Chapter 208
[I don't care, I won the lottery anyway! 】

[What about answer two? 】

Jiang Xinyue's voice said, "The answer is two, a group and six. We in Dongle think that the babies are smart and intelligent, and their way of thinking is amazing. They are worthy of praise and learning from everyone, so we reward them."

After the barrage was stunned for a moment, it boiled.

[Wow, is this all right?I knew I'd tried it too. 】

【I also wanted to say a group of people just now...】

[Thousands of money are hard to buy, I knew it earlier. 】

[Just want to ask, can Zhuge Liang win the award after the fact? 】

[Is the official award presentation of Power Music so capricious?However, I like it! 】

[Sure enough, the Power Music I chose is worth it. 】

[People win awards based on strength, but I rely on luck. Then, my luck is not so good, so I burst into tears! 】

Netizens and viewers were all amused by this barrage, [Laugh and cry, I am also of the same style. 】

Jiang Xinyue's voice said, "Seeing that everyone likes lottery draws so much, our boss said that we will hold more lottery draws like this in the future."

【Really?Then I have to squat one. 】

[I also squat one. 】

[Oh my god, is the official of Dongle listening to persuasion like this?Love love love. 】

Jiang Xinyue's voice said, "Really, there is no reason for Dongle not to listen to such a good suggestion. I will tell everyone quietly that my boss is willing to work here because of the advice."

[The real name is Miss Envy. 】

【Is PowerPlay still recruiting?What conditions do you want? 】

[Knowledge can really change destiny.Miss Sister is a role model for my generation. 】

[Isn't it a change in thinking logic? 】

[There is no answer three, right? 】

Jiang Xinyue's voice continued, "There is no answer, Baozi. Congratulations again to the lucky goose who won the award. The prize corresponds to the answer. You can choose one of the three."

The barrage was startled again, expressing that he was surprised again.

Especially those netizens who have seen the short message on the website, [Wow, wow, wow!The first lottery can choose one of three?But!I want all of them~]

[Everyone is an adult, so there is no need to make a choice. 】

【Hmph, children only make choices, adults all want it! 】

[Envy, envy, hate, you can have all three, and you can choose.I didn't have any of them, the drought died, and the flood died.Why?Crying. 】

[Which three prizes are you curious about? 】

[Which sister or brother can share what you won the lottery?So that I can also post good luck. 】

[I chose the first prize, my dream has come true!The ideal has been reflected in reality, hahahahahahahahahaha, it turns out that it is really possible to have a little milk dog, which belongs to me! ! ! 】

Netizens who love small animals, especially cats and dogs, can't hold back their excitement and joy. The bullet screen is released happily, and they can't wait to show it to the world, showing that they finally got a little milk dog!

Other netizens who didn't win the lottery: ...

In an instant, my heart felt sour, as if I had just taken a big mouthful of old vinegar!

Some black trolls and angry youths who mixed into the crowd: ...

curl your lips.

Heh, it's not a golden retriever breed, nor a Shiba dog breed, but a native dog, a native dog!What's the fuss about?
One of the cynics: ...

The mood is very contradictory and contradictory.

He was drawn!

The answer of [-] was actually him, and he deliberately satirized Gu Banxia, ​​but he was just a small and transparent artist with [-] lines.

But who knew, unexpectedly, she was... drawn a prize!
This is the first time he has won a lottery since he grew up for 28 years.

He chose one of the three prizes, and he didn't even bother to see what the next two prizes were. His whole mind was wandering, and he clicked on the prize one by accident.

Then, I clicked on a... a little milk dog covered in black.

It is a black dog among the Chinese pastoral dogs, which is very rare, and the common people believe that it can ward off evil spirits and keep houses in check.The whole body is dark, even the mouth and tongue are black, even if you look around at night with the lights on, you probably won't be able to find it.

Angry youth: ...

He didn't dare to show off, and he clicked on the delivery address and contact information field, but he didn't dare to fill it in. His right hand was shaking like he had Parkinson's disease.Switching to the left hand, the left hand immediately trembled as if infected.

Angry youth: ...

Burst into tears!

Can I exchange prizes?Or, can the prize be resold?He doesn't want this prize, okay?

Besides, he has already applied for cancellation, and after seven days, he will no longer be a user of PowerLe...

While this angry youth only dared to hide in a corner, suffering alone, feeling terrified, and at a loss for what to do, other netizen audience winners had already shown off prize two on the barrage.

[Prize [-], the right to edit and edit the content of the live broadcast of Banquet Guide Wilderness Survival, worth [-]! 】

Once this barrage was seen, it immediately caused quite a storm.

The first is Moyu Live Platform, Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program and Yue Liangbo: ...

They curled their lips in disgust.

Power music is messing around, co-authoring to come up with such a trick?
The price is only 190, not as they say, if you show off a Starbucks coffee, or have an afternoon tea, it will be gone.

Those netizens who are insatiable and like the new and dislike the old the most, will buy it?
Will not buy.

These netizen viewers all came from their Moyu live broadcast platform.The official lottery of the Three Rings, the value of the prizes is many times higher than that of Power Music, which is definitely a dimensionality reduction and suppression of Power Music.

But so what?Don't these netizens still take advantage of Moyu's side, and then turn around to take advantage of Dongle?
The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change!
Who knows, Moyu Live Platform, Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program, Yue Liangbo and others have not had time to gloat over their misfortune, and they saw the dynamic music barrage like this——

[Wow, [-] has the right to edit and edit live broadcast content! ! !Really?You are so lucky, sister! 】

[Wow, this is so real, it's a dream come true! 】

[Excuse me, little brother or little sister, can I transfer it? 】

[I used to dislike that the official editing video of Dongle was too slow, I wish I could upload it myself and fill up the column [Refuting Gu Banxia’s Illegal Practice of Medicine]. Easter egg, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 】

【Dynamic is too sweet too?The gift was delivered to my heart.Leave a coveted saliva.JPG. 】

Barrages like this are not uncommon.

For a moment, the screen was flashed with a neat queue, and the lineup was a bit spectacular.

Moyu Live Platform, Third Ring Wilderness Survival Program and Yue Liangbo: ...

They don't believe it!

This must be done by Dongle's own people!

Or hire a navy!
But isn’t Powerade already running out of liquidity?

It must be fixed assets to mortgage loans!

Moyu Live Platform's eyes sparkled with excitement.It's no surprise then that Power music still has money.However, what if Dongle won this game because of the usury loan?

(End of this chapter)

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