Chapter 37 Rescue Xu Yong
【Ahhhhhhhhh, Gu Banxia is damned, how dare you order us Momo! 】

[Momo didn't even ask her for points in exchange. 】

[Zhou Zheng didn't either. 】

[A man can't be as thick-skinned as her. 】

[However, Emperor Pei is willing to obey orders. 】

[Gu Banxia agrees, actor Pei is happy, other guest contestants have no objections, and then, netizens and fans have opinions? 】

Pei Yunmo was half a beat too late, and asked curiously, "Miss Gu, what do you need a bag for?"

The audience in the live broadcast room, [same question. 】

Gu Banxia didn't respond, she quickly found out...a bone spur in her pocket.


Someone hurriedly helped, found a lighter, and quickly handed it to Gu Banxia.

It's only after finishing that I feel a little subtle, why am I so obedient?As if Gu Banxia is the chief surgeon and an intern himself?What is wrong?
[It's funny to see his bewildered face. 】

[Bone spurs!Didn't Gu Banxia pick this up on the beach when he was rushing to the sea?I remember that there were barrage jokes at that time, saying what was the use of her picking up these rubbish. 】

[I also remember.But now that Gu Banxia has pulled out the bone spur, it is obviously necessary to use it. 】

【What does she want? 】

【Is that what I think? 】

[Of course it hurts, hehe. 】

[Could it be...hahahaha, Xu Yong is going to be unlucky. 】

The wind outside was getting stronger and stronger, and the sound of whistling and tearing made people feel more and more anxious.

Gu Banxia frowned slightly, raised his head and said to Zhou Zheng: "Hold the flashlight steady."

Zhou Zheng was ashamed, quickly restrained his mind, and held the flashlight steadily.No girl in Gu Banxia was frightened by the strong wind, but he...

Ah, what a shame!

"Crack!" With a sound, Gu Banxia pressed the lighter, and the outer flame of the flame quickly rolled over the bone spur.

Everyone couldn't help holding their breath and staring.

After Gu Banxia sterilized the bone spur, he stabbed it at Xu Yong's Renzhong acupoint.


There was a very slight sound.

Everyone was shocked, and they didn't dare to breathe, as if they were pierced in the neck.

I just realized it, yes yes yes... I can pinch someone and give first aid, my head was a mess just now, why didn't I think of it?
So, is this all right?

There was the sound of swallowing saliva all around.

The main thing that everyone knows the knowledge of rescue in pinching is through TV dramas or some miscellaneous books, and they have never experienced it personally.The shock of the two is completely incomparable.

So, if Gu Banxia pierced someone with a bone spur, can Xu Yong be revived?

Who has no idea.

When she reacted, Hu Lanlan couldn't help but put her hand off her neck in annoyance.

【hiss! 】

【it hurts! 】

[Renzhong acupoint, well, this acupoint is well chosen.Go up to the Governor Vessel, and down to the Ren Vessel.The governor vessel is yang, and the conception vessel is yin. The reason why people faint is because of the separation of yin and yang. At this time, pinching the person with fingers or stimulating with needles can promote the communication of yin and yang, and the person can wake up. 】

[I have only seen first aid in strangulation, this is the first time I have seen a bone spur. 】

[This is the first time I have seen that people’s health centers in hospitals use acupuncture. 】

[I thought it was rubbish for a moment, but now, how many people have been slapped in the face like me, I didn't expect it to be so useful. 】

[It's too early for the upstairs to say this, and he hasn't woken up yet. 】

Gu Banxia twirled the bone spur for a full second before quickly pulling it out.

There was another "puchi!"

Everyone stared wide-eyed to observe.

Xu Yong... didn't wake up! ?

Didn't wake up, haha.

Didn't wake up!
So, is this not salvageable?
Hu Lanlan on the side almost laughed out of joy.At this moment, she really wanted to shout, Gu Banxia, ​​you killed Xu Yong!

After trying her best, Hu Lanlan held back abruptly.With the previous lessons, she must stabilize herself, what if there is another reversal?

[Cut, after a long time, no one was rescued! 】

【Is Gu Banxia just putting on a show?Her acting skills are so good, I even believed her, thinking she could really do it. 】

[Sweat me all over, I'm so excited. 】

[She really did it to get traffic, some people just refused to accept the reality, were deceived by her superficial prestige, and wanted to whitewash her and speak for her. 】

[Bone spurs are bone spurs, and they are no match for professional acupuncture. 】

[The director vomits blood. 】

【Xu Yong's family members and friends came here in a rage carrying a 40-meter broadsword. 】

【Oh, Gu Banxia put people to death after all.This show is going to be cool! 】

【What kind of monster is Gu Banxia going to be? 】

Xu Yong didn't wake up, his kidney energy was emptied because of his lust, which was expected.Gu Banxia still didn't panic, she handed the bone spur to Pei Yunmo, and immediately seamlessly connected, grabbing Xu Yong's left hand.

Everyone's eyebrows are jumping, at this moment, is it time for you to grab the man's hand?Shouldn't you give Xu Yong CPR compressions?Anyway, let the audience in the live broadcast room see that you are desperately trying to save Xu Yong.

But I saw that Gu Banxia's thumb was pressing hard, along Xu Yong's wrist, towards the heel of the palm, pushing and pressing the big thenar quickly and evenly for strong stimulation.

One, two, three...

[No, I don't understand, Xu Yong is gone, why is she pushing Xu Yong's palm? 】

[That is the big thenar point on the hand, and there is an acupuncture point on it called the big thenar point. 】

[By strongly stimulating the thenar reflex area on the hand, the heart in sudden arrest can restore its pumping function, buying time for subsequent rescue. 】

[Wow, Doctor Tao is here. 】

After the certified doctor Tao greeted everyone, [Ms. Gu's technique is very professional. 】

[Compared to Dr. Tao, Gu Banxia also used an ax in front of Lu Ban's door, which is nothing compared to the big witch. 】

Certified doctor Tao, [Don't put on my high hat, medicine is always as high as a mountain, and the best is even stronger... There is no limit to the sea of ​​medicine. 】

[Does Gu Banxia really understand medicine? 】

After strongly stimulating the thenar on Xu Yong's left hand, Gu Banxia noticed the change of Xu Yong's breath.Just now he was out of breath, but now he has a weak breath.However, the person still did not wake up, the root cause was that Xu Yong's kidney qi was exhausted too much.

[Why did Gu Banxia stop! 】

【After a long time, Xu Yong still didn't wake up? 】

[It made me look forward to it in vain. 】

The palms of the guests and contestants present were all sweaty.If Xu Yong died like this, can this show continue to be broadcast live?They began to worry about their own future and situation.

The atmosphere of the program group was also so cold that it could freeze frost.

The director even strangled the flesh on both sides of his thighs.Xiao Gu, Xiao Gu, one thousand and fifty points, don't let me down!

Male left and female right, after strongly stimulating Xu Yong's left hand big thenar, let the Qi recover, Gu Banxia did not pause at all, rolled up Xu Yong's trousers to above the knee bend, "Zhou Zheng, take off his shoes and socks Lose."

(End of this chapter)

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