Gu Nu's equipment has been inspected.

There is no abnormality, and it is safe to climb the tree.

But she lost interest.

In particular, the first person to climb the tree had been snatched away by the blind He Wanglan.

Now that she is climbing, even if she reaches the top in one go, discovers the key clues and successfully retrieves them, she will still be the second best.

This made Gu Nu feel very unhappy.

I'll deal with He Wanglan later and let her know what the consequences will be if she takes the first place as the daughter of the Gu Group!
When he met Gu Nu's gaze, He Wanglan was immediately frightened to the point that his hair stood on end and quickly shrank away.

At this moment, He Wanglan really regretted it.

If I had known earlier, I would not have conflicted with the other party!

However, there are no regrets in the world. What you have done is like water thrown out and cannot be taken back.

You can only make up for it afterwards.

So after thinking twice, He Wanglan finally stood up and reminded Gu Nu: "Teacher Gu, there is a big hornet's nest on this tree. You'd better not go up there!"

He Wanglan's original intention was to ease the relationship with Gu Nu.

As for a full restoration?She stopped thinking about it.

Gu Nuo's fans immediately shouted in the barrage, "I thought this woman wouldn't say it." 】

[If she hadn’t said anything, I would still admire her for staying the course.Result, that's it? 】

【Does she dare?Ruoruo is backed by the Gu Group. Anyone who dares to offend Ruoruo is seeking death! 】

[Do you want her to say it?Talkative. 】

[In the climbing competitions Ruoruo has participated in, guest contestants like He Wang Lan have more fingers combined. What kind of adventure is climbing a coconut tree?It's just a hornet's nest, can't she see it herself?Want to congratulate Wang Lan for meddling in his own business and point it out? 】

【Yes!Who does He Wanglan think he is?He was so shameless, and he dared to stop Ruoruo from letting us go up. 】

[Isn’t this for Teacher Gu’s benefit?It was clearly to highlight his own intelligence, to take advantage of Teacher Gu's enthusiasm, and to make everyone else look like an idiot!She is the only one smart! 】

[Laughing to death, He Wanglan is a fool but doesn’t know it. He thinks Teacher Gu is a fool.Where did she get the courage to tell Teacher Gu to stop going up? 】

[Maybe you think that if you can’t do it, others can’t do it either. 】

[Haha, why don’t you see if you can compare with Ruoruo?We Ruoruo are the bronze medalists of the Dragon Rhino Award in international rock climbing competitions! 】

Hu Yulian, who was watching the live broadcast, was anxious and sweating profusely!

Why doesn't that guilty staff member do anything?

That's a hornet's nest!

But I don’t know if you are the daughter of the Gu family, whoever is stung is the one!

If you don't do it well, you will die!

In the past, an old man was stung by a wasp in the village, and he was dead when the villagers found out!The body is all hard!

She was dizzy and the world was spinning. She had no choice but to ask the housekeeper to personally supervise the matter.

The housekeeper looked like you could lie down and take care of yourself as long as you were wrapped around me.

Hu Yulian: "Then give me some snacks. Being stung by a wasp is no small matter!"

The housekeeper promised with the utmost respect and humility: "Madam, don't worry, the eldest lady will be fine." Hu Yulian was still uneasy, feeling like a bucket was hanging up and down in her heart, "You can't worry about this matter. Keep an eye on it personally! I don’t trust the others."

The butler should be more humble: "Just leave it to me, madam, and I will keep an eye on it myself."

Hu Yulian: "That's good, that's good..."

Turning around, the butler changed his face.

Missy's fans are right. Missy can even win the bronze medal in the International Dragon and Rhino Awards. It's just a matter of climbing a coconut tree. Isn't it a trivial matter?

Not to mention that a coconut tree is 30 to [-] meters high, even if the eldest lady is allowed to climb the International Tower, which is several hundred meters high, it is no problem.

The reason why the housekeeper has this kind of understanding is thanks to the various kinds of brainwashing done by Hu Yulian and her daughter on weekdays.

Not only the housekeeper thinks so, but also everyone else in the Gu family villa thinks so.

The eldest lady is very good at rock climbing. How can it be possible that a coconut tree that is only 30 meters tall can be difficult for the eldest lady?

Don't worry if there is a hornet's nest in the tree. Didn't Movie Emperor Pei take points and exchange them for equipment for the eldest lady?
The eldest lady is invincible!
They were at the Gu family villa, waiting for the eldest lady to return in triumph, to take care of her and receive her reward!
Therefore, the butlers all believed that it was Hu Yulian who was eager to love her daughter, and the authorities were obsessed with it, so they didn't know the strength of the eldest lady, so they went to war so much, and they bought the program staff and personally appointed her to supervise the progress.

In fact, even if that He Wanglan said that there was a hornet's nest in the tree, let's just say it is really there. With the young lady's ability, can she still deal with it?

Besides, didn't the young master of the Pei family at the scene exchange five points for a complete set of safety protection equipment for the eldest lady?With the equipment in hand, still can't guard against a hornet's nest?It is said that man will conquer nature, can wasps be compared with human beings?

However, the program team has already received money from Gu's Group several times. Under such suppression, unless the program team doesn't want to make money or get subsequent financial sponsorship from Gu's Group, it will let the young lady be in danger. , without protection.

With so much protection, the housekeeper's mentality is just like her waistline, getting wider inch by inch.

The consequence of being more lenient is to let it go, let it go, and indulge it.

Since the staff members have already collected the money, they definitely want to get the balance, and their initiative is absolutely guaranteed, so the housekeeper believes that there is no need to urge the other party himself.

The urging was in vain. If she aroused people's resentment or was caught by others, it would be bad for herself. Of course, it would also be bad for the madam and the eldest lady.

They say things go smoothly when things are slow.

Then she would just do nothing.

So, Hu Yulian, surrounded by a bunch of servants, went to the bedroom to take medicine and sleep.

The butler turned his head and closed the door before returning to his own little world.

Sit down comfortably, quietly open Gu Banxia's live broadcast room, and start browsing.

As for the other mobile phone placed on the coffee table next to it, it was still playing Gu Nuo's live broadcast, muted.

After seeing Gu Banxia, ​​the ice residue on the housekeeper's face disappeared and his mood improved.

There was also a cute little aunty expression on her face.

Ouch, why does Lin Yu know calligraphy and seal script? It’s clearly Banxia, ​​the kid who knows it!She clearly gave the opportunity to Lin Yu on purpose.

What a good and honest boy!

It's a pity that such a good boy has been rejected by the Gu family.

If it were their child, she would definitely sell the pot and raise her to a higher place.

After all, Madam is from the countryside and has never read any books. How can she have any vision?

The housekeeper with an ordinary academic degree is enjoying his time fishing.

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