But he said in his heart, when Xiao Gu said that the broadcast was going to stop, director, that's not what you said.

Yan Fengchun was even more delighted to be praised.

That is, don't look at who he is?

Hu Yulian was happy all morning because Gu Banxia took the initiative to stop the broadcast in the morning, and specially asked the housekeeper to set a reminder, and the bumpkin came to tell her when the broadcast started, and she wanted to watch the bumpkin make a fool of herself.

Unexpectedly, Gu Banxia's popularity rose instead of falling!

Hu Yulian's eyes were sour.

She yelled at the audience in the live broadcast room that they were masochists, and they were all refused service by the country bumpkins. She also arranged her own affairs and made room for her to reopen the live broadcast room with Gu Banxia!
Hu Yulian's eyes darkened, and she fell back.

The housekeeper exclaimed: "Ma'am!"

Hastily came over to help her lean on the cushion.

I took my blood pressure and was startled, "Ma'am, your blood pressure!"

Hu Yulian suddenly suffered from high blood pressure, and the Gu family's villa was thrown into chaos.

Hu Lanlan, who also regarded Gu Banxia as a thorn in her side, did not get any better.The part of her face where plastic surgery was done was cracked again, and the pain made her feel worse than death.

[For Xia Xia's wave of keeping the promise, I want to reward a sum of money (Gou Tou Bao Ming. JPG), so as to brighten the eyes of all brothers and sisters. 】

[Wow, this wave of operations is possible! 】

[Hahaha I donated a reward, but I didn't open it at all, what kind of live broadcast room, it's shabby. 】

[Me too, is the director afraid that everyone is underage, afraid that refund disputes will cause trouble at that time, should we plan ahead and plan a retreat for the program crew? 】


It was as if he had been hit at the death spot.

Can these dead kids talk?Was it hard to coax him with nice words?Just know to bully him.

He is not afraid of refunds, disputes, and trouble.

He is a gentleman who loves money, and he gets it in a proper way!understand?

Everyone in the program group looked at the director with enthusiastic eyes, are you on?open?open?
The director looked back at the crowd and hesitated for a moment.

Is it still open?Is he a door? If you call Zhima to open the door, the door will open?
For the first time, a barrage asked for a tipping fee, and it was still a tipping for Gu Banxia's live broadcast room.He is jealous!

The director groaned, but finally reluctantly refused.

No, he has to keep his integrity, his program is different from others in the industry.

He said: "No!"

If you call Zhima twice more to open the door, maybe it will open.

The staff didn't know the pain in the director's heart, and tried their best to put a high hat on themselves to appease the injured soul.

Everyone was also heartbroken, and after paying attention to the director with admiring eyes, they posted a narration announcement in the live broadcast room.

"Thank you for your support. The live broadcast room does not accept any rewards for the time being. You are welcome to continue to watch the live broadcast, pay attention to the live broadcast content, and continue to support us!"


Is your persistence so short?
Not long after the announcement was hung up, the phone beeped.

If you can't directly reward, then change it to sponsorship and give money!Although it was a bit detoured, it was a bit troublesome.

There was another sponsorship, and the staff was very happy.

At the same time very worried.

First stabilize the person, and then look at the director to ask for instructions, what should I do?
The sponsors who came to Gu Banxia's endorsement are already full, and they can't arrange it until the live broadcast of the show is over.

The director looked at Gu Banxia under the live broadcast camera, his eyes and emotions were in sync, he loved and hated Xiao Gu, "Let's do this first, and I will talk to Xiao Gu later."

He had no choice but Gu Banxia, ​​the previous spokesperson, refused after knowing about it.

She doesn't use acne cream, so she doesn't speak for it.

She didn't wear those clothes, and she didn't endorse them.

She also said that her suitcase was lost on the first day of the show, and she didn't use the clothes in it for a day.Therefore, she does not represent the endorsement of the suitcase and all the clothes in the suitcase.

With such a choice, the sponsors didn't even have an interview opportunity, and they were wiped out immediately.

How miserable.

The director felt sorry for her.

Then look at Gu Wei, once she came, she completed several brand endorsements beautifully, and her sponsors also paid the final payment in a hurry.

The program group also has income, and the tide is rising. They are discussing multi-faceted cooperation with the program group, for example, to engage in collective endorsements or something.

But Gu Banxia didn't say any more, and went back to continue the live broadcast.Even if the director held back his fire, he could only temporarily press it down.

Now, the new sponsorship arrived, and Gu Banxia was not clearly asked to endorse.

However, what does the benefactor mean... nothing more than two kinds, either the unspoken rules of Gu Banxia, ​​or pure flattery.

The director and the program group subconsciously tended to the former.

This is the current environment in the entertainment industry. There is no way to reverse or change anything with personal power. If you force it, it will be like an egg hitting a rock and an arm twisting a thigh.

Banning and freezing are not something everyone can bear, unless they quit the circle.

He looked at Xiao Gu, probably because he hadn't thought of quitting the industry yet.

So, will Gu Banxia agree?
Think about how she coiled a poisonous snake in her hand like a pet, think about how she beat a crocodile with a cane in the crocodile pool... Unless she wants to dive into you, there is no way!

The director and the program team even vaguely felt that, perhaps, there was a third possibility?But what it is, I can't capture it.

Under the live camera.

Gu Luo was completely stunned.

She raised her head suddenly and looked at Gu Banxia's exclusive drone in disbelief.

what? !

She just started live streaming now? !

That hillbilly refused Pei Yunmo's entry just to wait for her to restart the live broadcast? !
Gu Luo suddenly felt an angry feeling of being cheated by someone close to her.

Pretty face flushed red.

She clenched her hands and turned to look at Pei Yunmo.He stood outside the door waiting, looking expectant, as if waiting for a very important audition.

He didn't look at her at all!
Gu Luo's breathing became disordered for an instant.

But no one paid attention, even Gu Yu's own live broadcast room was silent for a while.It never occurred to her that the reason why Pei Yunmo was kicked out was... this?
[Isn't Gu Banxia an eighteenth-line female artist?Dare to play big names, and deserve to play big names, to instigate Ying Yingdi? 】

[We Ruoruo and Pei Yingdi are good friends, we dare not do this! 】

Gu Luo's fans were so sour that their teeth were weak, and they almost jumped up and came across the screen. They all stared at Gu Banxia in the live broadcast room, and the acid flowed into their eyes.

Gu Banxia looked at Pei Yunmo who was waiting at the door, waved at him, and said, "Pei Yunmo, it's done."

Her voice is peaceful, accompanied by the wind in the wilderness jungle, but it makes people feel happy when listening to it, and it is more beautiful than the singing of birds.

"Okay, here we come." Pei Yunmo responded.

There is a smile on his face, his eyebrows and eyes, and the corners of his mouth. Even the pores of his hair are full of smiles. He is as gentle as jade and extremely charming.

It is time to take a step and re-enter the threshold of the bamboo house gate.

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