The rest of the cooking team came to watch.

"Don't have too much water! Too much will turn it into porridge!"

"I used a measuring cup to measure it one cup at a time. This much rice equals this amount of water!"

Everyone is serious.

Still very confident.

Especially the guest contestant who is responsible for measuring water with a measuring cup.

[That’s right, I measured it out one cup at a time, so I measured it carefully! 】

[Dumbfounded.JPG, the measuring cup is for measuring rice, not for cooking water. Help. 】

[The rice cookers at home have graduations, but this pot was originally used for cooking and has no graduations. Now that it is used for cooking, shouldn’t it be measured with a measuring cylinder? 】

[I always use the method taught by my mother to measure the amount of water. Insert an index finger into it. The water should be one finger knuckle above the rice. 】

[The mother of the same style teaches how to measure water. 】

[The same goes for my family. 】

[I never read the scale on the rice cooker. 】

[Shocked, does the rice cooker actually have a scale? 】

[Yes, there have always been. 】

[If you want the rice to cook well and not stick to the pan, the best water to rice ratio is 1.5:1. 】

The guest player who listened to Gu Banxia's instructions paused, holding a water spoon in his hand. For a moment, he didn't know who to listen to. Should he add more water or not?

Finally, everyone unanimously looked at Gu Banxia.

Gu Banxia has gradually become accustomed to being watched.

"Put more water in."

Before Gu Banxia finished speaking, some viewers in the live broadcast room were anxious to post comments.

[Add more water to ensure it becomes porridge. 】

【porridge?Haha, so much water can turn into porridge water. 】

[Gu Banxia still thought she cooked the porridge for herself?Can the cooking method for one person or two people be the same as the cooking method for a group of people? 】

Seeing that everyone was listening attentively, Gu Banxia explained: "Firewood is different from a rice cooker. Firewood is not easy to control the heat. If you are not careful, the water will be burned out and the rice will be burnt. If you want to eat burnt You don’t need to add rice.”


[It’s bluffing. I don’t believe it anyway. After all, so much water can be used as a mirror. 】

[Isn’t it just a few firewood?They know how to make an outdoor fire, but what about a firewood meal?Wood-fired rice is much easier than making an outdoor fire. 】

[Just pamper her and follow her. 】

[It makes me laugh so hard. Everyone is pretending to be confused. Can’t you tell that it’s a job to pinch the firewood rice with your hands?He also said that Gu Banxia was not a vase. 】

When Hu Yulian woke up, she immediately ran to check on Banxia's live broadcast room.

Seeing this, I couldn't help but smile.

It's just a vase, which barely matches her daughter Gu Nu's.

Live live.

Rice cooking group:......

After hearing what Gu Banxia said, he suddenly became nervous.

Also realized the seriousness of the situation.

"Xia Xia, um, don't be angry, that's not what we meant."

"Release the water, why are you standing there in a daze?"

"Xia Xia, do you think this is enough?"

"Isn't it true that so much won't turn into porridge?"


Hu Yulian: ...

The muscles on his face shook uncontrollably.

But she herself didn't notice at all.

[It can be seen that the guest contestants are really afraid of Xia Xia being angry. 】【Well, Xia Xia is definitely not angry. 】

[She is just introverted, calm, doesn't like to talk, and doesn't show her emotions. 】

[Upstairs, you know how to observe and are good at expressing. 】

The situation in the barrage area and the first day of live broadcast were completely reversed.

On the first day, my introversion was miserably rejected, as if I had done something heinous.

He didn't like to talk much and was strongly disliked and criticized.

As a result, after a few days, my introversion gained recognition and became calm.

Not being talkative has also turned into not showing emotions.

Those viewers in the live broadcast room whose personalities were similar to Gu Banxia felt that the pressure on their heads had been removed and their breathing became much easier.

It turns out that when a person is strong enough, the interpretation of personality will be given a complimentary meaning, regardless of whether you are introverted or extroverted, or whether you are a man or a woman.

And when you are a weak person, not only will you be insignificant, but your very existence will become your original sin.

Xia Xia is awesome, she did it, from weak to strong!
[It turns out that I don’t need to be changed, I’m so introverted, I burst into tears. JGP. 】

[I'm used to it. As long as you don't speak, others will think you are unhappy, so I rarely have close friends because no one really understands me. But I'm not unhappy, I just talk less. 】

[Mainly, some people confuse the difference between introversion and sociophobia. Introversion is introversion, and sociophobia is sociophobia.There is also inferiority complex. Inferiority is inferiority, which is different. 】

At this moment, in everyone's eyes, Gu Banxia was flashing, flashing, glowing.

Gu Banxia, ​​who still didn't know that he was being put on a pedestal and regarded as a role model by some of the live broadcast viewers, said: "Porridge is better than being burnt and inedible, right?"

Everyone was stunned.


The people surrounding Gu Banxia couldn't help but laugh, and the atmosphere relaxed.

The laughter here caused other groups to turn their heads to look.

What happened? You are smiling so happily?
"Xia Xia, just sit down and rest on the edge, and we'll do it."

Everyone agreed and invited Gu Banxia to sit on the bamboo bench next to him and rest.

Gu Banxia glanced at the firewood and fire in the stove.

Okay, let her come over when they encounter a problem?

Sometimes, not being disappointed is a kind of wisdom, seeing through things without telling them is also a kind of wisdom, the secret cannot be leaked, and it is also a kind of unfathomable wisdom.

Anyway, everything is to prepare dinner and have a better dinner.

[I always feel that Xia Xia’s glance is meaningful. 】

[Hahaha, I’m worried that they won’t be able to light the fire. 】

As the camera goes on, [Ah this?That's wet firewood!Don't let go, don't let go, don't let go! ! ! 】

[Help, the stove is so packed that I don’t know how to leave any gaps. 】

[You guys who make fires, do you really know how to cook firewood rice? 】

[They should all be lighting fires, right?Haven't you ever had an outdoor fire?Actor Pei also used ropes to make fire, and then rubbed his hands badly. He has just recovered now. 】

Some also said, "Please, the point of making a fire outdoors is to make a fire, not to cook."Different. 】

【What's different? 】

It didn't take long for everyone to know something was different.

"How did you light the fire? The smoke poured into the kitchen!"

A group of guest contestants ran out of the kitchen with tears in their eyes.

Everyone was burnt by the smoke.

Those who didn't know better thought they had just escaped from the fire scene.

The barrage laughed.

[Help, I am laughing to the point of tears. 】

[Hot guest contestants, how are your faces? 】

[Gu Banxia: You don’t need me to come, really?Guest contestant: That’s sloppy!If Xia Xia is left to watch and rest, is it still too late to withdraw? 】

[Fortunately, we are in a corner abroad. If this were in a domestic city, 119 would not be blown up? 】

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