Pei Yunmo and Zhou Zheng, who were the first to see, were standing in the C position of the crowd, and they were also looking at him with burning eyes, looking at him inexplicably, Gu Banxia said: "Why are you here?"

Soul torture.

Seeing what he said, everyone: "..."

Could it be that the guidance just now was not for you, Gu Banxia?Isn't that the Baduanjin that we take turns to teach you?

Gu Wei over there was full of waiting for Gu Banxia to be rejected by everyone. Hearing Gu Banxia's words, she couldn't hold back and shook her head.I really can't speak, and I don't have a tutor.

After being stunned for a moment, everyone laughed.

Someone replied: "Hey, let's watch you practice Tai Chi!"

Baduanjin was said to be Taijiquan, and no one noticed that it was wrong.

Practicing Tai Chi?Gu Banxia looked suspicious.

Someone in the crowd couldn't hold back, "Pfft!" A burst of laughter, and then, for some unknown reason, the laughter became continuous.

Pei Yunmo also laughed, and said, "He's just joking with you, everyone is here to watch you practice Baduanjin."

In a word, the embarrassment of those who blurt out Tai Chi will disappear.

He didn't make a mistake on purpose to break the atmosphere, if Pei Yunmo hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have realized his slip of the tongue.

The atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable. Everyone wiped off their sweat, rested, chatted and exchanged their experience in practicing Baduanjin.

The entire wilderness family seems to have engaged in a team building, and the effect is quite good.

Seeing everyone over there circling around Gu Banxia, ​​but she was alone, and no one noticed that she was alone, how she was feeling, and what kind of time she was spending, Gu Yu's eyes turned red.

What made her feel wronged the most was that everyone didn't laugh at the bumpkins!And Pei Yunmo actually resolved the embarrassment for that bumpkin!


However, there is no most angry, only more angry.

Everyone's words came to Gu Yu's ears one after another, "Xia Xia, you haven't learned it yet, but we have all learned it."

"Yeah yeah."

"I didn't expect the effect of Ba Duan Jin exercise to be so good. My back always hurts suddenly from time to time. I followed you to practice a few times with two hands holding the sky to regulate the triple burner. Guess what? It worked! It's still a little sore now. I'm going to keep doing it."

The guest contestant who spoke moved his right arm with excitement while expressing emotion.

A guest contestant next to him said to him: "Really? The effect is so good, you have to keep practicing."

The guest contestant who was talking also said: "I don't want to stick to it, just start today, and we will practice this every morning in the future!"

While talking, he and several guest contestants looked at Gu Banxia with bright eyes, "Xia Xia, what time will you wake up tomorrow? Can you call me?"

Before the man finished speaking, several guest contestants couldn't wait to interrupt, "Call me too!"

"And I!"

"I want to participate too."

Looking at Gu Banxia again, he regained his composure, "Don't worry, we are willing to pay points for early service," then, blinking at Gu Banxia, ​​"Everyone gets half a point to one point, okay, Xia Xia? "

Before Gu Banxia agreed, Gu Luo over there was already turning green with anger, the same color as this wilderness.

It is not easy to earn points now.

From half a point to one point, the accumulation of less makes more, Gu Banxia thought it was ok, she nodded and agreed, and Gu Wei heard the laughter and noise of a group of people over there, she was so angry that her head ached, just now from the tree The place where I was frightened and fell by the monkey also felt sudden pain.

The laughter and laughter over there didn't stop at all.

"I bend the bow left and right like shooting a sculpture and standing a splayed palm. Isn't it necessary to stand up the index finger as much as possible? When practicing, I feel stretched very comfortably, and the fingertips are slightly numb and tingling. I know if I'm doing it right."

Then someone echoed: "It must be right, you are so angry!"

Everyone laughed.

I didn't expect today's morning exercise to be so rewarding.

It was so unexpected.

If they hadn't seen Gu Banxia practicing Baduanjin there, which of them would have thought of practicing Baduanjin in the morning?
It must be either stretching like Zhou Zheng, or hanging from a tree like Gu Ruo, or choosing the most common exercise - running.

It would never have occurred to them that they just watched Gu Banxia practice Baduanjin, and Gu Banxia didn't know how to do it. Instead, they stimulated their own potential and learned Baduanjin.



It's fun.

"Good guy, I only stood on tiptoe once when all the illnesses behind my back disappeared, and I felt that I was much more energetic."

"Me too."

"Xia Xia, I've made a reservation for tomorrow's morning call service, and I'll give you two points, you have to remember to call me!"


A bunch of guest contestants played together because of Baduanjin, vying to be the first person to be woken up by Gu Banxia tomorrow morning. Finally, Gu Banxia agreed to the first guest who made this request Players, two points are reserved.

The rest have no objection.

Gu Banxia was quite surprised, but also very happy.

Although she didn't hand in today's homework smoothly, she reserved eight points in advance.

Beside him, Pei Yunmo was in a mixed mood, but at the same time he was a little relieved.It is a good thing that she can integrate into the big family so quickly.

Pei Bansheng did not interfere.

What Gu Banxia wants to do, and what to do, as long as she is good to her.She is lonely, away from the crowd, and doesn't fit into the group, but as long as she feels comfortable, he doesn't interfere.

Gu Banxia agreed to collect points to provide the morning call service. Pei Bansheng thought it was a good improvement. He expressed his support and thought by the way, is it possible for the technical department to launch a morning call service in PowerLet?
With an extremely weak sense of presence, Pei Bansheng approached Gu Banxia, ​​and whispered:
"I'll call you tomorrow morning."

Gu Banxia was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help looking at Pei Bansheng.

Pei Bansheng's oily face, of course, couldn't see any expression.

What he means is that she provides morning call service for everyone, and he provides morning call service for her.

The only morning call service, is that what you mean?

After Pei Bansheng finished what he wanted to say, he stepped back again, making it impossible to feel that he was still there.

However, the scene of the two getting closer and biting their ears still fell into the eyes of those who cared.

Being so close, I don't know what whispered something, half of Miss Gu's ears turned red.Pei Yunmo lowered his long eyelashes, covering the fluctuations in his eyes.

The excitement over there was almost endless, and Gu Luo wanted to plug her ears.

Can't hear it anymore.

She turned around, strode away from the bamboo house quickly, and wanted to make the redneck disappear from the show as soon as possible!

No one noticed Gu Luo leaving.

Everyone had almost had a rest, and then continued to chat about Baduanjin.

Gu Banxia was stunned for a while, a little unwilling to accept the fact, "You guys know it all?"

Then why hasn't she learned it?

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