Chapter 240 She Was Really Brave

Sure enough, he came from the countryside, without a tutor, and doesn't understand the world.

There was something wrong between the two, even He Wanglan couldn't help but want to stand up and quietly persuaded Gu Banxia to respond to the situation, otherwise, how embarrassing would it be?Didn't you hurt yourself in the end?
But in the end, people like He Wanglan who had this kind of thought did not say anything and kept silent.

For the sake of Gu Banxia, ​​it is unnecessary to offend the daughter of the chairman of the Gu Group.

Besides, they are not qualified to challenge Gu Luo, so they might as well watch the fire from the other side.

If they don't take the opportunity to fight against each other and intervene in the relationship between Gu Luo and Gu Banxia, ​​it will be their righteousness.

Because of Gu Banxia's attitude, the atmosphere in the bamboo house's yard became awkward.

Gu Luo stood where she was, and quickly adjusted her mentality.

With anticipation and caution on her face, she just looked at Gu Banxia like that.

The pressure condensed by so many people is invisible, but it is also powerful.

She couldn't believe that the country bumpkin didn't bow his head.

Gu Banxia has no idea what kind of calculation Gu Ruo is planning.

Because she put all her heart on her studies and immersed herself in the ocean of learning.

Even the original body was pulled in by her unusually strong concentration, and her stress response to Gu Luo was not as strong as it was at the beginning.

Unknowingly, Yuanshen was also attracted by her concentration and devotion. For a while, he forgot that there were Gu Ruo and other people at the scene, followed Gu Banxia, ​​and was also driven to study.

Gu Luo deliberately greeted everyone, isolated her, and deliberately greeted her last, Gu Banxia vaguely heard some movement.

But that's about it.

Just as Gu Yu hoped, some viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't stand it any longer, and they posted barrages one after another saying, [Gu Banxia is too uneducated, Ruoruo greets her, but she ignores her! 】

[Sure enough, he is from the countryside, a frog in a well, short-sighted, and stingy. 】

[I heard that Gu Banxia was very temperamental when she was in the countryside, and everyone else had companions when going to and from school, but she was the only one who walked alone and was isolated by others. 】

【Ruoruo, let's ignore this kind of country bumpkin, lest we feel unworthy of being angry. 】

[In this comparison, Gu Ruo's personality is still very popular, after all, she is generous. 】

[Sure enough, she is indeed a talented girl in music. For a person who loves music, how can his character be so bad?If we don't have the same knowledge as some wild girls. 】

Taking advantage of the gust of praise for Gu Ruo, Hu Yulian also directed the operation of the Gu Group's public relations department, so the following bullet screens were all about praising Gu Ruo and trampling on Gu Banxia.

[I have no objection to saying that Gu Banxia is stingy and uneducated.But this is only her personal problem, don't expand it to the entire countryside! 】

[I've wanted to say it a long time ago, it's right!Small probability events do not represent all country people. 】

【If I were Teacher Gu, I would have slapped her long ago. This kind of person deserves a beating! 】

Some bullet screens are too high-level, and I forgot the real-name system here.

Lawyer Huang's team silently circled the other party. Very good, another one came to your door. It feels like the work will never be done, and then you still feel that you are never tired of it.

As for Dongle, no measures were taken immediately.

After all, the degree of mistakes needs to be accumulated so that the poison can be completely removed later.

Under the live camera.

Everyone's eyes moved between Gu Ruo and Gu Banxia, ​​the female guest contestant was the first to notice it, and looked at Gu Ruo thoughtfully.

As a sister, Gu Luo can do this, which is quite good.

On the other hand, Gu Banxia... I don't even know that she is a rural child with no identity and background who came from the countryside. Where does she have the confidence to dare to give Gu Yu a cold face in front of the live broadcast?

Aren't you afraid of making Gu Yu unhappy, and kicked her out of the program group every minute?
Or, does Gu Banxia have some deep hidden backing that the Gu Group is also afraid of?
But having said that, some of the guest contestants felt a dark feeling at the same time.

How dare Gu Banxia?

She is so brave!
They didn't dare to treat Gu Luo like this, who would let them have the backing of Gu's group?Rich and powerful, as well as talented and intelligent, I can only hold it and dare not make a fuss.If you are dissatisfied, you can only slander.

So, they secretly gave Gu Banxia a "I admire you, how dare you?" look.

Gu Banxia was obsessed with studying, so naturally she didn't receive it.

Instead, the barrage boiled up, [Wow, such blatant admiration and small thoughts are written all over your eyes and face, aren't you afraid that you will be implicated by Miss Gu and hated by Gu Yu?Gu's Group's retaliation? 】

[How dare you praise her for her grandeur?It's obviously stingy!If he was really grand, he wouldn't deliberately keep Xia Xia from coming to the stage in front of so many guest contestants and the audience in the live broadcast room, creating an embarrassing atmosphere.Blazing Rage.JPG. 】

[If you want to show that successful sisters are deeply in love, regardless of previous suspicions, and regardless of the conflicts between sisters, why do you deliberately greet everyone first, and then deliberately greet Gu Banxia at the end? 】

[Don't you think your smile is fake?Do you know what kind of smile you describe if you don't laugh with skin but don't laugh? It's just like you, Gu Luo! 】

[It is said that every idol will have such fans, today I have seen it.Look at the way you crazily belittle Miss Gu. If this is what you call magnanimity, generosity, and generosity, then I would rather be a small-minded person. 】

Pei Yunmo and other male guest contestants also noticed it, and several of them came out to interrupt at the same time, enliven the atmosphere, and turned the embarrassment away without any trace.

Pei Yunmo pursed his lips, glanced at Gu Banxia, ​​words of relief rushed into his throat several times, but in the end, he couldn't say anything.

Speaking of today's matter, Gu Ruo was right, but it was because Gu Ruo was right that it highlighted that Gu Banxia was at fault.

He felt something was weird, but he couldn't find anything specific, so he felt a little depressed.

This scene was discovered by some of Pei Yunmo's fans, who were so furious that they fired at Gu Yu in the live broadcast room, [Don't think that someone can pretend to be a tiger just because he is a good friend of actor Pei. 】

[Do you think everyone is an idiot, can't you see that someone is pretending to be generous to make others appear stingy? 】

[Well, tea talk fits the atmosphere very well. 】

[Isn't it because everyone was turning around Gu Banxia that I became jealous, so I greeted everyone loudly on purpose? 】

[Just say hello if you say hello, and you deliberately say hello to Xia Xia last, so obviously targeting Xia Xia, who doesn't think you can see it? 】

[She also boasts that everyone is a lady, heitui! 】

[Let's not insult the word "everyone's lady", she doesn't deserve it.Everyone's ladies are really well-educated, why would they deliberately put others in an embarrassing situation over and over again? 】

(End of this chapter)

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