Netizens felt a new level of revulsion towards the top executives of the Moyu live broadcast platform.

The emergency public relations came up to refute the rumors, saying that the boss of the technology department of the company's Moyu live broadcast platform took the backbone away because he was dissatisfied with the original share dividends, and had nothing to do with data fraud.

But with the internal video seen on the Internet before and the short video self-certification of the technical team, netizens did not believe it at all.

Everyone questioned under the short video of the public relations department's rumor dispelling.

Since this is the case, why should the high-level person be cleaned up?
Also, some people in the headquarters were kicked out of the board of directors.

The PR of the Moyu live broadcast platform did not respond positively, only saying that it was just a normal job transfer.

Netizens said that they understood, and if they were transferred back to the headquarters, it would be regarded as cleaning up the door, is it fake or not?
The favorability of the company headquarters above Moyu dropped again.

Dissatisfaction gradually accumulated in the gutter like rainwater.

The result is that one netizen after another voiced their refusal to buy and use their products and services.

You also need to take pictures with your mobile phone, upload them to live broadcast platforms such as Dongle and Moyu, and then share them on social networking platforms such as Moments and Weibo to show your attitude and standpoint to your friends, relatives, and netizens.

In this way, a vicious circle quickly formed.

The ditches turned into rivers, and the rivers turned into rivers.

The reputation of the company headquarters above Moyu has declined, and cracks have appeared in the brand image.

Right now, not to mention the loss of [-] million in market value valuation, if it is not handled well, the loss of [-] million is just the beginning.

After all, the market is only that big, but the competitors are getting more and more powerful, waiting for your unlucky luck, so that they can swarm up and carve up the market that you have worked so hard to conquer.

The company headquarters above Moyu finally realized that something was wrong.

Sure enough, their worries were not superfluous. Competitors took the opportunity to launch conferences and launch new products and services.

In order to recover the loss and maintain its market position, the company headquarters above Moyu had to make a painful decision, and the strong man broke his wrist.

The first is price reduction.

Some products that were originally sold at a very high price were sold at a price that was much lower than the market price.Attempts to restore customer favorability.

Needless to say, although this trick doesn't look very clever, it is indeed effective.

Sure enough, some consumers placed orders for the cheap price.

This has brought back some popularity for the headquarters, which can be regarded as stabilizing the current market position.

As for the instigator of all this, the Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program...

Thinking of the other party's backstage, put it aside first, slowly, and then look back and see how to deal with it.

Compared with the desperation and worries of the headquarters, the netizens are much more free.

After questioning the headquarters of Moyu here, I didn't have enough fun, so I went to the Third Ring Wilderness Survival Show to ask them what they think of this matter, and how they plan to deal with it next?

After all, it was because of you that people took advantage of it and directly lost [-] million yuan!

It has also been disgusted by more and more users, and they may not go to their homes for consumption for a long time in the future.

This loss is more than [-] million.

If Moyu wants to come to Sanhuan to settle the case, even if Sanhuan has a strong backer, it shouldn't be easy to pass the test, right?
Netizens squatted happily, waiting to see the excitement on both sides.

What else can I do with the third-ring wilderness survival show?
They were also implicated by the producer!

But what can they do with the producer?
That's the producer!

Just keep smiling, don't get angry, avoid being fooled, and ask netizens to pay more attention to and support their programs.Changed the topic abruptly, and forcibly promoted and promoted his own program.

Yue Liangbo, Producer of the Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program: ...

His face turned green with anger.

He didn't expect things to turn and turn again and again, and it would develop to this point!

Yue Liangbo knew very well that their cooperation with Moyu hadn't been cut off now, purely because if it was cut off, the data falsification would become 300 taels of silver here.

He never thought that the methods he used before would actually fail!

Didn't Powerade use magic?right?

Otherwise, how could he lose again?

And the netizens over there are still far from overturning the aggrieved feelings for Gu Banxia, ​​they are still discussing and exchanging, Sanhuan plagiarized Gu Banxia's short video of catching snakes with bare hands, how should they sue, and where to sue.

In the helplessness of the barrage, such a barrage suddenly appeared, and instantly became the most beautiful boy in the barrage.

[It is recommended to go to the super chat.Whenever I encounter internet injustices, the first thing I think of is [collecting evidence of cyber violence for Xia Xia], the lady administrator at the reception has a super high EQ, and when I go there, most of my anger can be wiped out with just a few words, Simply not too cool. 】

Netizens and audiences brighten up.

Can you still go to Chaochao and sue Sanhuan for malicious imitation?

I don't know if it will work or not.

Just when the netizens were skeptical, some bullet screens were published.

【Huh?Captured a colleague. 】

[The experience is super good, it's true!Five-star recommendation! 】

[The point is that you don’t need to pay, you can find a lawyer for [-] an hour, and a psychologist for [-] an hour.In Xiaxia Chaohua, it's free, I want to blow up this fairy Chaohua. 】

【Wow!Really?Now Xia Xiachao has arranged for an administrator?Fly to see. 】

This time, everyone's doubts were instantly dispelled.

Is it true, go over and have a look, don't you know?

After a while, the viewers of the official short video of the third ring on the Moyu live broadcast platform swished, moved out, and flew to the [Collecting Evidence of Internet Violence for Xiaxia] certified by the Dongle live broadcast platform.

On the Moyu live broadcast platform, the official Three Rings: ...

Stretch out your hand, trying to keep someone, but only grab the air!

Then, the air flew away through the fingers!
In vain! ! !

The viewers of the short video couldn't see the resentful eyes behind them, and chose to lose their memory temporarily. In other words, there are still a few lucky draws in the third ring that they didn't participate in.

In the past, there were few people in the courtyard, but now, there is a lot of traffic and bustle, which is very pleasing.

This is the true portrayal of Xia Xiachao's words.

Nowadays, when netizens see the word "super talk and cyberbullying", they no longer feel piercing and glaring as they did at the beginning.

Now more people can ignore it.

Some people saw it and were able to calm down.

Unknowingly, they have already regarded this place as their spiritual home.No one guides you to sign in, but every time you refresh the number of check-in columns, you can always see that it is increasing.

Every time I see the rising data, it seems that my positive energy value is rising, and my mood is much calmer.

The newly recruited super chat administrator saw the netizens coming from all directions, his brows were brimming with joy, and he was full of surprises.

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