Chapter 89 Ghost Eye Fu Rong
"Uncle Mu, what are you standing here looking at in a daze? Have you bought the pot you said you wanted to choose?"

Wei Yao squeezed people away from the other side, and trotted over with gift bags of various sizes.

"What's the rush? You ran to my house to eat and drink, what's the matter, are you not happy to ask you to buy some door-to-door gifts?"

Wei Yao shrugged, and said indifferently: "Who is not happy? Buy it if you buy it. If it weren't for the general not allowing us... Forget it, I have to go somewhere. I really have to go to your house for dinner, mainly Your wife is too long-winded, and every time I hear her explain the truth, I can't help but doze off."

"No, I'll talk about these things later, I may be a little dizzy recently, please help me take a look, that person... is it our general?"

Mu Ke hissed his eyes and pointed in one direction.


As soon as Wei Yao heard it, his spirits were refreshed in an instant.

He looked in the direction Mu Ke was pointing at, but because the passing crowd blocked his view, he only vaguely saw a piece of blue clothes passing by.

He couldn't help but move a few steps to the side, and now he can see it unobstructed.

On the spacious bluestone road, a petite and slender woman was hugging a tall man, avoiding the crowd and running forward. This scene deeply shocked his eyeballs.

Wei Yao looked very surprised.

He has seen men hugging women, adults hugging children, and young people hugging old people, but this is the first time he has witnessed a woman who looks so weak and petite, hugging a big man in a shocking way, and still has the strength to run...

Did she secretly take the Dali pill, or did she practice jacking skills?

But if you practice jacking skills, both men and women will grow mighty muscles. Kirin arms and a strong inverted triangle are standard equipment, and it is absolutely impossible to maintain such a girly figure.

That's why he was even more surprised and incomprehensible.

No, he is not the only one who thinks this way, basically all the people around who saw this scene couldn't help but turn their heads and stop, stunned.

For some reason, Wei Yao always felt that this little girl's back looked somewhat familiar...

"Zebang, come here, and see what it is!"

Wang Zebang had just picked and picked a wolf brush, but before he had time to pay, he was snatched away by Wei Yao who suddenly appeared.

He looked worried, and was about to ask him what he was going to do when he suddenly became nervous, but Wei Yao hurriedly pulled him to the street, pointing to the front: "Look, that little girl may be our wife, I don't know where she came from." What's the matter, she is running wildly in the street with the general in her arms!"

Maybe others can't recognize people just by some "blind man feeling the elephant" characteristics, but who is he, he is a follower who grew up with the general since he was a child.

He dared to guarantee that the man was definitely a general.

And to be able to get so close to the general, and make the general not resist, not kill him, and let the other party tell him to hug him with embarrassment, besides his wife, he really can't think of anyone else who has this kind of " strength".

Wei Yao has mixed emotions, both surprised, strange, and excited.

Since there are so many slots in this sentence, Wang Zebang didn't know which word to start complaining about, so he could only stand up and scold.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The general is being hugged by his wife? Did you get overwhelmed and say something wrong?"

"No, whoops, they have gone far away, hurry up and chase after them!"

At this time, Mu Ke also picked up his small pot of kumquat tree and walked over: "Yes, yes, hurry up! I saw the general's feet... It seemed to be bleeding, maybe he was injured, so Madam hugged him. ?”

The general's foot was injured... What is it? The injured part is really puzzling. What kind of enemy sneak attack or plot is this, so that all the injuries are concentrated on the sole of the foot?
Seeing that they were chatting in earnest, Wang Zebang also stared intently at the past, but saw nothing, but the reaction of the passers-by was a little strange, and they all stopped by the side of the road, as if they had just seen something strange Did not come back to God.

"Zebang, don't be dazed, hurry up and chase after him."

Wei Yao didn't let Wang Zebang waste time, took the small potted plant from Uncle Mu's hand, grabbed the man with one hand and chased after him.

"Hey, if it's really the general and his wife, wouldn't you be secretly finding out about the general if you tracked them down like this?"

"Who said that?" Wei Yao narrowed his fox eyes with a smile, and blinked slyly: "We obviously just happened to meet in Fu County, how can it be called tracking?"

Wang Zebang rolled his eyes at him: "I heard that being too curious is not a good thing?"

"But if there is no curiosity, wouldn't that person live forever as a pool of stagnant water? Don't worry, let's be careful, just look at what the general's wife looks like, why the general was injured, and whether it is the same as before. It’s related to the horse running away, don’t you worry about the general’s injury?”

But Wang Zebang was not fooled by him: "If the general is really seriously injured, the hidden guards will definitely send out the report, but everything is quiet at the moment, and it seems to be fine. You are clearly afraid of the general's embarrassment. Pull me in to share the risk."

"It's good that you know. Now that you're on my thief ship, you still want to get off? It's too late."

Mu Ke turned his head and signaled to them: "Okay, you two stop chatting, focus on following people, don't lose track of you in a while, and don't follow too closely, disturbing the solitude of the general and his wife."


Zheng Quchi has always been busy, so she seldom wanders the main streets of Fu County to find her way. For now, the route she is most familiar with is to go to the clothing store.

She also knew a pharmacy, and speaking of it, she could remember this pharmacy because Liu Fengmian wanted to dismiss her because of the "task" and deliberately lied that she had an eye disease.

At that time, she foolishly believed it, so she stopped passers-by and asked for a long time, and then she found a place to grab a pair of traditional Chinese medicine for Liu Fengmian.

When she came to the "Baozhi Pharmacy", she saw a drug boy by the counter who was lowering his head to grab the medicine, so she hurried forward and asked, "Yao boy, where is your doctor?"

The fifteen or six-year-old drug boy raised his head and saw Zheng Quchi and Yu Wencheng who was holding her, his eyes widened: "You guys are..."

Ignoring his surprised expression, she directly put forward her appeal: "My husband's foot is injured, please call your doctor to come out to see a doctor."

"Oh, okay, wait a minute..." He walked halfway, then turned his head again: "You can take your husband to the cubicle and sit down first, and I will call the doctor right away."

He quickly turned into the back hall, Zheng Quchi heard the words, found the cubicle of the pharmacy, and carefully put Yu Wencheng down.

He had closed his eyes to rest, but when she put him down on the chair, he slowly opened them.


"It's here, you have to bear it a little longer."

"I don't hurt."

Zheng Quchi pursed his lips.

No wonder it doesn't hurt.

She was not in the habit of wearing a handkerchief, so she just rolled up her sleeves, moved closer to him, and wiped off the thin layer of sweat on his forehead bit by bit.

He raised his eyes vainly, staring at her face through the red veil.

In fact, there was more sweat on her face, but she didn't have time to wipe it off for herself, she was only busy taking care of him.

"Are you...are you feeling sorry for me?" He seemed to be unfamiliar with this feeling.

Zheng Quchi paused, then sighed.

"Yeah, can't you?"

Hearing the words, Yu Wensheng carefully discerned the authenticity of her words, and after confirming, he slowly showed a flawless smile like a white lotus: "I enjoy your heartache very much, if I get hurt again next time, I will Will you feel sorry for me any more?"

"I'm sick." Zheng Quchi snorted and scolded him with a smile: "Forget it this time, how can anyone expect to be injured again next time?"

Of course there are.

he is the one.

Yu Wensheng thought silently.

If he was fine, she would probably be distracted by other people or things, and would not be able to concentrate on him like she is now.

"I'm coming."

The drug boy opened the curtain of the compartment, and quickly brought a middle-aged man wearing a square hat and a thick gray-green jacket over.

Zheng Quchi hurriedly stood up, and when she looked back at the middle-aged man's attire, she knew that it was a doctor from this pharmacy.

She briefly described the injury to him: "Mr. Lang, my husband's foot was injured, and he bled a lot..."

"Wait a minute, lady."

The doctor pressed down with his hand, indicating that she didn't need to worry about telling too much, he would judge the injury by himself.

When his slightly arrogant eyes fell on the wounded Yu Wencheng, his pupils froze for a moment, and he stared stupidly at him for a second, but soon he returned to his original state.

It's just that when he spoke again, his voice tightened somewhat: "I'll take a good look at it for him."

"Then trouble the doctor."

Zheng Quchi stepped back and let him go forward.

However, the doctor suddenly made a suggestion at this time: "I saw that your husband's shoes are all punctured and full of blood. Ma'am, why don't you go buy some for your husband while I'm in the middle of my diagnosis and treatment?" Some new shoes and socks instead?"

Zheng Quchi's gaze also landed on Liu Fengmian's bloody shoes. It was indeed as the doctor said, but she was a little worried about leaving him here alone.

Just when she was hesitating, she heard Liu Fengmian say: "Qu Chi, you go, I'm fine here alone."

Now that he said so, Zheng Quchi nodded: "Okay, I'll go right away. You are here to heal your foot injury first, wait for me, I'll be back right away after I buy something."

"it is good."

Seeing that he followed her voice and found her position, he smiled at her obediently and gently.

Zheng Quchi moved with his heart, and leaned forward to give him a rewarding sip on his forehead.

"Thank you for being so brave to walk towards me before."

Yu Wencheng's breathing was in vain for a moment.

And Zheng Quchi left after thanking her, but he was still staring at the direction where her back disappeared.

Lang Zhong waited for Zheng Quchi to leave, and after sending out the medicine boy, his face became solemn, and he bowed and knelt down.

"Fu Rong is here and met the general."

Yu Wensheng's expression remained unchanged: "When did you arrive in Fu County?"

The doctor raised his head, his face was obviously a middle-aged man, but it showed the vigor and heartiness of young people: "It's a coincidence, I just changed my skin and planned to arrange an identity for myself, and then go to the camp to report, but I didn't want to run into the general, I was shocked just now, especially since the general was accompanied by a little girl..."

Speaking of this, he recalled the scene that shocked him just now, and slowly stopped talking, contemplating.

"Fu Rong, besides what the general told you to pay attention to, if your eyes dare to look at other things that you shouldn't see, the general will take them out and feed them to the dogs, understand?"

Fu Rong was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he said with a bitter face, "Don't... General, I just thought... the little girl just now seemed a little strange, so I took a few more glances. There's nothing left."

"That's my wife."

Yu Wensheng's murderous gaze made Fu Rong understand his seriousness.

"The general's wife——" Fu Rong's eyes widened suddenly, his mind seemed to be in confusion, and he stammered, "Wife, wife?! The general is married? What about Princess Sheng'an?"

Yu Wencheng lowered his eyes casually, bent his lips into a smile, and the world turned pale: "Oh~ I don't care if she dies."

Fu Rong: "..."

General, can you stop laughing so wickedly and harmlessly when you scold someone?

"What do you think is strange about Madam?"

"...It's not surprising, but Ma'am seems to have raised her shoes, and applied black paint on the exposed parts of her face and hands. Her real skin color should not be so dark, and I just looked at the small piece of skin behind her ear. ... Cough, it's because of the uneven skin color of the wife that I can judge this, and..."

Yu Wensheng's eyes were very quiet, but there seemed to be some tidal darkness: "What else?"

It turned out that she actually made these disguises in private.

Although he knew that this kind of speculation would be detrimental to the relationship between Madam and the general, Fu Rong couldn't hide the key thing: "Madam should have Xunliao blood, her eyes are not black from Ye Kingdom, but light from a foreign land." brown."

"You mean she has nomad blood in her?"

The corner of Fu Rong's mouth twitched.

General, you were not like this before.

You usually call people a nomadic savage and a two-legged beast. Now that you hear that your wife may have the blood of a nomadic savage, how did you become so civilized?

Sure enough, the general of their family must have had a belated spring heart, he had already seen it secretly just now.

The little girl's eyes are clear, but if she teases her so casually, the soul of their general almost ran away with her...

As a subordinate, he never dreamed that one day their general would show such a "pure" side on a woman.

In the past, if he was asked to imagine that the general would care so much about a person, he would feel that this is an impossible thing to happen.

But still feels quite magical, he thought, this must be acting.

Fu Rong thought about it for a while, but he wasn't sure: "Actually, it's not necessarily true. Except for the nomads... people, there are actually a small number of people in the Central Plains who have such eye color."

"Other than that, what else do you see?"

Fu Rong didn't quite understand what the general meant: "General, I hope the humble officer can see something else?"

Hearing this, the general seems to have other doubts about his wife, but he is not a roundworm in the general's stomach, and he and his wife have met by chance, how can he see through it at a glance?

What exactly does the general want to know, why can't he just give him instructions?
(End of this chapter)

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