【Ahhhhhhh, Ruoruo's sister is really good. For her sister, she is willing to travel thousands of miles to endure hardships. 】

[I feel worthless for Ruoruo. 】

[Did you forget something?If Ruoruo came here, she was looking for inspiration and style for her next music album, please don't be moved by yourself, saying that you came here because of Gu Banxia's so-called younger sister.Gu Banxia doesn't even recognize Ruoruo as a sister, have you forgotten? 】

As soon as this bullet screen was said, everyone remembered it.

That's right, Gu Luo came to participate in Survival in the Wilderness, it must be to prepare for the next music album, not for Gu Banxia!

Gu Banxia is just a village girl from the countryside, a bumpkin.

Gu Ruo is the daughter of the chairman of the Gu Corporation, the jewel in his palm.

Gu Luo called Gu Banxia sister, because she was well-bred, but Gu Banxia was not worthy of this title.

Gu Banxia understands wild fruits, insects, leaves, and distinguishes what is poisonous from what is not, isn't it a normal thing?If they had squatted in the countryside since they were young, and grew up following their grandparents behind their buttocks every day, they might be even stronger than Gu Banxia!

Gu Ruo is a girl from the city, daughter!Don't understand these, how normal!

These fans quickly leveled the sense of imbalance in their hearts, and by the way, kicked Gu Banxia directly into the dust and mud, and praised Gu Yu as an artist.

Compared to Gu Ruo's fans, Pei Yunmo's fans are much more confident.

After all, Pei Yunmo's ability is remarkable, everyone has seen it.

[Momo just didn't find a suitable fire starter for a while, so he doesn't know how to make a fire outdoors! 】

[The last time he made a fire, his hand was injured and he has not healed until now. 】

[Some people are blind with their eyes open and deliberately pretend not to see. The gauze on Mo Mo's hand is so bright that he just can't see. 】

After a while, they posted the screen recording of Pei Yunmo lighting a fire outdoors on the Internet.At that time, the Dongle live broadcast platform had not acquired Mute, and could record screens at will.

Pei Yunmo had indeed made fire before, so soon, everyone stopped talking about whether he would make fire.Now he has taken the initiative to mention, "I will come, I will drill a rope to make fire."

But the team members including Gu Luo stopped him, "You still have injuries on your hands."

They would not risk being bombarded by Pei Yunmo's fans collectively, and let Pei Yunmo get hurt.

They would rather eat it raw.

It took a while for Gu Luo to talk and talk, before she barely calmed down the heated discussions that had a bad influence on her.

Gu Luo also did not expect that, except for Pei Yunmo, none of their team members would know how to light a fire outdoors!

Teammate Pig, hold her back!

For a moment, she couldn't hold back anymore.

Would it be necessary for her to bother to find clues and make fire for everyone outdoors at the same time?
The grievance and anger in Gu Yu's heart erupted like a volcano.

She swiped and stood up from the ground!
The movement was so loud that the others were startled and startled, and they all looked at Gu Luo.

Some team members had dog noses, sniffing so hard that their heads almost fell on Gu Luo's clothes and stuck to them.

Others are disgusted.

Pei Yunmo also frowned and came up to pull the man, warning him: "What are you doing?" He blocked his personality in front and looked down at the other party.The atmosphere was tense instantly.

[So wretched! 】

[Hit him. 】

[Momo is so warm and feels safe. 】

[Oh my god, I'm so screwed, I really want to soul wear Teacher Gu! 】

[Could it be...a misunderstanding? 】

[What was hidden on Mr. Gu's body and was discovered? 】

Others also felt that the male guest contestant was too much.

But not as big as Pei Yunmo's reaction.

Gu Ruo was the only one who was happy, her eyes lit up a few degrees.

Pei Yunmo still cared about her very much!

There was a certain direction in her heart, but she didn't grasp it for a moment, and it disappeared in a flash.

[The eyes are almost glued to the actor Pei, there is another one here. 】

[Ah bah, stay away from us, Momo! 】

The guest contestant had green lights in his eyes.

He didn't realize at all that he was regarded as Xu Yong's second by Pei Yunmo and other team members.

"I smelled pancakes and ham! It's on Teacher Gu!" He said excitedly, swallowing his saliva.

Everyone stared at Gu Luo.

Teacher Gu has food hidden on him?Or ham pancakes?Why don't they know!
Someone looked at the drone, full of doubts, the program team didn't see the notice?
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gu Yu couldn't help but her face swelled hotly.But she responded quickly, "Haha, I was discovered. I originally planned to stay until the evening, and then invite everyone to eat."

Ten thousand horses waded past in my heart.

He wanted to hide his secrets, but was found out.She didn't want to share it with anyone at all, even if it was Pei Yunmo, after thinking about it, she reluctantly parted with it.

Please eat, what does she eat? !

Gu Ruo pretended to be playful and cute, causing the fans in the live broadcast room to chirp, [Wow, Ruoruo is so cute. 】

[Ms. Gu has always been generous. If there is something to eat, I will definitely ask everyone to share it. Unlike some people, who search and search, and do everything possible to get others to exchange points for rewards.Don't be too ugly with that hidden look! 】

Those harsh words, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai, and making insinuations, almost didn't mention Gu Banxia explicitly.

[Guest contestants: The expressions show shame, they misunderstood Mr. Gu, please forgive Mr. Gu! 】

As Gu Yu said, she took out half a pancake from her inner pocket and showed it to everyone.

The remaining half was cut off by her through the clothes.

After yesterday afternoon and evening, she has deeply realized the importance of food.

Not all will be shared.

The barrage was full of praise again, boasting that she was generous and good-natured.

Before Gu Ruo finished showing, the guest contestant snatched it up, "Ahhhhhhh!"

Immediately, his mouth was full of saliva on the pancake, and everyone couldn't help showing disgust, thinking that he did it on purpose.

He Wanglan's face was the ugliest, because it was the guest contestant she hinted that Gu Ruo might have hidden food.

The barrage followed suit with disgust and condemnation.

Pei Yunmo was annoyed that he hadn't been able to stop it, the people grabbing food were too fast, and he was too slow.When the live broadcast of this program is over, let's see if I need to find a master to teach the reaction force, alas.

The guest contestant handed the pancakes in front of everyone, "Hey! Yours! Don't say I don't miss you."

Everyone retreated together.

When you take a bite, most of half of the pancake has been removed, and there is still saliva on it, so you can really miss them!

The barrage was full of laughter.

[In this way, he can take half of the pancake as his own. 】

[You can also enjoy it slowly. 】

【Ah, so shameless!But I have to admit that his method is shameless but it works. 】

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