Here in the wild jungle.

The expected special pain did not strike, the monkey just felt that the pustules on the back of its head were leaking pus, it was hot, and the more it bleeds, the more comfortable it felt.

The eyes of the two monkeys soon became moist.

It knows that the bitter days of being abused by men in camouflage uniforms are finally over at this moment, and the story is over, and it can embrace a new life again.

And all of this was brought about by the female human in front of her.

Monkey eyes slid to look at Pei Bansheng again.

This male human being is right, he obeyed the bad master's words, took her away, and put things in her porridge, all of which were wrong.

But the female human beings treated it, not only did not retaliate with an eye for an eye, but instead, they helped it heal its wounds, help it change its status quo, and help it get rid of the dark and lightless fate of losing freedom in the past!

More and more tears filled the monkey's eyes.

Because of desperately saving Pei Bansheng, Gu Banxia's hands are still swollen, and his fingers are not very flexible.She clumsily squeezed around the pustule, this squeeze immediately made the monkey grin in pain, and instinctively wanted to break free from Pei Bansheng's control.

Perhaps because of Gu Banxia's kindness, the monkey has always been obedient and did not thump too violently, so Gu Banxia gave the monkey a favorable look and continued to squeeze.

Pei Bansheng was worried, and kept vigilant the whole time, controlling the monkey.

His eyes fell on Gu Banxia's hands and her actions, there was a hint of unnoticed distress in it.

As a result, his eyebrows frowned unconsciously.

Gu Banxia noticed it and thought he was impatient, so he speeded up.

As a result of speeding up, Pei Bansheng frowned even more.

But Gu Banxia tried to speed up, but couldn't do it.

My fingers hurt, my wrists are so sore, and my arms are so soft!

Instead, it slowed down.

Gu Banxia doesn't force herself anymore, just try her best.But he still couldn't hold back, and said softly: "It will be fine soon."

Pei Bansheng pondered for a while before he got Gu Banxia's implication.

Did she think he was impatient?So speed up the process.

Pei Bansheng panicked inexplicably, this misunderstanding is huge!
So he quickly opened his mouth to respond: "You do what you want, don't worry about me."

After finishing speaking, I felt that I was speaking too fast, and cowardly added, "I happen to have nothing to do."

If his leader was at the scene, he would definitely not be able to resist giving Pei Bansheng a meaningful and satisfying look at this moment.

What happens to be fine?Are you going to run here?The holidays that were saved up seriously, suddenly came to a mission and it was all wasted, and nothing happened.

If his competitor is on the scene, hehehe, he doesn't even need to sneer at the finale, he just doesn't need money to spray out.

Just fine?It's clearly traveling at public expense and doing private affairs at public expense. Not only is it not nothing to do, but the matter here is too big.

Fortunately, Pei Bansheng's leader was not there either.He was still enjoying himself through the communication, because this kid, after chasing a monkey, completed the task.Although he fell ill in the middle and almost lost his life by falling into the mud, but there was no danger, and in the end he caught the notorious "hunter".

Gu Banxia was really exhausted.

She glanced at Pei Bansheng strangely, and without thinking too much, she nodded to indicate that she would.

Then it really slowed down under Pei Bansheng's self-made sensory filter.

Pei Bansheng heaved a sigh of relief.

Ruifeng's eyes were soft.

Hearing Gu Banxia sigh softly, "Okay." Seeing that she withdrew her hand, her eyes fell on the monkey, observing the monkey's overall appearance and state.

Pei Bansheng also relaxed a part of his body, and his strength to control the monkey also relaxed.

He also went to see the monkeys.

Unlike Gu Banxia, ​​he focused on the monkey's pustules.

Soon, the pustule deflated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, it stuck to the fur, leaving a trace.

This is how men in camouflage uniforms tame monkeys.

If the monkey is disobedient, it will be shot with a shot of anesthesia, and then injected with toxin.After that, you need to inject antibiotics at regular intervals, or take antibiotics orally to relieve pain.Otherwise, the whole monkey would be in such pain that life would be worse than death.

Removing the pustules that grow out is only a temporary solution and a first aid method for a period of time.

The root cause is much more complicated. The first step is to take down the man in camouflage who abused monkeys and clean up from the source.

This point has been resolved.

Secondly, it takes a period of time for the decoction to recuperate. In the early stage, it is adjusted to [-]% and [-]%; in the middle period, it is changed to [-]% and [-]%. After that, it can be adjusted according to the recovery.

In a word, it will take a long time to completely cure this monkey and turn it into a healthy monkey again.

Gu Banxia breathed for a while, and when he was rested, he had the strength to say to the monkey: "Okay, your pustules have been removed, but if you want to completely remove the toxins in your body, you still need to drink many bowls of bitter medicine. Blink your eyes if you understand."

The monkey did so.

Gu Banxia tilted his head and said to Pei Bansheng: "You can let it go."

Pei Bansheng disagreed, so he didn't let go immediately.

Gu Banxia said: "You are very tired if you hold it like this."

Pei Bansheng's heart warmed up, but before letting go of the monkey, he still told the monkey: "It's okay to let you go, but if you dare to hurt her again, or hurt other people for no reason, I will make you regret coming to this world, understand ?"

The monkey blinked desperately to show that he understood and would never take the initiative to harm others again.

Only then did Pei Bansheng let go.

After the monkey regained its freedom, it didn't dare to make any big movements in front of Pei Bansheng, so it slowed down, then moved hesitantly, and turned around to look at Gu Banxia.

Then all of a sudden, he threw himself to the ground, imitating the appearance of human beings, bowed his hands, and bowed to Gu Banxia three times, then turned around and ran into the forest, and quickly disappeared.

And the moment the monkey knelt down, Pei Bansheng immediately reacted and retreated a few meters away with Gu Banxia!
When the monkey left, Gu Banxia reminded the monkey's back: "Remember to come to the bamboo house to drink medicine!"

After shouting, her strength was almost exhausted again, and her whole body was soft again.

Pei Bansheng had sharp eyes and quick hands, and quickly supported her with his hands, "Leave it alone, you have a good rest." He helped her to sit up, then rummaged through his bag, and found a box from his backpack.

Open it and pull out a wild ginseng tree inside.

"Open your mouth."

Gu Banxia leaned against the tree trunk, listless, without much energy.His eyes were only slightly opened, and he could vaguely see the tip of his nose.

Pei Bansheng handed over wild ginseng, and her nose smelled the smell of wild ginseng first, and she felt comfortable, so she opened her mouth obediently and slowly.

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