as the aunt's act of abducting and threatening, especially the sharp dagger in her hand, the people around immediately dispersed, leaving a large open space for only the two of them.

Seeing that the flow of people in front of her had dispersed, the big-armed aunt raised her chin to Liu Fengmian in front of her, and shouted, "Listen, man in fox fur, if you want your wife to live, you should go to the court immediately." I'm coming over here!"

"Hey, hey, auntie, what are you doing?"

It was the first time that Zheng Quchi was compared to the neck with a knife, and his heart almost jumped into his throat.

It's New Year's Eve, it's fine for a horse to run wildly in the street without restraint, but now people are also stimulated?
"Let her go."

Seeing that Zheng Quchi was caught, Yu Wensheng was sure that Teacher Li secretly arranged to create "trouble", so he allowed Zheng Quchi to be taken away from the wrong place, but now he was a little afraid to gamble.

What he wants to target is himself, and he shouldn't use Zheng Quchi as a weapon. If someone else is in the way, his blind self-confidence and carelessness may harm Zheng Quchi.

"Let her go, of course. If you really care about your wife, then come straight over and let me see your sincerity?" The aunt asked coldly.

"Who are you and why do you do this kind of thing? You don't even know the names of our husband and wife?" Yu Wensheng still smiled at each other.

It was like wearing an extremely hypocritical mask. For some reason, when the aunt stared at this face, her heart shuddered.

"Who said I don't know, I have a deep hatred with you, in short... I will say dozens of times, if you refuse to come over, I will kill her!"




Zheng Quchi looked down from Yu Wensheng's body, and glanced at the hidden weapon covered with burrs and needles on the ground. He couldn't see it. If he really listened to the bad guy and walked over, wouldn't it be——

Zheng Quchi finally understood the purpose of the man who threw the hidden weapon on the ground before. She panicked and was about to speak to remind Liu Fengmian, but her mouth was tightly covered by the impatient aunt.


The aunt frowned, trying to shut her up: "Don't you want to know how important you are to your husband? As long as he is willing to suffer, you can get what you want."

The two of them looked newly married and immature at first glance, she didn't believe that this little black girl would not care about these things.

Zheng Quchi shook his head vigorously: No!

The aunt was surprised, and continued to magnify her tricks: "You don't want to know, is he really suffering from eye disease with the veil covering his eyes, or is he cheating your sympathy? Let me tell you, this man is not keeping his duty at first sight, The husband and son-in-law who lives in a stable home, he absolutely hides his darkest and most ulterior side from you."

The little black girl didn't see it, and she would never misjudge the feeling of the opponent's pair of tricks falling on her just now, it was a look that killed people like hemp and regarded human life like nothing.

Zheng Quchi glared at her, then continued to shake his head vigorously: No!In no mood!
Seeming to understand the meaning expressed in Zheng Quchi's eyes, the aunt gasped, looking at her was like looking at that disappointing love brain, the top of her head was almost smoking with anger.

It's really not oily and salty, so stupid and stupid!
"You really don't want to take a look at the person in your eyes, showing his truest side without reservation in front of you?"

If Zheng Quchi hadn't been concerned about the sharp dagger around his neck, he would really have wanted to beat her back.

What do you think, who does she think she is?

Even if you want to, you will never go this way.

Who are they?

Did they think that they could brainwash her into cooperating with them obediently, obeying their advice, and plotting against Liu Fengmian together because they seemed to have some shady secrets about Liu Fengmian?
I bother.

Her mind is absolutely clear.

There were indeed many problems between her and him, but they could only be regarded as internal conflicts.

But who were they to her?


Seeing that she was really stubborn and stubborn, she was so angry that she was itchy, and wanted to give her some real lessons to scare her, but she caught a glimpse of the leader's cold warning eyes from the corner of her eye, and she trembled. , I could only hold back my breath.

No, I can't hold back anymore, she wants to take all her anger on the man who offended the leader.

The auntie covered Zheng Quchi's mouth tightly with one hand, and gestured with the dagger at her throat with the other hand: "Six! If you don't want to come over, just wait to collect your wife's body!"

Yu Wensheng was [-]% sure that she would not actually kill Zheng Quchi, but what if it was to vent her anger?
He couldn't guarantee it.

The eyes under the veil met Zheng Quchi's eyes, and she desperately shook her head at him with an expression of urgency. Even though she knew that he was "invisible", she still wanted to make him feel her objection through big movements.

"Quchi, don't move, just wait there obediently."

The gentle yet firm voice stunned Zheng Quchi, and a stream of warm thick liquid flowed out from her neck. This was a gash she had inadvertently scratched by a sharp object when she was struggling and twisting just now.

Seeing the knife resting on Zheng Quchi's neck shining brightly like this, the blood dripping from the cut made Yu Wencheng's bloodthirsty emotion well up in his brain.

His heartbeat quickened, killing intent surged rapidly through his blood vessels, blood filled the eyes of the gorilla, and his breathing gradually became rapid.

Covering his face with a pale, veined palm, he tried his best not to lose control, not to show Yu Wensheng's crazy and demented killing appearance.

...can't scare her.


Must endure.

"it is good."

He took a step.

Another step.

Could he not know what was in front of him?

The smile overflowing from the corner of his mouth twisted and expanded, and his crimson lips were blood-stained, cold and perverted.

Taking another step, he stepped on the hidden weapon as expected, but he was still smiling, and the pain turned into another kind of pleasure.

After a dozen or so steps, blood oozed from the soles of his feet, and red footprints were printed on the ground one after another.

He didn't stop, even though the blood was dripping, even though the blood had already formed a long string of footprints along the way, he still stood firm and walked towards Zheng Quchi.

Master Li stared blankly, but he didn't expect him to step on the "ground needle" and walk over without avoiding it.

Although the "ground needles" spread over a large area, they are not densely packed. If normal people can see them, they can easily avoid the location of hidden weapons and choose a safe open space to walk.

But he didn't do that, but like a blind man, he didn't avoid every step...

When Zheng Quchi saw the long string of bloody footprints, his eyes were sore and red, and his eyes opened wide.

It is estimated that every step he took was pierced by a hidden weapon through the sole of the shoe, penetrated into the flesh and then pulled out, repeated torture, how painful it must be!
Zheng Quchi bit hard on the palm of the aunt's mouth covering her mouth, and when she was caught off guard by the pain and evacuated, she choked up and shouted to Liu Fengmian loudly.

"Feng Mian, stop, don't go!"

She was furious, she turned her head, because of her height, her head hit the aunt's nose, while she was dizzy and nosebleed, she ran towards Liu Fengmian.

Zheng Quchi's cruelty like a wolf cub really scared the aunt, she held her bleeding nose and hesitated, but let her run away.

damn it!
Yu Wensheng didn't expect that Zheng Quchi would save himself first, regardless of his own danger, without waiting for him to save him.

She came galloping, Yu Wencheng was afraid that she would be hurt by a hidden weapon, so he sped up to meet her, and finally took her small body into his arms.

"Didn't I tell you not to run away?"

"Anyway, they are all injured, so I don't care about a few more blows, but you, running here like this, aren't you afraid of pain?"

"Why does it hurt..." She buried her head in his arms, and said in a muffled voice, "It's you who hurt, you still hug me because you think you haven't hurt enough..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was already fainted by Yu Wensheng's acupuncture.

Because he was afraid of letting her continue, he estimated that the anger and killing intent that had just surged up in him would be soaked into a puddle of spring water, and he just wanted to hold her like this and do nothing.

"Want to escape?"

When the aunt heard a cold and smiling voice behind her, her scalp exploded, and she immediately clenched her dagger and waved her arm reflexively.

However, in the next second, her hand bones were pinched in mid-air and crushed by life. The intense pain caused her blood to fade instantly, and her whole body swayed.

But she stubbornly didn't say a word, but stared at Yu Wensheng with eyes that implied fear and shock.

"You... who are you?"

"Do you deserve to know?"

Yu Wensheng held Zheng Quru, who was lying softly in his arms, with one hand, and the other was like a tide, breaking her neck.

The aunt slipped and fell to the ground, dying with her eyes wide open.

Yu Wensheng hugged Zheng Quchi with both arms, and walked over the corpse on the ground, blood was still oozing from the soles of his feet, but if he asked others to watch, no one could see a trace of pain from his face.

He walked in the direction of Master Li, and some hidden people around him started to move, and the tension was about to break out, but Master Li shook the bell lightly to stop all the changes.

Standing in front of Master Li, Yu Wensheng asked with a good temper: "You arranged all of this?"

Master Li didn't look at him, but stared at Zheng Quchi who lay unconscious in his arms: "What arrangement?"

"Whether you admit it or not..." Yu Wencheng smiled gently, but in contrast to that was the gorgeous, almost wild and violent killing intent: "The result is actually the same."

Since he saw what he shouldn't see, Yu Wensheng naturally couldn't keep him.

Master Li directly sensed the evil aura directed at him, and when he raised his eyes to look at each other, he couldn't help breaking out a layer of cold sweat behind his back.

Yu Wensheng was about to make a move to see if he could lure out more "worms", but a stray bullet from nowhere hit the sole of Zheng Quchi's foot.

Suddenly, a strong soreness awakened her from a coma, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Then, for no reason, she saw herself being caught between Liu Fengmian and Master Li.

Zheng Quchi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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