"Yes, yes, you are right! I was really nervous just now," Pei Yunmo's eyes became brighter.

"Any more?" He looked at Gu Banxia expectantly.

I never thought that I would discuss my acting skills with her.

Forget all your troubles and just immerse yourself in the present moment of happiness.

[Take two words from the eyes of Emperor Pei: Happiness. 】

【Shock!Gu Banxia, ​​an eighteenth-line female artist, is teaching a senior to act?Am I right? 】

[I'm teaching the film emperor how to act, and my courage is commendable, but I just don't know how long the clown can dance. 】

[Look at the expressions of Mr. Gu and other guest contestants, who am I and where am I hahahaha. 】

【Misunderstood!Actor Pei has not changed, he is just addicted to acting, that's why he can't see others. 】

【yes!Misunderstandings abound, and those who work seriously cannot see or hear the outside world. 】

[On the realm of shielding all interference from the outside world and only concentrating on one thing. 】

[I'll just say it's weird. 】

[Seriously, Momo Taisha, I'm woohoo. 】

[This is feedback from any audience. 】

[Wooooow, I just lack shielding power! 】

Gu Luo felt very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

The Deluzhai pancakes that she ate before suddenly went down the esophagus, hit her heart and lungs, and hit her throat, making her feel mixed flavors in her mouth.

She also realized that Pei Yunmo was too involved, obsessed with the performance just now, that's why she didn't hear herself speak.

The other guest contestants also understood.

They gathered around Pei Yunmo and listened to him and Gu Banxia discussing the performance.

Gu Luo glanced at them, and everyone listened with gusto.

She turned cold.

Seeing Pei Yunmo expecting so much, Gu Banxia felt that if he failed, he would be very sorry.

She really thought about it seriously: "Two lines, the first line, you ask me why I have been here all the time, the second line, you didn't go out to do the task? Open up the emotional progression of the line. You try."

Pei Yunmo straightened his back, "How do you pull it apart and advance?"

He unconsciously leaned in the direction of the bumpkin!Gu Luo was so angry that she trembled slightly, she really wanted to rush up and pull Pei Yunmo away.He didn't feel ashamed, she was ashamed for him!

The audience in the live broadcast room muttered, Gu Banxia, ​​the [-]th-line little transparent, really taught the actor to act, she, she really dares!
The guest contestant who has filmed next to him: ...

His eyes moved.My heart also moved.

Looking at Gu Banxia's serious appearance, those who didn't know, thought that she was a frequent visitor of the winner of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award.But in fact, she is only a web drama, and she can barely handle it.What's the name of that web drama?No impression.

That's it.

Dare to be a teacher in front of Emperor Pei and everyone else?

Everyone couldn't help shaking their heads secretly, feeling that Gu Banxia had indeed changed.

Watching Pei Yunmo shamelessly ask Gu Luo to Gu Banxia: ...

He Wanglan has already turned around directly, she is not interested in these.I plan to get close to Dr. Tao who is busy in the kitchen. The food in the kitchen is so delicious.It's serious to eat!
Although Zhou Zheng also had onlookers, but the toe of one of his feet could not wait to turn it outside.He and He Wanglan thought of going together.

[Zhou Zheng and He Wanglan laughed so hard at me, they were eager to eat, they looked like students who rushed to the cafeteria when the bell rang for the end of get out of class. 】

[He Wanglan and Zhou Zheng: Those who cook rice cook rice soul. 】

[The distance between the other guest contestants and them is only one ringtone away. 】

【puff! 】

Only Pei Yunmo was very serious, to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep.

"Wait for me," he moved over a bamboo stool, and sat across from Gu Banxia across the space of one person. Because his legs were too long, he groveled aggrievedly and sat there, waiting for Gu Banxia. enlightenment.

[Inexplicably, I feel like laughing at this scene. 】

[Long legs with nowhere to put them, envy. 】

[Xia Xia really taught Pei Yingdi a lesson? 】

[May I ask if she has any masterpieces?Or am I not paying enough attention to it? 】

[She doesn't have a representative work, okay?The only web drama is only the female N number, the performance is not even exaggerated, it is blunt, and passers-by can act better than her. 】

[So she really dared to discuss acting skills with Emperor Pei! 】

[It's Yingying Pei who is not ashamed to ask. 】

【Then why not be ashamed to ask Gu Luo. 】

Gu Banxia thought for a while: "Well, you can suppress your emotions for the first sentence, and let go of your emotions for the second sentence?"

In her private heart, she felt that she would only appreciate it.Awesome, it's definitely Pei Yunmo.His reputation as a newly promoted actor is more than enough compared to his original body.

Someone in the audience rolled their eyes in the live broadcast room, [Chi!That's nice to say, why don't you come directly? 】

There are also those who agree, [Well, it seems to make sense. 】

Others searched for black material about Gu Banxia's filming of online dramas and posted them on the Internet.Netizens searched for a while, wondering, [Didn't it mean that Gu Banxia played a role in it?which one? 】

Afterwards, someone circled it in eye-catching red, and everyone recognized it, [I'm going!Hidden so deeply, how dare you direct Yingying Pei's lines?If she doesn't blush, I blush for her. 】

【my God!This is too vague, right? 】

Curious netizens were incredulous and shocked, [After being slapped, she is not the female supporting role, but a substitute for the female supporting role! 】

The video was streamed from the set. Gu Banxia's performance in the play was solid, and she was slapped by the female supporting role.

Moreover, fanned more than once.

Netizens who are careful, those who join in the fun, and those who are so bored to the point of getting hairy, counted them attentively. Gu Banxia was NGed 25 times in total, and slapped 25 times in total!

The first time it was firm, Gu Banxia immediately left five clear palm prints on his face.

The audience and netizens in the live broadcast felt sorry for her.

The leading actress who slapped her "Oh!" exclaimed.

After that, he looked at Gu Banxia with great distress, and said in a sweet voice: "Why don't you avoid it?"

After finishing speaking, he waved Gu Banxia's hand, frowned, and complained to others: "My hand hurts so much."

A bunch of people surrounded the female lead to ask her health and busy schedule.

Gu Banxia inside was squeezed to the side and was left out in the cold.

Covering the sore spot with his hands, his slender body was bent, his eyes were shy and timid, and his lips were pursed.After a while, the netizens who watched the video heard what she said. She said that she didn't know, and it didn't matter.

Netizens: ...

The female supporting role said to the female lead: "She said it's okay, for the sake of the film and television effect, it's better to be serious."

The female lead obviously agreed very much, she raised her neck and asked the director: "Director, I think I didn't perform very well just now, let's do it again."

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