That gentlemanly demeanor, that gentle jade-like temperament, blowing in the wind, makes people feel comfortable.

Everyone who already has eighty-nine points of answers:...

"Who made the brush?"

"What material is it made of?"

[Wow, it looks good. 】

[Didn’t you hear the notification from the program team about exchanging brushes? 】

Pei Yunmo quickly revealed the answer.

"Dr. Tao did it."

Pei Yunmo's face seemed to glow, and he slightly raised the brush in his hand.

"I did this."

Crowd: ...

No wonder this brush is the most unique, jagged, as if someone has chewed it a few times.

But everyone cheered, "Actor Pei, you are so awesome! You can do this."

"Okay, Xiao Pei, I don't want to be in the entertainment industry anymore, I can still make a living by doing crafts."


Pei Yunmo responded politely and turned his eyes to look at Gu Banxia.

There is hope in the eyes.

Although Gu Banxia didn't notice it, he praised him for his ability.

Pei Yunmo's eyes became bright.

He was in high spirits.

The pain in his hand also disappeared in this moment.

Using bamboo to make a brush seems easy, but doing it yourself is completely different.

He has not yet completely recovered from the injuries he sustained with his hands while lighting a fire outdoors, but this does not stop him from scraping the bamboo, breaking it with a machete, and carefully cutting the bamboo chopsticks into strips of equal size as much as possible.

Because it is used to stick concoctions and disinfect large tent cloths, the dozen or so complicated processes that were originally required have been greatly simplified.

In the end, I followed Tao Zhengze's suggestion, sandwiched the fabric, and weaved it together with bamboo silk, taking into account both softness and hardness.

Inevitably, new wounds are added to old wounds.


Thinking of Tao Zhengze treating his wounds, applying medicine, and bandaging them, even though his face was cold and serious the whole time, which was terrifying, Pei Yunmo felt warm in his heart when he recalled it.

[Praise is the best medical beauty! 】

[Save my life, I was drowned by his eyes. 】

[What kind of fairy friend is Xia Xia?You're so good at boasting, and you hit the mark right on the point! 】

[Thanks to Miss Gu, I can see the different beauty of beautiful men again. It’s great. 】

【happiness. 】

【Sincerity is the ultimate skill. 】

[You are indeed capable. The first time you did it, you did it like this. 】

[I have also learned this, but the split silk is either too thick or too thin.Hey, the old master said that when he was young, he spent a year just learning bamboo films. 】

[Dr. Tao should make a video tutorial. Am I lacking skills?What I lack is obviously those hands. 】

[Adding fabric can be said to be a stroke of genius, 666. 】

Soon, everyone dipped these brushes into the concoction and smeared the inside and outside of the big tent.

Then, Gu Banxia was invited to inspect the results.

Gu Nuo, who was about to suggest that a group of experts come for acceptance inspection:...

He could only take his feet back.

That country bumpkin actually agreed!Did she really treat herself like a dish? !

Gu Banxia checked, and everyone else followed. I don't know why, but my heart was raised. I always felt that there was an omission somewhere, but I couldn't find the specific omission.

At this moment, Gu Banxia pointed out a few places, "Here, here, and here, we also need to brush them. If you can't brush them, take this and drop some medicinal juice in it." She said, folding a Cut a grass stem, dip it in the medicinal juice, and drip it onto the part that is not easily brushed with the medicinal liquid.

The guest contestants were startled.

Yes, yes, yes!

Why didn't they notice?

Careless, careless!

Look at Gu Banxia with admiring eyes.

Gu Luo: ...

That's it?

The little trick of deliberately playing tricks on the country bumpkins only fooled the brainless live broadcast room viewers, but it couldn't fool her!

As for inviting a team of experts?

Pei Yunmo and the others were not in a hurry to live on their own, so why should she be in a hurry? Why bother on their behalf?

Let the country bumpkins check and accept it. When it collapses, they will know how powerful it is.

After figuring out this layer of joints, Gu Nu was no longer in a hurry.

Keep watching.

The audience in the live broadcast room also put away their contemptuous attitude.

[If Xia Xia hadn't pointed it out, I would have thought that this would be fine. 】

[Me too, I think they have done a great job, but I didn’t expect that there are so many missing parts. 】

[Everyone’s faces are visibly frustrated, haha. 】

【But the frustration only lasts for a second!Now everyone is alive and kicking, looking at Banxia with eyes filled with admiration and admiration. 】

I never expected that after painting the big tent seriously, there would be so many untouched areas!
Crowd: ...

Keep brushing!
I still don't believe it!
A group of people remained silent and followed Gu Banxia's teachings, immersing themselves in dripping the concoction into the missed areas. After dripping, they squatted down, turned their heads and necks, adjusted their postures, and checked in various ways.

Determined not to let Gu Banxia catch another loophole!

Gu Nuo on the side:...

Simply invisible!

What are you afraid of if you haven’t been brushed?It's just a small part, it's not harmful at all, okay?
What the country bumpkins are doing is nothing more than using chicken feathers as arrows to trick you. You still cooperate, you are really a fool!

Some people in the barrage also think so.

[Gu Banxia is making too much of a fuss, right? 】

[She even dug out these little corners. Isn’t this intentional to embarrass others? 】

[Finger-picking. 】

[If you don't apply it, you don't apply it. A big business doesn't care about meticulousness, and a big gift doesn't make small concessions. She doesn't understand such simple principles. It's no wonder that she can only go to a no-name and unknown university. 】

[She may have thought that this was to prevent highly contagious viruses and bacteria. 】

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed and laughed.

Gu Banxia's fans are too lazy to argue with them.

It's not like letting them do it. It's too easy to just say something.

The guest players like Pei Yunmo will be staying here. Who knows who is staying.

Cutting corners?

When the typhoon came and the heavy rain came, it collapsed and Xu Yong was buried. Everyone fled the bamboo house in panic and asked Gu Banxia to take him in.

Disdain ants and other wildlife?
When the monkeys come and the ants arrive, it doesn't matter whether it is a triangular house built of wood or a large tent made of modern galvanized steel pipe poles, everything will collapse!

Still, everyone ran away from the bamboo house in panic, begging Gu Banxia to take them in.

Aren’t these vivid experiences and lessons enough to attract attention?
[I think she just doesn’t understand and pretends to understand. Can’t she just throw the tent into the concoction and soak it?You also have to make a brush and dip it in the concoction to brush, which is a waste of time and energy. It is simply unnecessary! 】

[She just enjoys the process of directing so many people to work for her. You don’t understand this kind of fun. 】

[Actor Pei and the others don’t know how to resist. This is a waste of their labor and the exploitation of their physical strength and time! 】

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