Chapter 178 Live Streaming Platform
Although no conclusive evidence has been found yet, director Xiao already has a rough blueprint in mind based on the clues he has obtained.

For Gu Dacai, Hu Yulian, and Gu Ruo's family of three, it was fatal and fell from the peak of wealth, but it was also an important bargaining chip for him to climb up to the position of chairman.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, and he was the only one who obtained these, after investigating and grasping these clues, Director Xiao also specially helped Gu Dacai's family to erase the relevant traces as much as possible.

When Tao Fengfeng learned that Hu Yulian had a handle on him, Director Xiao's attitude became more positive.

He immediately paid the program group according to the account given by Hu Yulian.

Hu Yulian didn't know at all that Director Xiao was pretending to be a pig and a tiger to herself.

I thought Director Xiao knew the current affairs and went on the road, and he was afraid of himself.

She asked about the progress of Huijiujiu's cultural and creative products, and left satisfied after getting an answer.

He didn't see Director Xiao's sinister eyes staring at her back.

On the other hand, the live broadcast platform has also ushered in an unprecedented frost period.

The former boss and his partner: ...

The phone was almost blown up.

It's all about bargaining, letting them transfer or sell the live broadcast platform.

There is not even a normal price reduction, just skip the price reduction and arrive at the bargain price.

"In the live broadcast, Gu Banxia illegally practiced medicine against Xu Yong, kicked the bamboo forest indiscriminately, and destroyed the ecological environment there. She also stabbed the back of the golden monkey with a needle-shaped dart! The golden monkey is a national first-class protected animal The impact is too bad, the live broadcast platform is affected by her, the market valuation will definitely only drop but not rise, before everyone reacts, quickly transfer/sell it to us, so that, at least before the real storm arrives, you still have There is a way out to choose."

"Gu Banxia used bamboo to build a bamboo house in the wilderness jungle. It is an illegal construction. The Internet is full of heated discussions about her illegality. She broadcasted live on your live broadcast platform. You must be to blame. You have to bear the responsibility! Now that those crazy netizens haven't reported you, sell them quickly."

"This price is really cheap. No matter how low it is, you won't be able to sell it. After all, Gu Banxia has made the whole network criticize your live broadcast platform, scold you for being irresponsible, and condone illegal live broadcasts. Content leaked."

"If you miss this village and don't have that store, what else do you want?"


The boss and his partner were patient at the beginning, and told them that they had already sold the live broadcast platform, just when [Collecting Evidence of Internet Violence for Xiaxia] Chaochao just became popular.

Later, they simply announced the news that the live broadcast platform had been sold on all the major social network platforms, and then turned off the phone.

The world is instantly clean!

I was 1 fortunate in my heart, but I was lucky to stop the loss in time, and sold the live broadcast platform to the boss behind Nie Sangshen.Otherwise, it would really be a blow to my own hands.

Because they issued the announcement in a hurry, they didn't have time to check the serious public relations and basic copywriting. They didn't say who bought the live broadcast platform. They just said that the live broadcast platform has been acquired and they are not responsible for it now. Everyone, don't come bore them.Therefore, everyone can only ask questions in private messages, or comment under the sale news.

As time passed by every minute and every second, this matter actually became fermented on the Internet.

Therefore, following the super talk about [Collecting Evidence of Internet Violence for Xia Xia], the matter of the live broadcast platform being resold and acquired was also on the hot search, and it also exploded.

——[The original boss of the live broadcast platform is so wise that he actually sold the live broadcast platform before Gu Banxia practiced medicine illegally.The timing is precise and firm.I don't know, I thought it was the person hired by the live broadcast platform, Gu Banxia, ​​the cyberbully. 】

——[I don’t know which unlucky ghost became the receiver? 】

——[At this moment, the new owner must be in a mixed mood, right?If you want to change hands again, you must lose a lot.But if you don't change hands, it will be miserable if it rots in your own hands. 】

——[As an angel investor, I'm very glad that I made a correct decision, resisted all opinions, and did not acquire this live broadcast platform, otherwise, this hot potato would have fallen into my own hands. 】

—— [There should be no idiot who will take over this live broadcast platform, right? 】

——【The live broadcast platform that is going to be cool soon is not worthy of everyone's attention at all. If you look at it more, you are wasting your life!It's better to read more books and enrich yourself, even if it is to do sports. 】

Regarding the acquisition of the live broadcast platform, there was a lot of bad news on the Internet.

None of them looked good.

The more Nie Sangshen brushed her heart, the more irritable she became, and her brows were tightly frowned.

The mood is like riding a roller coaster, ups and downs.

Just a moment ago, he was still proud of buying the live streaming platform at a low price and saving Pei Bansheng a lot of money.

At this moment, I felt that I didn't read the almanac when I went out, and everything I encountered was bad luck.

After thinking about it for a while, Nie Sangshen still contacted Pei Bansheng.

After briefly talking about these things, Nie Sangshen paused and asked, "Boss, what should we do now?"

At this moment, he was very confused!

After Pei Bansheng listened, he asked him: "What do you think?"

Nie Sangshen was stopped by the question, and after a while, he said: "The matter has already happened anyway, why not just use this matter to find a way to maximize the benefits?"

Pei Bansheng: "Heroes see the same thing."

Nie Sangsui was very happy to get the boss's approval, "Then I'll do it now?"

The two discussed some specific ideas and matters before hanging up the phone.

Nie Sangshen finished chatting with Huang's lawyer team first, and then summoned all the former bosses and his partners.

Now, these bosses and partners have new identities.

After getting the money, most of them still have a lot of affection for the live broadcast platform, especially those who are engaged in technology.

So, when Nie Sangshui offered them an olive branch and recruited them back as employees, some of them readily agreed after careful consideration.

As for those who were reluctant, Nie Sangshan did not force her.

After all, twisted melons are not sweet, so he doesn't want to quench his thirst.

Nie Sangshen assigned the work, turned the pen in his hand, and imitated the famous scene he saw in the film and television drama, "Do you have any objections? If not—"

Before he could finish speaking, the former boss Zhu Tuo interrupted him, "I have objections!"

Everyone stared at him intently, watching the progress of the situation and watching the play.

Nie Sangshen adjusted her black-rimmed glasses and raised her chin, motioning for Zhu Tuo to express his opinion.

Zhu Tuo said: "I don't understand why the job given to me is video editing!"

(End of this chapter)

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