Chapter 185

The master disliked her and acted as a matchmaker: "Where did you find it? The benefactor and his family are living well? After you have been busy for a while, make an appointment with the benefactor's family and say that we will come to the door in person to thank them for saving your life back then." Grace……"

Pei Bansheng: "..."

What Master said makes sense, it is time to choose an auspicious day, bring a gift, and come to the door to thank you in person.

Why didn't he think of it?

Mistress: "Yes, yes, your master and the whole family and I came to the door to thank you personally." The mistress's voice was full of smiles, and she said to his master, "Look, I said I can find it, you still don't believe me. Ban Sheng She is a lucky doll."

Master: "Yes, yes, when you meet us, it proves that Bansheng is good luck. You have said it eight hundred times, and you recite it every day, and you won't be afraid that the baby will be annoyed by it."

Mistress ignored Master and asked Pei Bansheng directly: "Bansheng, are you bothered?"

Pei Bansheng: "No."

The teacher was right, "Listen, dolls are more sensible than you!"

The three chatted on the phone for a long time before hanging up because they were afraid of delaying Pei Bansheng's work.

In a flash.

It's time for the release of the first official short video of Power Music.

And the producer of the Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program also released it at the same time.

Because there were multiple lottery sessions, the first one was scheduled within 5 minutes after the release, so there were quite a lot of netizens who entered the venue. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as overwhelming popularity.

Looking at the live broadcast platform of Dongle, there are almost no people going there.

The producer of the Third Ring Wilderness Survival Show laughed.

now it's right.

You have a low-level live broadcast platform, coupled with a low-level wilderness survival program, and you have chosen a pig teammate. Even if you can fight, you can't resist the pig teammate's collapse.What's more, you are not very good at fighting yourself.

Furthermore, who doesn't love money, who doesn't think he is lucky?The purpose of the lottery is to accurately capture the human weakness of these people.They love money and are greedy for money, and they think they are lucky.Even people who are unlucky and unlucky, wouldn't they be lucky?
This is the same reason that gambling is addictive.

The more you gamble, the more you lose, the more you lose, the more you gamble, always feel that you can win the next round, even if you know that others have lost nine out of ten bets, you still think it is others, and you are the exception.

Therefore, the live broadcast platform of Dynamic Music has not yet started, and it has established a defeat.

How can Dongle understand human nature?

Who made their behind-the-scenes bosses too poor to have enough funds to attract audiences?

Who made his network not bad, more than enough compared to Dongle?

The producer of the third-ring wilderness survival program thought very unkindly, and when they completed the release of the first round of official short videos on the Moyu live broadcast platform, they would take the opportunity to acquire Dongle at a low price.

Even then, there is no need to pay, and Powerade will be in the bag.

The only advantage of Dongle is that in the same industry, the technology is indeed very good.

This is very important to him.

The board of directors of their shareholders also has the intention in this regard.

The first round of lottery drawing is to set the time and capture it in the barrage of the short video. Whoever is captured will be the lucky one.

Not long after, the first round of lottery draw ended.

Immediately afterwards, netizens were informed of the specific time for the second round of lottery draws.

The producer of the third-ring wilderness survival program always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't catch it for a while.

Just as he was dazed, the netizens who were originally at his place retreated one after another, and the number of people displayed in the background also jumped off a cliff.

Where has everyone gone?

Go to the live broadcast platform of Dongle.

After all, there is still some time before the second round of lottery draw, so you can also come to Power Music to have a look.

Besides, it is very convenient to switch between the two platform APPs on the mobile phone.

Netizens used practical actions to show the producer of the third-ring wilderness survival program that they can have both.

Children make choices, adults do.

The producer of the third-ring wilderness survival program who was educated by netizens piapia: ...

His face instantly became as ugly as it was ugly.

Fish and bear's paw can't have both, but this group of netizens are delusional, and their eating looks are too ugly!

He looked at the prizes that had been prepared in advance, and suddenly wanted to withdraw them.

You ungrateful bastards are also worthy of his gift? !

But in the end, he took a few deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and did not withdraw the prize.

Suddenly withdrawing the prize draw at this time is creating a public relations crisis for yourself and slapping yourself in the face.He is not stupid.

Moreover, the duration of the entire short video release is more than an hour, which is very long.In the end who will win the deer and who will have the last laugh, he has to take a good look at it.

Netizens are very curious, what will be the content of the first official short video release of PowerLet?
Wouldn't it be the same as the super talk of [Collecting Evidence of Internet Violence for Xia Xia], tricking everyone to come here, but actually asking everyone to provide clues and evidence?
If you really do this, the popularity of the passers-by will definitely be wiped out.

They can register with their real names to watch the experience, and they can also cancel their accounts. In the future, they will never use the Dongle APP again.

Can Powertrain survive without users?

The wishful thinking of the owner of Dongle also came to nothing.

However, the vast majority of netizens came here purely for entertainment, and didn't bring their own brains with them at all. Chaohua led them here, and they came here.This side brings them expectations, and they look forward to it.

As for what will happen later, God's business, they eat carrots lightly and worry about it.

In the anticipation of everyone, the first official short video of Power Music was also released.

First, the title of the column that catches the eye:

[Refuting Gu Banxia's illegal practice of medicine].

Netizens who entered the venue: ...

The first time I saw a short video, it was in the form of a column.

It means that under this column, there will be many short videos?

Netizens didn't think too much about it, and just clicked into the column.

Anyway, there is only one short video in the column, which looks very lonely, but also very eye-catching. It is definitely the most beautiful cub in the short video.

More people didn't notice the word "column" at all, and even the title, they just glanced over it.Straightforward short video.

The producer of the Third Ring Wilderness Survival Show smiled.

Power music is really funny. Instead of spending time digging out words and making some tricks on it, it's better to manage the video content seriously.

In today's online self-media, who is not the king of content?Good quality is the core competitiveness to retain users.

Besides, if there is a single short video left there, why don’t you use the word column to match it?

What a joke!

When the producer of the third-ring wilderness survival program had a well-developed inner drama, netizens had already clicked into the first short video officially released by Dongle.

(End of this chapter)

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