Chapter 440 The raccoon dog on a hill

Will you speak?
If you open your mouth and curse her, you will have the consequences, but you will have the consequences!Your whole family is suffering from sequelae!
"You must pay more attention to this matter, and you must not be careless..."

You need to pay more attention, pay attention to your own crow's mouth!

Gu Nuo felt his head buzzing and almost got angry.

Why hadn't she noticed that these people were so stupid before?

Are you my father or my mother?

Chattering, it’s so noisy!

Who are you?If we want education, it’s not your turn to educate us.

She endured it again and again, so she didn't have an attack on the spot.

"No, it's okay. We all came out to do the task together. How can I delay everyone's progress just because I am alone?"

Gu Nuo’s fans also liked it in the barrage area, saying, “Teacher Gu is great, he has a great perspective on the overall situation.”I don’t understand why some people troll her. 】

【There are so many famous people. 】

[Jealous and jealous. 】

【There is a pattern. 】

【Ruoruo666. 】

[Like Teacher Gu. 】

I also said it to the guest player.

[Don’t worry, if Ruoruo says it’s okay, then it’s really okay. It’s not like some people who just play with a cane and the crocodile runs away by itself. It’s not like he used the cane to drive away the crocodile and save everyone. She came down and boasted that she had saved people. Look at the glory she got. Just because of this, she got a lot of points and how many points she had taken away from others! 】

【what is this?Some people were so proud of themselves that they lay down in their bamboo huts and did not bother to do their tasks. 】

[A person who has nothing to do at all wishes the whole world knew how badly she was hurt. Haha, those who don’t know think how tired she is. 】

【ah?Are you talking about Teacher Gu's stepsister? 】

[If not her, who else. 】

These barrages praised Gu Nuo and did not forget to bring Gu Banxia along with them.

One supported and the other stepped on, making it as lively as a duo.

Everyone is used to it.

If you can't get rid of it or complain about it, just ignore it.

Anyway, the program team and Dongle support Gu Banxia, ​​knowing that they like to watch Gu Banxia's live broadcast, and there are no shortage of scenes showing Gu Banxia.

Of course, more people were attracted by the paid live broadcast of Gu Banxia defending Gu Nuo's kick.

The program team quickly edited it out, and after Dongle Ma Liu passed the review, the audience in the live broadcast room rushed to buy it.

Among them are some people from the martial arts industry.

And earlier, I watched the live broadcast of Gu Banxia throwing stones to pick fruits and saving people in the crocodile pool, and wanted to find Gu Banxia as his apprentice, a martial arts master and martial arts master.

[Hahahaha, are you still trying to steal Xia Xia as your apprentice now? 】

[Don’t dare, I hope I can discuss with Miss Gu if I have the chance. 】

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

[Isn’t that an exaggeration?Wasn't it just a lucky escape? 】

[It is almost difficult to achieve a thousand pounds without many years of practical experience. 】

[Unless you have excellent talent, high understanding, and are born as a martial arts prodigy. 】

[According to me, it was a woman’s sixth sense that saved Gu Banxia’s life. 】

[Her skills are all about exaggerating and exaggerating the facts in order to attract traffic and maintain popularity. 】

[This is the usual method used by the program team and the management behind it. There is nothing surprising about it. 】

The audience in the live broadcast room, who were still excited and screaming, felt as if a glass of ice water was thrown in their faces. They became sober and rational. [Don’t listen, don’t listen, that bastard is chanting sutras! 】

[Suanjiji, let’s talk about you. If it were you, could you easily avoid Gu Nuo’s kick? 】

[Excuse me, how did you ignore the deep, bowl-shaped pit created by Gu Nuo's kick? 】

【I'm also curious about this. 】

[If this kick on the body doesn’t crack the bones, the muscles won’t be able to bear it, and the pain will last for several days. 】

[The important thing is not the physical injuries. Isn’t it important that Gu Nuo’s violent behavior should be condemned? 】

【Should everyone turn a blind eye? 】

The shocking barrage shocked the barrage area.

The screen went blank for a while.

Obviously, no one was aware of this before this.

Gu Nu was annoyed by the big golden monkey and turned his anger on Gu Banxia, ​​even committing violent acts in public.

This is the point!
Why do everyone turn a blind eye to this and become so numb?
Terrible, terrifying!

It took a long time before the barrage seemed to recover from its paralysis.

[Sit back and wait for the program team to handle it correctly. 】

[It is time to play its due role in a society governed by the rule of law. 】

[But there is the Gu Group behind her. 】

More barrages chose silence, watching, silently waiting for the progress of the situation, waiting for the result.

Moyu/Sanhuan was happy, and took the opportunity to put pressure on Dongle and Yanfengchun, using public opinion to build momentum like crazy.

They are eager for the Gu Group to break up with Dongle, so that they can reap the benefits!Speed ​​up the demise of Dongle, speed up the acquisition of Dongle!
Nie Sangbi and Pei Bansheng finally got on the phone.

Nie Sangyi: "Boss! What should we do now?"

In the past, he definitely wouldn't have thought so much and called the police directly.

As for a society ruled by law, it is simple and neat.

But it was different now. He felt like his whole body could be affected by a single move. He had to learn to think twice before doing anything.

No one knows what Pei Bansheng really thinks.

There was an unfathomable coldness in the eyes of the pair of Ruifengs. Why didn't Tao Zhengze follow closely and let the girl fly over by helicopter alone?He had just learned about the situation. Tao Zhengze had been deceived.

Fortunately, Gu Banxia deflected the kick.

He even avenged himself on the spot, asking Gu Nuo to lift a rock and hit him on the foot in public.

Judging from Gu Nuo's condition, he can still participate in the program normally, but if he wants to violently bully that girl again, he has to be more careful.

After careful consideration, Pei Bansheng made an incomprehensible decision.

Nie Sangbi was completely shocked.

But he did not question Pei Bansheng, but resolutely implemented it.

Jiang Xinyue and other Dongle employees couldn't understand either.

For the first time, my belief in Dongle was shaken.

Dongle actually let it go, and the program team just ignored it as a minor matter. This made the live broadcast room viewers angry.

The barrage scolded the program team and Dongle for being the same as each other. For his own benefit, Dongle’s boss completely ignored the lives of guest contestants like Gu Banxia and curried favor with the Gu Group. That’s why he didn’t call the police and didn’t let Gu Nuo be eliminated from the show. .

Isn't this condoning adultery?
Isn't this a cover-up and connivance?
Isn't this hurting Gu Banxia?

What's the difference between this and the person who hurt Gu Banxia?
Some viewers in the live broadcast room were aggrieved and expressed their grievances for Gu Banxia. They posted videos on major social network platforms to denounce and accuse the Yanfengchun program team and the Dongle live broadcast platform.

A new round of bloodshed is coming.

Even Zhu Tuo, the former Dongle boss who focused on editing, felt uneasy.How long can he do this job?
(End of this chapter)

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