Chapter 98
Mu Ke said again: "Actually, on the second day of junior high school, my aunt and I wanted to come to bother you, but we had to go back to deal with the emergency work. No, I didn't have time to go to your house and visit you. Your parents."

Seeing his heart-to-heart confiding in such a way, Zheng Quchi couldn't force himself to make each other's hearts stiff.

She squeezed the string of the medicine bag, and said with a gentle smile, "Uncle Mu, it's okay, we will have such opportunities in the future."

Mu Ke sighed with a smile: "Yes, in the future, there will be more opportunities."

At this time, Zheng Quchi's heart was moved, and a flash of determination flashed in his clear eyes.

She took out the letter that she had planned to write long ago from her bosom: "...I want to trouble Uncle Mu with something. When you go to the camp tomorrow, can you give this letter to Brother Wei for me."

Zheng Quchi knew that Mu Ke would go to the resident camp for business every now and then, and she was not sure if she was being secretly monitored by the Yapai, so she could only rely on Mu Ke to make this trip.

Mu Ke took it and looked it over a little bit. There was a thin piece of paper sandwiched between two pieces of thick blue paper, and there was no red mud to seal it, and there was no opening statement on the cover.

"You guys always tell me to turn things around, and I seem to be so idle?" Mu Ke pretended to complain.

He thought it was a thank-you speech for Weiyao's last trip to deliver the soft bone surgery manual, and she was too embarrassed to go there in person, so he asked himself to be a bridge builder, so that he could let go of the past and settle the past.

Zheng Quchi's eyes flickered, curved like a moon, and said softly, "Just trouble Uncle Mu, I have something else to do, can't I be busy? I brought some home-made snacks for Uncle Mu, you can bring some home for you." Let's try it, auntie."

"Okay, did your Uncle Mu say that you don't agree?" Seeing that Qu Chi brought two small bundles of bundled snacks, he didn't want to please her, and said with a smile: "You have a heart, it just so happens that your aunt has not had a good appetite recently. , you can just use some of these fresh snacks."


Before Mu Ke left, Zheng Quchi always felt that he had missed something, so he stopped him again: "The letter..."

At this time, a panting craftsman ran from the side. He wiped the sweat from his head and said anxiously: "Sanggong, the city wall just repaired by Chushan has loosened the gray joints. I am afraid that the construction process will be delayed. Luogong and Fan The worker told you to hurry over there."

Zheng Quchi's face changed slightly. This matter is no small matter. She responded: "Okay, I'll go there right away."

Mu Ke saw that she was busy with fortifications, so he understood and said: "Ah Qing, don't worry, uncle will not forget what you told me, you should hurry up."

"Well, Uncle, go slowly, I'll go first."

Mu Ke nodded and waved to her.

"Okay, don't send it away, go quickly."


The loosening of the mortar joints has finally been thoroughly investigated. This is because some craftsmen acted sloppily and roughly, and the cement mortar joints were not solid, resulting in loosening and falling off.

This kind of thing must not be tolerated. According to her request, even if the craftsmen add some processing, this part must be done again.

As for those who were perfunctory in the fortification work, she asked the workers to let them go home after paying their wages, but the workers felt that releasing the craftsmen involved in this way was too cheap for them, and they needed to be punished separately.

I thought that she, the Sang trade union, which has always treated the craftsmen as fellow citizens, objected, but Zheng Quchi kept silent about this, and handed over the punishment to the workman to deal with it according to the rules.

State-owned state laws, family rules.

People have to take responsibility for what they have done, whether it is her or others, it is the same.

After late at night, Zheng Quchi returned to the residence rubbing her sore shoulder and neck. As soon as she opened the door...

Then I saw that in the room, I had been waiting for a long time.

Her face darkened instantly.

The wronged souls linger.

As soon as they met, he pulled her into the room and closed the door.

Zheng Quchi subconsciously tightened his body, shook his hand, and moved away from him immediately.

"Why are you here again?"

Seeing that she avoided him so much, he made a mistake in the back of his teeth.

But soon, he shook off these unnecessary unhappy emotions, and asked directly: "What you said is true? After ten days, oh, no, one day has passed, and nine days later Yuwen Sheng will bring His personal troops left the camp?"

"Wei Yao said so, but I'm not sure." Zheng Quchi said lightly.

Ya pondered: "Indeed, in case there is a fraud, I will go to check the exact situation. If this matter is confirmed, then this will be a great chance of rescue."

"what ever."

Seeing her indifferent attitude, I squinted my eyes, took a deep breath to suppress the rising anger: "Zheng Quchi, before you completely left the Mohist family, you were still a member of our Mohist family, you really think you are Can you keep your ears shut and stay out of it?"

Zheng Quchi twitched the corners of his mouth, and laughed at himself: "Of course I know, that's why I will be your internal correspondent and send you news."

Otherwise, who cares about him.

If he didn't save Qiu, but saved other Mo family members, she probably wouldn't have intervened in this matter, although she has already started to regret it now.

Seeing her reticent attitude, Ya also got angry, and he said in a sly way: "It's good that you know, what I promised you, I won't regret it, but Zheng Quchi, you must help me rescue Qiu, if you Half-hearted, betraying me, you will not end well."

The girl looked at her with a pair of cold pupils.

At first glance, it seemed that it was just a warning, but Zheng Quchi was nervous recently, but she heard something else. She asked, "Do you want me to help you?"

Ya was quite satisfied with her intelligence and sensitivity, he said: "If the news you said is true, then I still need a complete map of the camp."

Zheng Quchi raised his eyes suddenly, and frowned: "I've already told you about the exact location of Qiu's detention, why do you still need a map of the entire Fuxian resident camp?"

Seeing the reluctance on her face, I knew she would refuse.

Therefore, he simply said something ugly at the beginning: "I don't need to worry about what I want to do with this map of the camp, but if you refuse to promise me, then you and I can only break up with each other. Not only will the Mo family make things difficult for you, but Yu Wensheng probably won't trust you any more."

Zheng Quchi looked at him coldly in vain.

She finally understood that Ya wanted her to stay with Yu Wensheng and the others even if she escaped from the Mo family one day by chance.

"Okay." She replied calmly.

Yes, the world is safe with the law of both. She wants to get rid of the entanglement of the Mo family unscathed, and also wants to gain the trust and protection of Ye Guoyu Wensheng. Perhaps she will lose both of them if she hesitates in the end.

From beginning to end, she has only one choice.

After sending her away, Zheng Quchi couldn't sleep. She walked to the top of the mountain in silence alone, and looked at the forest shrouded in night. The deep darkness made people feel frightened, and she was restless all night. .

After waiting for two days, Zheng Quchi finally saw Mu Ke, and she hurriedly chased after him: "Uncle Mu, did you help me deliver the letter to Brother Wei?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, she asked about it directly.

Mu Ke turned around, delighted, "Ah Qing?Oh, you said the letter, it should have been handed over to him. "

When Zheng Quchi heard this, his eyebrows were tensed, and he asked seriously, "Uncle Mu, what should you mean? Didn't you give the letter to him?"

Seeing that her expression was not quite right, Mu Ke suppressed the smile on his face, and explained to her: "I went that day, and it happened that he was not in the camp, and he was out on business. I waited for a day and didn't see anyone. Because I still have important matters to do in the camp, I can only hand over the letter to the general, and when Weiyao comes back, ask him to hand it over to Weiyao for me."

It turned out to be the case.

"But, he didn't come to see me." Zheng Quchi murmured.

Mu Ke hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Is there anything important written in this letter? Otherwise, when Uncle Mu returns to the camp, he will make a special trip to ask Wei Yao for you if he has received the letter." ?”

Zheng Quchi was thinking.

If Wei Yao really received her letter, why didn't he come to see her?What if he wasn't waiting for her to confirm in person?

No, he should be able to understand her current situation and danger.

If he hadn't received the letter, what about her letter?
Zheng Quchi thought to no avail, so he continued to ask: "Uncle Mu, you just said, which guard did you hand over the letter to?"

"His name is Feng Qing, and he is the general guarding the North Camp Gate. Hey, Ah Qing, where are you going?"

Halfway through the conversation, Mu Ke saw Zheng Quchi turning around to leave. He chased her for a few steps, but he could only see her back as she ran further and further away.

"I'll be back when I go."

Zheng Quchi was anxious to confirm this matter, and she didn't care whether it would arouse Ya's suspicion.

It would be fine if the letter was in the hands of Weiyao, but if it fell into the hands of others and the contents were read... She ran, but because she couldn't ride a horse, and Guijiao Ridge was not short distance from Changxuan Slope, she had to go to work first The warehouse borrows a cargo horse for emergency, as long as it is put on a cart, it can carry people...

Although it is slower than riding a horse, it is still faster than walking.


Changxunpo Station Camp

In the evening of two days ago, before Mu Ke left, he handed over the letter to a guard: "Remember, once Wei Jinwei returns to camp, you will hand over the letter to him, you understand?"

"I see."

When Mu Ke walked away, Feng Qing was stopped by a gentle and clear voice: "Feng Qing, what are you doing standing there? What are you holding in your hand?"

Feng Qing immediately turned her head, but saw a snow-white woman with a graceful orchid appearance walking towards her. When she touched her startled eyes, his cheeks flushed slightly, and he had to lower his head to cover it up.

"Miss Gongshu, this is the letter I gave to Wei Jinwei from Mu Ketuo."

Gong Shulan's eyes shimmered.


Speaking of it, he was just a lowly official, but in fact she thought that his identity was unknown, and he was quite able to speak in front of Yu Wensheng and the others.

He often came to the camp, and she had seen him occasionally when she was taking a boring walk in the camp, but his attitude towards her was very indifferent, and he often left without having a few words.

Since he can enter the resident camp at any time, why can't he say it to Weiyao face to face, and need to write such a letter to hand over to Weiyao?

No matter what you think, there seems to be a problem here.

Ever since Gong Shulan was warned by Yu Wensheng not to interfere in the research and development of camp craftsmen, she can only be like a marginal person, making connections with anyone who can speak and acting as eyes and ears.

Her freedom is within a limited range, and the people she can contact are also within a limited range. If she wants to get closer to Yu Wensheng, she may start to get close to and understand these people around him, and it is best to be able to catch some of these people. Sore feet, secrets, for her to use, even better.

She said gently to Qingfeng: "You seem to be very busy. If you still remember this matter when you patrol later, it will inevitably delay the matter. It just so happens that I also have something important to see Wei Jinwei. How about this letter?" Let me hand it over to him for you?"

When Feng Qing heard this, she hesitated: "This...isn't very good."

"Fengqing, don't you believe me? I just want to help you. You take care of me a lot on weekdays, but I have nothing to repay you. If you don't feel comfortable leaving this kind of trivial matter to me If you do it, that’s all.”

Gong Shulan lowered her charming eyes and smiled disappointedly.

Just as he was about to walk away, he heard Feng Qing's urging voice: "I, I didn't, I just didn't want to trouble Miss Gongshu."

She reflected the sunset light, the light fluttered and danced, and the gloomy twilight flowed: "It's not troublesome, it's just a matter of convenience."

Seeing her stretching out a white and slender hand, Feng Qing's heart beat wildly, and finally persuaded herself to hand over the letter to her.

At this time, the patrol captain next to him said: "Feng Qing, come on, it's time to change the guard, and we have to go to the back mountain to check before nightfall."

"Okay, I'll come right away." Feng Qing clenched the handle of the knife at her waist, waved her hand, then turned around and said to Gongshu Lan: "Miss Gongshu, Wei Jinwei will probably return to camp around the end of You, so the delivery of the letter will be a matter of time." please."

"it is good."

After handing over the letter to Gong Shulan, Feng Qing joined the team, and a group of people left the north side door and entered the back mountain.

Gong Shulan, on the other hand, walked with the letter in his hand and looked at it carefully.

When she found that the envelope was not sealed, she raised her eyebrows and smiled, opened the envelope like this, and pulled out the letter paper inside.

She spread out the letter paper, glanced at ten lines, and quickly read it.

——Brother Wei, the details are difficult to describe, everything is as follows, the Mohist killer intends to go to the camp to rescue people on the seventeenth, that is, when General Yuwen leaves the camp to inspect the barbarian border, so be on guard and be cautious.Sang Xuanqing.

The contents of the letter greatly exceeded Gong Shulan's expectations.

This letter was originally not written by Mu Ke, but sent by Sang Xuanqing to Mu Ke to the camp and handed over to Wei Yao.

It mentioned the killer of the Mohist family, and also explained that the Mohist family knew that on the [-]th day, Yu Wensheng would go to the border patrol for a long time, and the Mohist family would implement a rescue plan at that time.

She wondered, why did Sang Xuanqing know such secrets?
Whether it's the Mo family's plan, or the confidential matters such as Yu Wensheng's departure from the camp, it shouldn't be something that a small craftsman like her should know.

But right now, not only does she know everything clearly, but she also secretly asks Muke to report to Weiyao...

This matter is too weird and too strange.

Gong Shulan walked to a remote corner, twisted the jade bracelet on her white wrist, and saw that the jade bracelet looked like ordinary jewelry, but it could be split into two halves, and the inside was hollow.

(End of this chapter)

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