Chapter 13 Getting Points
In Gu Banxia's view, what Xu Yong said was nothing more than harshness and softness.

On her clear and beautiful face, there was a smile that was not a smile.

Xu Yong was inexplicably looked at with guilt, did she know?I often talk to women...

Hmph, sometimes he has more than one relationship, the doctor said, if he doesn't restrain himself, there is a great possibility that he will die.

But how could Gu Banxia know this?

Pei Yunmo nodded, expressing his understanding, and raised a new question: "But, you also drank two bowls of this porridge..."

Not only did he not understand, but others also did not understand.

This time, Gu Banxia was not in a hurry to answer questions.

Instead, he said to Pei Yunmo: "The exchange is over." Pei Yunmo was taken aback, is this over?
Before he could react, Gu Banxia raised his head, looked in the direction of the drone, and asked, "Director, how many points do I have now?"

The corner of the director's mouth twitched just as he was about to listen to Gu Banxia's decryption. This Gu Banxia suddenly changed so much, and he knew that he was trying to catch people's attention. Could it be that he was just pretending before?
"How much do you think?" The director pondered for a while, squinted at the data, and did not rush to tell Gu Banxia.

Gu Banxia: "One hundred points."

She looked serious.

Everyone looked at her like a monster.

Before the director said anything, the guest contestants were excited with a bang. "One hundred points?!"

Gu Banxia, ​​you really dare to think about it!
"I remember that Hu Lanlan's points are 23, ranking second from the bottom, and Gu Banxia is down one."

"Maybe because I picked up seafood, I thought the director would give me [-] points."

One by one, the eyes of Gu Banxia changed again, and their hearts were still a little flustered.

If I had known, they would also pick up seafood!
Someone in the live broadcast room asked a question, [Gu Banxia exchanged 20 points to find you, where did she get so many points? 】

[Yes, she has almost a negative score. 】

[No, she walked alone in the wilderness jungle, identified the direction, found the beach, picked up a lot of seafood, and ran like an afterimage with the seafood alone, and found other guest contestants. Should she be given points? 】

[I said before that there is Gu Banxia's patron in the program group, why don't you jump around now? 】

[Could it be that Gu Banxia offended someone more powerful, some people couldn't see it, put pressure on the program team and director, right? 】

[Wow, there are so many shady scenes in this show, boycott it! 】

The guest contestants stared at the drone with the same hatred.

As long as the director dares to give Gu Banxia a hundred points, it is unfair and there is a secret operation.

They will boycott!
Even Pei Yunmo kept silent temporarily because he was concerned about everyone's emotions and thoughts.He also didn't expect that Gu Banxia would suddenly change the subject and go to ask the director about points.

It is obviously not a wise move to ask for points now.

But he had no position to dissuade her.

The director's voice came through the drone, "There is no 60 points, a total of [-] points."

Just kidding, give Gu Banxia [-] points at once, and the other guest contestants must not fall out, so should he continue to do this show?
Gu Banxia raised his eyebrows, and said in a calm voice, "60 points? Director, are you short?"

Everyone was stunned.

Wow, I haven't seen you for a long time, did Gu Banxia eat a bear's heart and a leopard's gall?Dare to question the director!
Before the director could speak, the other guest contestants said, "Sixty points! Gu Banxia can get sixty points for picking up seafood?!"

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have set up a shelter with Film Emperor Pei." Only those who set up a shelter got ten points.As for Gu Banxia, ​​he can get [-] points just for picking up seafood.

"Director, this isn't fair."

"I'm asking for a recalculation."

"Yes, I also ask for a recalculation!"

Everyone was unbalanced and aggrieved.

The director sneered.

What's the matter, seeing Gu Banxia dare to question him, do you follow suit?

[The director gave [-] points to the nine guest contestants who participated in building the shelter. After sharing them by head, it is indeed pitifully small. 】

[One thing to say, Gu Banxia, ​​a girl, can't get a hundred points for the beach she found and the seafood she picked up by herself? 】

[And Gu Banxia's journey is not just looking for the beach to pick up seafood! 】

【Yup. 】

[Gu Banxia is not like that Hu Lanlan, who was sprayed with a little bit of venom from a poisonous snake, so he asked the rescue team to send him for treatment.Gu Banxia, ​​on the other hand, quickly recuperated his injured left foot by himself, using the concept of treating left disease and right treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. 】

[She also throws stones to pick fruit. 】

[There is also identification of the direction. 】

[The beach I was looking for alone. 】【Just revealed the wild fruit porridge. 】

[Is it so difficult to admit that someone is excellent? 】

Unknowingly, Gu Banxia's tap water fans have increased, and the efforts to protect Gu Banxia have also increased. The hostility that was present in the live broadcast room at the beginning has been suppressed.

The director and program team are happy to hear and see.

Especially the director, if he is selfish, he is willing to give Gu Banxia [-] points, but he needs to consider a balance issue, the guest players, the netizens in the live broadcast room, the investors...

Naturally, these guest contestants don't know about Gu Banxia's survival skills, and they are not interested in knowing. What they care about is only their own points.

Because the program ranking is based on the level of personal points.Gu Banxia is the motivator of the entire wilderness survival program family, and she has a lot of black material. She can get [-] points, so why are they less than hers?
They suspect that the program group has shady scenes.

The director coughed through the drone, "Why? Just rely on his performance. If you are not convinced, you can withdraw from the competition at any time. Our agreement is clearly written in black and white."

Even across the space, the director and the program team felt the urgency of being besieged by these guest contestants, and the hairs on their bodies stood up.

It's just that the director belongs to the old Jianghu, let alone in front of so many subordinates, of course he can't back down under coercion.

After the director's voice fell, sure enough, everyone in the program team showed excitement at him, admiring him, the director is indeed a director!

The guests were silent.

Unexpectedly, the director followed them with this trick.

This is the first day of the wilderness live broadcast. If you quit now, don't they want to lose face?

Seeing that they were all well-behaved and suppressed by his own words, the director breathed a sigh of relief and fixed his eyes on Gu Banxia.

Xiao Gu, you owe me a lot of favors. For the next survival in the wilderness, perform well and don't let me down.

You can't attack the director and the program team, but Gu Banxia, ​​it's okay, right?
The guest contestants all glared at Gu Banxia.

That look, not to mention that a person with severe social phobia like Yuanshen feels scared, even a normal person feels uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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