Chapter 33

"At the beginning of the show, everyone took out their points and exchanged these things together, but Miss Gu, you are the only one who didn't.

"You won't forget?"

"Gu Banxia, ​​you don't welcome us to your bamboo house, and we don't welcome you to our shelter."

"Gu Banxia, ​​I'm talking to you!"


Gu Banxia didn't talk to them, just bypassed the crowd.

I don't know how she did it, anyway, it made everyone feel that their wall was just for decoration, and Gu Banxia felt as if she had entered no one's land.

The audience in the live broadcast room just wanted to laugh.

[I can see that speaking is not what Ms. Gu is good at. 】

[Just do it directly. 】

Gu Banxia went straight to the kitchen, but unexpectedly saw Xu Yong here.

Everyone ran out, and Xu Yong took the opportunity to go to the kitchen.

Both of them froze for a while, staring with wide eyes.

Xu Yong is...stealing!
There was still a slick of grease hanging from the corner of his mouth, and when he saw Gu Banxia with one hand, he subconsciously flashed into the dark, while the other hand paused in the air.

It's an act of stealing chicken legs.

People's voices were buzzing, and they followed behind Gu Banxia to cover them.

It was right that everyone was outside, but they were so useless that even Gu Banxia couldn't stop them, causing him to be caught on the spot!
After Xu Yong was stunned for a moment, he immediately took the initiative: "My surname is Gu, who allowed you to sneak into the kitchen? Do you want to steal food?!"

Everyone stared at Gu Banxia with uneasy expressions.

The entrance and exit were directly blocked.

Gu Banxia couldn't escape this time.

Some barrages are too angry, [Obviously Xu Yong stole food and was caught by Gu Banxia? 】

[Wan Duzi, everyone believes in Xu Yong or Gu Banxia! 】

[Mainly Gu Banxia has a criminal record. 】

[Gu Banxia really suffers from being dumb, even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he can't clean himself up. 】

I also have to wait and see, how will Gu Banxia respond?

Gu Banxia was neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

She was half-smiling, her eyes thought-provoking.

Everyone's voices paused, and the scene gradually became quiet, only the whistling wind outside could be heard.

The light in the kitchen was getting dimmer, and the light of the flashlight couldn't resist the darkness that shrouded it.

Xu Yong's body trembled.

In the darkness, Gu Banxia said, "I exchanged for the lighter."

Xu Yong and Hu Lanlan opened their eyes wide, but Gu Banxia actually said this in public?Did she eat the bear heart and leopard gall?Do you still feel that you are familiar with Best Actor Pei, and that with the backing of Best Actor Pei, you think everyone will believe her?
Everyone is inconceivable, this Gu Banxia has become a habit of lying, right?

Before Xu Yong and Hu Lanlan could say anything, some guest contestants stood up.

He looked at Gu Banxia dissatisfied.

"You are talking nonsense, the lighter was obviously exchanged by Xu Yong with his own points, why did you exchange it?"

"Gu Banxia, ​​you said that you exchanged the lighter, do you have evidence?" Hu Lanlan also opened her mouth, staring in Gu Banxia's direction with a strange look in her eyes.

[Look at us blue and angry, don't call Gu Banxia Xiaxia anymore. 】

Xu Yong also looked at Gu Banxia provocatively.That is, you said that you exchanged the lighter, do you have evidence?If you have evidence, show it.

Gu Banxia slightly raised his eyebrows, there is no evidence to bully Yuan.

Others also asked Gu Banxia to show evidence, so as not to throw dirty water on people for no reason.

[The lighter must have been exchanged by Gu Banxia, ​​right? 】

[Don't guess, show evidence if you have evidence! 】

The atmosphere was stalemate.

Gu Banxia was still calm, Xu Yong and Hu Lanlan couldn't help but shake their hearts. Could it be that she really has evidence?Xu Yong's clenched fist was filled with cold sweat, and Hu Lanlan pursed her lips.

People's hearts have undergone subtle changes.

Gu Banxia really came prepared. When the original body was tricked to the dead end of the live broadcast, although because of cowardice and fear, thinking of Hu Lanlan's friendship, he could not escape the fate of being robbed of the lighter, and chose to remain silent afterwards.but……

"Do you want evidence?"

Gu Banxia's cold voice came into everyone's ears, and some of them unconsciously shook their hearts.

Seeing Gu Banxia's confidence, Xu Yong's heart skipped a beat. Does she really have evidence?But then he felt relieved, it was impossible, Gu Banxia was cheating him!

Xu Yong looked stern: "Gu Banxia, ​​don't think that everyone is a fool, if you have evidence, show it."

"Yeah," Hu Lanlan chimed in, searching for Pei Yunmo, but didn't see him, "We all participated in the show together, talking nonsense is too hurtful."

Others also echoed, this sentence is Pei Yingdi's mantra.

Pei Yunmo was just outside the shelter, and everyone went in, but because he didn't want to crowd with others, he stood outside.In the future, he will try to say as little as possible.

He looked at Gu Banxia through the crowd.

He didn't know if she had any evidence.

Gu Banxia looked indifferent.

In the memory of the original body, there were bursts of red dots flashing in a corner around that time, which was a signal sent by a drone when it was working.

According to Gu Banxia's judgment, the angle, distance, orientation, working status, and performance quality of the drone are all sufficient to clearly record what happened at that time.

Gu Banxia raised her hand and pointed to the drone that was exclusively following her: "Here, it is the evidence."

Everyone at the scene and the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Did the drone record it?

This is impossible!

Xu Yong's head buzzed instantly.He quickly forced himself to calm down again, "Evidence? It? There was obviously no live broadcast at the time, because Hu Lanlan needed convenience..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yong knew he was done.

Sure enough, the eyes of the others were full of suspicion.

Under the light of the flashlight, Xu Yong's face was pale, with sweat rolling down his face.

There was an instant sensation in the live broadcast room, 【Xu Yong felt guilty. 】

[The lighter was exchanged by Xu Yong for taking Gu Banxia's points?The process was also photographed by a drone? 】

[At that time, Hu Lanlan used the excuse of convenience... Hu Lanlan was actually an accomplice?The two teamed up to rob? 】

[Survival in the wilderness, fire is so important!It's no wonder that Xu Yong has a twisted mind. 】

[If you want to blame it, blame Gu Banxia, ​​such an important material cannot be protected. 】

[I lost my fan, I was blind at the beginning, I thought Xu Yong was not bad, but I didn't expect him to be a scum. 】

[Hu Lanlan also said that she is Gu Banxia's best friend, tsk, no wonder people say that it is fireproof, anti-theft, and best friend. 】

Xu Yong and Hu Lanlan's house collapsed, and most of their fans lost.

The lighter matter was a big deal, and it was trending on various platforms.More and more netizens poured into the live broadcast room of the wilderness survival show through the link, [Lighter?What kind of melon is this? 】

【The same question. 】

The director immediately arranged for the program team to investigate.

After a while, the staff got the result.

The director was stunned for a moment. Isn't this speed a little too fast?
The staff also felt that this was a bit miraculous. As soon as he started to investigate, the relevant information was delivered to his mouth, as if someone was waiting there to feed them accurately.

"At that time, it was indeed Hu Lanlan's convenience, so the drone did not follow the live broadcast. But—"

(End of this chapter)

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