Chapter 131 Personal Advice
On the hot search list, the relationship between Gu Banxia and Pei Yunmo changed for the first time.

In the past, they always scolded Gu Banxia for cheating on the popularity of the new actor, but now, it is no longer the case.

Rather, the years are quiet and good, the best male and female CP of the wilderness family, the live broadcast that the audience loves most at present, and so on.

Especially after the clips of Gu Ruo and Pei Yunmo were edited, with the control group, this effect reached a new height.

Unknowingly, Pei Yunmo brought Gu Yu to the headquarters of the program group.

The entire program group was shocked, including the director.

The director knows the identity of Gu Yu, the daughter of the chairman of the Gu Group, and it is said that he came to his show to experience life.But the director is so talented, he doesn't believe it!

To experience life, you can choose the variety shows of going to the countryside, rural scenery, love, or even travel.Anyway, it is absolutely impossible to survive in the wilderness.

Because, compared to going to the countryside for variety shows, survival in the wilderness is much harder.Where can these rich ladies be used as a way of entertainment?
No matter what he thought in his heart, it didn't hinder the director's yelling, telling everyone to come over and welcome the new guest contestants.He still has to give ostentation and decency.

Hearing that a new contestant has arrived, all the staff of the program group looked at each other in blank dismay.

This scene seems a bit familiar?
By the way, I remembered that when Gu Banxia was forced in, it was like this.

It's just that when Gu Banxia came over, the director didn't pay much attention to it, and asked everyone to gather and greet her together.

Everyone's memory is still fresh. When Gu Banxia came over, the director never showed up.

In the end, a staff member couldn't see it. After hesitating again and again, he gritted his teeth and made his own opinion. He went outside to stand for a while, and received Gu Banxia who was huddled at the back.

When this staff member came back, he was immediately isolated by all his colleagues.

But now...

When everyone looked at this colleague again, their eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred!
With Xiao Gu's counterattack in the wilderness escape, his people have also risen with the tide. He has been promoted and reused by the director, and is being trained according to the position of assistant director.

The past is unbearable, I still don’t want to, let’s look at the present——

It seems that the guest contestants who came this time must have a lot of background!Everyone has a tacit understanding and understands that we should take care of this female guest named Gu Luo in the future.

Director: "Miss Gu, let me introduce you..."

After meeting each other, Gu Luo was arranged by the program group to live in the program group's headquarters.And it is the envy of everyone, a luxurious single room.

But Gu Luo obviously has his own opinion, "There's no need for the director. Like the other guest contestants, I'm here to participate in the survival competition, not for vacation. I'd better live with Actor Pei and the others."

The director was slightly taken aback when he heard this, but the eldest lady didn't see her bad habits.

He said kindly: "Alright. Then I will inform everyone to come over here first, so that everyone knows each other, and then you go over there with everyone?"

Gu Luo had no objection.

It just so happened that she could take a break while waiting for someone.

The other thing is to have a good talk with the director about the prop that the program crew arranged for Gu Banxia - Hui Jiujiu.

While the audience has not discovered the mystery, they can quickly find it out.

Don't expose it at that time, saying that the program group violated the law and abused wild animals. For the sake of program effects, they did not hesitate to harm wild animals, dye the hair of wild animals, and raise wild animals without authorization.

At that time, the program group will not only have to stop broadcasting and rectify, it is very likely that they will be fined, tears behind bars, and they will not be able to stand up again.

As for that tall clay figurine, as a staff member of the program group, he dared to accept bribes from guest contestants, publicly broadcast them in the live broadcast room, and teamed up with that hillbilly to deceive viewers and netizens. Gu Yu didn't plan to remind him now.

Instead, keep it as a handle to threaten the program team and Gu Banxia.

The director, who didn't know Gu Ruo's thoughts, was notifying everyone via drone: "Listen up, everyone, Gu Banxia has been escorted by the rescue team and returned to the bamboo house.

"Now we have a new member, who will replace Hu Lanlan. After hearing the notice, please gather at the base camp immediately if there is no emergency, come to the base camp immediately!"

In order to express grandeur, the director specially emphasized the gathering.

For the sake of Gu Luo, he also shared the news that Gu Banxia was safe and sound in advance, and did not continue to walk other guest contestants to increase traffic.

People from the entire wilderness family: ...

Except for Pei Yunmo, everyone's heads buzzed.

The first reaction was, Gu Banxia was rescued back to the bamboo house safe and sound?That would be great!Breathe a sigh of relief.They can no longer continue to look for Gu Banxia in fear.

The second reaction is that tens of thousands of wild horses trampled past in my heart, the smoke and dust billowed, and my breathing stagnated.From the director's tone, it has been a while since Gu Banxia was rescued, but the program team didn't notify everyone immediately, it was obviously intentional!

Deliberately walking them, creating live content for the audience in the wilderness.

Those guest contestants who were reluctant in their hearts, but because everyone went out to find Gu Banxia, ​​and they could only be coerced, were the most annoyed at the director and the program team, and their expressions were the most exaggerated.

The audience in the live broadcast room was amused.

[Hahahahaha, I knew it would be like this! 】

[Look, everyone is busy in vain, being played by the program team. 】

[Your director is still your director, the dog's head saves his life. JPG. 】

[In fact, several guests in the live broadcast room have already noticed something is wrong, but they didn't get the exact news, and they dared not withdraw. 】

[The main people have all come out, so what if you don't look for them. 】

The director summoned them so hard, and everyone had to turn around and head to the base camp.

The question marks on his forehead popped out one by one.

Hu Lanlan won't continue to participate in the show?Is the new substitute guest contestant also a female guest?I hope it's not the one that's holding back, nor the kind that's a strong opponent.

Seeing that the director had accepted the mic, Gu Ruo went over. She didn't mean to avoid everyone, but put on a completely aboveboard posture.

Gu Luo explained the seriousness of dyeing Hui Jiujiu's hair, and then said: "Director, I personally suggest that the program team should pay attention to this kind of thing, because the consequences may be very serious."

The atmosphere changed when the director and the crew of the program group spoke to Gu Ruo.

It was silent at first, and then became dignified.

When Gu Luo finished speaking, she became serious.

Next to him, Pei Yunmo cast an approving look at Gu Luo, and said to the director, "If that bird is really a wild animal, I suggest that the program team be cautious."

(End of this chapter)

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