Chapter 202
Besides, it's not that the two platforms cannot be used together.Whichever makes you feel happier, of course, you will spend more time staying in whichever one you like.

Moyu live broadcast platform: ...

If you want to stop it, you can't stop it at all.

Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program: ...

I've gotten a little used to it.

Xu Yong's short video [-] was not released on the Moyu live broadcast platform, but on the Dongle live broadcast platform.

It is still Xu Yong's own account, and Xu Yong himself appeared on the scene.

However, unlike Xu Yong's short video [-], at the beginning of the short video [-], Xu Yong is not the kind who speaks directly at the camera, accusing himself of being violently kicked by Gu Banxia.

It's a surveillance screen, in a room, from a bird's-eye view.

When the audience saw it, they knew that this was Xu Yong's house.

Several strong men broke into Xu Yong's house, gesticulating, and said something. Then, Xu Yong was pushed to sit on the bedside, one strong man held a tablet in front of him, and the other strong men held a tablet. To arrange the beds, furnishings, and scenery that are in the hospital.

There was even a strong man who put on a hospital gown to pretend to be an injured and hospitalized patient for a realistic effect, and half-lyed on the adjacent hospital bed moaning.

Not to mention, all of this is quite decent.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw it, and they were quite puzzled if they didn't know why, [Is it a major life change?Or filming? 】

Those who guessed something said, [It's so smooth, it looks like a veteran, and I have done this kind of thing before. 】

【It's scary, so many men broke into me suddenly...】

[They all wear masks and hats, only their eyes are exposed, and more than half of their ears are covered. They must be repeat offenders. 】

[No, is Xu Yong's family so easy to break into? 】

[The anti-theft door is simply impossible to guard against. 】

[Xu Yong, a fitness trainer who is all vicious and muscular, said that he is also afraid. 】

Afterwards, from the monitoring perspective, Xu Yong read something on the tablet.Opposite him is the recording equipment, and the audience can see how Xu Yong's short video was recorded.

Haven't waited to watch the entire short video content.

Netizens and viewers were stunned.

Is there such a reversal of things?
Although some netizens had made psychological preparations in advance, they were still shocked.

as predicted.

Immediately afterwards, this point was confirmed from Xu Yong's mouth.

The thick stack of hospital doctor's diagnosis reports proved that Gu Banxia kicked himself and caused the sudden illness, possibly paralyzed by stroke, which was a purely fabricated fact.

It's not true at all!
As Xu Yong said, he showed the proofs one by one to the audience.

Those bright red marks on the A4 printing paper are indeed serious red marks.

However, all the above content has nothing to do with the diagnosis of the hospital, the certificate issued by the doctor, and the billing certificate.

Rather, it seems that someone, from a company, randomly came up with office documents.

Netizens and viewers saw this, all laughing and laughing.

[This is the evidence that Gu Banxia kicked Xu Yong, causing Xu Yong to suffer a stroke?The judge put the knife on his neck with his eyes closed, so he dared not make such a sentence! 】

[The rough and rough creation of this field is also absolutely perfect. 】

[I thought that at least I could put the blame on a higher level, take the real Xu Yong's medical record report, hospital diagnosis, and billing vouchers that he went to the hospital for an examination, and then make an AI conversion.As a result, that's it? 】

[Maybe it's a matter of time, high-end fakes also require a certain professional level and time cost.Obviously, those who slandered Xia Xia were low-level, impatient, and extremely lazy. 】

[Tsk, I still want to fool people, I really think everyone else is a fool except myself. 】

The person sent by Yue Liangbo, the producer of the third-ring wilderness survival program: ...

These barrages almost poke the bridge of his nose directly, making him laugh at himself as the idiot.

It doesn't hurt much, but the great!
[Six, I never thought that Xu Yong would take the initiative to stand up and clarify the facts. There is no one for this kind of courage. 】

[Looking at it this way, I suddenly feel that this Xu Yong is much more pleasing to the eye. 】

[It's not just pleasing to the eye, I think he's a little cute. 】

[After watching, it turned out that Xu Yongfa was threatened in the short video [-] on the Moyu live broadcast platform, so I said, it feels weird to watch, as if he was copying lines into his hands. 】

[Although what you said above is a bit of an afterthought, I have to agree. 】

[Isn't it over if you do this early? 】

[Rolls his eyes to the sky.Don't tell me if you are threatened, won't you call the police? 】

[So, what's the point of posting two?Just to slap your face?Whitewashing for whitewashing? 】

Some people are happy to see the reversed melons, and some are dissatisfied, and questioned on the spot, [It looks like a lot of money was spent, so there must be a lot of people behind the team, right? 】

[The money was transferred by someone named Gu, right?After all, she got a lot of money easily from a certain doctor. 】

[Short one post on Moyu live broadcast platform, short two post on Dongle if there is a reversal, don't be too obvious about Dongle's thoughts! 】

[Your background is actually Power Music, right? 】

[Threats or no threats, and kicking to get sick are all scripts and capital hype, everyone keep your eyes open and wake up!Don't be fooled anymore, beware of becoming a tool for Dynamic Music to compete for traffic! 】

Moyu live broadcast platform: ...

Too wronged, when it steals love, it's too wronged!
But it doesn't say!

Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program: ...

It was indeed a script, but the ending of the script...did not follow the original fate of the script, but...was completely rewritten by the opponent.It seems that Power Music is still different from Jingyin, and it is no wonder that Jingyin will be acquired.

Yue Liangbo didn't even know what mood he was in at the moment!

Obviously, Xu Yong was in control of him, but for some reason, at the critical moment, Xu Yong suddenly turned against him, and the scene got out of control.

He called over there, but what he found out was that all the people who controlled Xu Yong were taken away, and they went into the bureau for tea.

Fortunately, there were enough intermediate links, and Yue Liangbo's hands and feet were still clean, without leaving any traces. Otherwise, he might have been invited to have tea now.

Compared with Moyu, Sanhuan, Yue Liangbo and others, the atmosphere of Power Music is obviously much more relaxed.

Previously, there was [Collecting Evidence of Internet Violence for Xiaxia] Chaohua created by Pei Bansheng, which continued to attract traffic. Then, through a lottery draw on the Dianjiamoyu live broadcast platform, he competed with Dongle to attract a large number of netizens and released a short video of Xu Yong.

Then, I don’t know what went wrong in the middle, Zhu Tuo and the others thought it was because they didn’t agree on the reward for Xu Yong, so, anyway, the reversal of Xu Yong’s short video [-] fell on their live broadcast platform .

(End of this chapter)

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