Exactly the same, they all have a perfunctory attitude towards the program group, obviously they are all waiting and watching.

Some sponsors had been greeted by the Three Rings Wilderness Survival Show in advance, and it was obviously unwise to have trouble with the Three Rings.

These, the director can also understand.

Another road was cut off, so I had to continue looking for the third and fourth roads until I found it.

The news that the program group repeatedly hit the wall spread like wildfire, and soon reached the producer of the third-ring wilderness survival program.

The producer of the Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program smiled.

fight me?
He has predicted which way, and he will not let the other party go any way, all of them are blocked!

All efforts are in vain!

In the end, he had to sell the entire program group and program items to him at a low price.

As long as he thinks of that kind of scene, the producer of the third-ring wilderness survival program can't help being happy.

Believe me, I won't wait too long for this day.

Here, the program team got together for a meeting, and everyone was gloomy.

"What should we do? The TV station doesn't work. Gu's Group took the opportunity to attack and ask for various benefits. The other sponsors are also waiting and watching. Is it really going to be sold to Sanhuan?"

Everyone was silent.

If it is sold, is it still your own show?Can you still decide on your own?

The director also frowned tightly.

He had to calm down and think about it.

The current road was covered in a cloud of fog, and he didn't know how to walk, feeling oppressed and blocked.

Seeing that the time was ripe, the producer of the Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program sent someone to call again, intending to forcibly buy the program group and programs.

With a strong attitude, either sell them, or the road will only get narrower and narrower, you can choose one of the two.

The program crew was so angry that they wanted to kick him, what?Add insult to injury!

When the director and the program crew were desperate.

A phone call came in suddenly.

"Director Yan, I heard that someone wants to buy your program group and programs?"

Listen to voices, not people you know.

The director Yan Fengchun was stunned, and an ominous premonition was suppressed by his willpower. He said in a deep voice, "Yes. May I ask who you are?"

"Sorry, let me introduce myself. My name is Nie Sangshen, and I am currently in charge of some things about the Live Music platform."

Yan Fengchun's eyes moved slightly.

Speaking so modestly, I didn't know, I really thought he was just a small person who ran errands and spread rumors.

Taking advantage of his wilderness survival live broadcast program, Xiao Gu was labeled as illegally practicing medicine, torturing and killing national first-class protected animals, etc., and was brutally abused by the Internet. Chaohua continued to be ridiculed by the crowd, and at an ultra-low price, saw the right time, and acquired the original live broadcast platform.

So, at this juncture, if Nie Sangsui calls him, the caller is not kind!
Yan Fengchun's mood fell to the bottom.

Maybe, this time, my director career is coming to an end.

He endured his anger and aggrievedness, forcibly restrained his extremely bad emotions, gritted his molars and said, "Hello, what Mr. Nie said means that he also wants to buy program groups and program items?"

Nie Sangshen was stunned for a moment, and almost immediately realized that the other party was hostile to her.

In a hurry, he almost didn't cough out a sound.

Nie Sangshen's face turned red from holding back, so she maintained her image of being gentle, stable and domineering.

A picture of Pei Bansheng appeared in his mind, frame by frame.

The power of example allowed him to quickly recover from the inside out.

Nie Sangshan's unhurried voice came over: "No, no, director Yan, you misunderstood!"

Listening to the calm and domineering tone of the president, Yan Fengchun immediately weakened most of the power of the ominous premonition.

He showed an attitude of listening attentively, waiting for Nie Sangshen's next words.

In this short moment, all the irritability miraculously sank to the bottom of the pool, Yan Fengchun's mind gradually recovered, and he subconsciously caught it. Maybe this Nie Sangshen will be an opportunity for himself and the program team?

Nie Sangshen got straight to the point and said, "If director Yan is not willing to sell his program as I think, I have a suggestion here."

Yan Fengchun squeezed the phone tightly, "I would like to hear more about it!"

He almost couldn't wait to yell these four words, his heartbeat accelerated, and his voice became hoarse and deep due to excitement.

I don’t know if the Dongle live broadcast platform will continue to cooperate with their program group after changing companies, bosses, and managers?
I don't know if Mr. Nie's suggestion is to merge his own program combination into the live broadcast platform, or what?

Right now, there is no time to think.

Only take one step at a time.

Nie Sangshen breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't show it at all to Yan Fengchun.

He still imitated Pei Bansheng, and said calmly:
"I hope that you will sign a strategic cooperation agreement with me on the Live Broadcasting Platform of PowerLet. The right to use the live editing of wilderness survival programs will be given priority to PowerLet.

"At the same time, in order to ensure that you don't lose money and take the path of sustainable development, you can also sell the right to edit and use the live content of the wilderness survival program to users on our live broadcast platform at a certain price."

After Nie Sangshen said this, she found that Yan Fengchun's side had been quiet all the time, and her heart felt a little drummed.

"Banquet director?"

Yan Fengchun actually listened to everything, but he felt as if he had fallen into a cloud right now.

I couldn't come back to my senses for a long time.

This is the god sent by the sky to save himself, right?
Why is that strategic cooperation agreement so beautiful?Beep!

It wasn't until being called by Nie Sangshen that Yan Fengchun woke up like a dream: "Ah, um, I..." What did I want to say?Suddenly can't remember!

Yan Fengchun's entire face was flushed, and all the staff members of the program group next to him saw their eyes shine brightly.

The big girl gets on the sedan chair—the first time, the first time I see the director blushing!Could it be that Bai Fumei, who fell in love with the director, ah bah, fell in love with the director's show and was ready to fight hard?
All members of the program team raised their hearts in their throats.

Someone couldn't hold back, gurgled, swallowed, and coughed.

Yan Fengchun regained his sanity in an instant, and gave the coughing staff a look.

How embarrassing!
I don't know if Mr. Nie over there heard it.

The others quickly shrank their heads and turned their eyes away, not wanting to be treated equally by the director.

Nie Sangshen breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party is a hundred times more nervous than him, so he can rest assured.

He continued to imitate Pei Bansheng, and continued to explain calmly and leisurely: "Give priority to the authorization of Dongle, and the payment that Dongle will pay you may be greater than your income from cooperation with the TV station. .”

Nie Sangshen was worrying about how to speak in a more down-to-earth way. He felt disgusted even after he finished speaking in such a rote and rote manner.

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