Chapter 473 Fire Control
Everyone: ...

He nodded and responded obediently: "They're all back!"

Gu Banxia: "Then I will continue."

Everyone: ...

Why was my heart suddenly moved?
If it weren't for Gu Banxia's character, several female guest contestants would have rushed up and wanted to hug Gu Banxia.

So do men.

If one of them hadn't been stepped on by his companion, causing pain in his feet and his mind suddenly clearing up, he would have hugged Gu Banxia.

It can be seen that this kind of thing sometimes transcends gender.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also moved.

[Xia Xia really... I cried to death.She actually waited specifically for them to come back before continuing. 】

[I was anxious just now. Why is she so dawdling and not continuing?Sorry, Xia Xia. 】

[I thought Gu Banxia would stop talking when he saw them running away. 】

[Who said Gu Banxia is difficult to get along with?Can you give me such a sister?I don’t want more, just one! 】

【I only need a little bit. 】

Gu Banxia ignored everyone's mood and thoughts, "When the pot makes a gurgling sound, it means the water is boiling. At this time, you need to slowly replace it with firewood."

As he spoke, he picked out some firewood and showed it to everyone.

The big ones are about as thick as the calf of the female contestant, and the thin ones are about the size of a finger.

When everyone saw the comparison, they immediately understood.

[Nod frequently. 】

[On-site teaching is not to be missed. 】

[I like to watch this kind of movie, it’s not scary or dangerous, but it just makes my heart warm and comfortable. 】

【I also like to watch this, it makes me feel relaxed. 】

Many people feel the same way.

The director and program team commented on this:...

The background data climbed quietly.

He is no longer as surprised as before.

The audience in this live broadcast room really don’t know what kind of variety show they like to watch.

They may be dismissive of what you think is your selling point, and it may even arouse resentment.What you think is boring, but they watch it with gusto and are immersed in it.

Yan Fengchun couldn't help but glance at Gu Banxia again.

There is something mysterious about Xiao Gu.

Moyu/Sanhuan was so angry that he wanted to scold her. They didn't understand. How could those netizens tolerate such a bland plot?
Gu Banxia: "Now that the fire in the stove has weakened, you can add some fine and medium firewood."

Medium firewood is between large firewood and fine firewood, and everyone watching can clearly understand it at a glance.

When Gu Banxia put the firewood in, he asked everyone to look at the details: "The firewood put in must be staggered first, and then overlap. Pay attention to leaving enough space."

After a pause, he added: "The key is to leave enough space."

Everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder.

No wonder Gu Banxia didn't put all the fine firewood in, but stacked one, two, three or four at most. When stacking, they were also reminded to notice that they were not lining up neatly, but It's staggered.

It seems very casual, but in fact, there is enough space.

"Xia Xia, don't tell us that we didn't notice it."

Everyone nodded and nodded.

[Hahahahahahahahaha, everyone is nodding like a chicken pecking at rice. 】

[Don’t tell me, even a person who has never made a fire can understand it. 】

[It turns out you can’t just throw it all in and be done. 】

Sure enough, not long after the fine firewood was put in, the fire that was almost burning in the stove became bright again.

When the medium firewood was added, Gu Banxia directly fiddled with the fine firewood placed in front to create enough space. In this way, the fire was well controlled.

Everyone showed their original expressions.

Very uniform.

It also made many live broadcast room viewers laugh.

[I didn’t take it seriously at first. Isn’t it just lighting a fire?So particular?Wouldn't it be fine if you just let it go? 】【After comparing the previous fires of the guest contestants and looking at Gu Banxia's seemingly random additions, I fell silent. 】

[This is a typical example of how you can see with your eyes but not with your hands. 】

[Being able to speak eloquently is one thing, but implementing it is another. 】

【Are things in the world difficult or easy?If you do it, it’s not difficult; if you don’t do it, it’s difficult. 】

[What are you showing off upstairs? Is this something you should do or not do? 】

Gu Banxia was about to put a big piece of firewood in when he was stopped by a guest player.

"Don't let it go, this one is still a little thin!"

[Where is it thin? It’s thicker than your wrist, okay? 】

[Haha, when I get anxious, my dialect comes out.It's wet. 】

[It is indeed wet. Will it burn if I put it in? 】

[I just said that Gu Banxia was just pretending, and she showed her fox tail so quickly. 】

Not long after this type of barrage came out, it was slapped in the face.

Gu Banxia shook the big firewood and put it into the stove.

No one had time to stop it.


"Don't let go-"

"The fire will go out!"

"It took a lot of effort to get the fever going..."

[It makes me so happy to see them jumping around anxiously. 】

[Hey, I still put it in. 】

Then everyone was dumbfounded.


I really haven’t put out the fire in the stove!

[Hahahaha, wet firewood can be burned, but it cannot be put in at the beginning. 】

[Putting wet firewood can easily cause smoke, so be careful not to get burned by the smoke. 】

[There was a female guest contestant who looked at the stove, her eyes widening like Kazlan’s big eyes. 】

[Pfft, isn’t this better than those blunt filming effects? 】

Gu Banxia continued while adjusting the firewood in the stove: "The big firewood does not need to be dried completely in the sun, and it is not a problem to keep it a little wet, because this can be used to turn the fire in the stove to a small fire and keep it for a period of time. "

Oh, so it is.

Everyone was suddenly enlightened and listened with gusto.

Others ask questions from time to time.

Cooking is a big deal, so Gu Banxia answered every question patiently and carefully, and imparted his experience on the spot in a timely manner.

“It’s difficult for newbies to master fire control.”

As soon as these words came out, some people couldn't hold back the barrage.

[He talks like he is an expert. 】

[Is this how you start to rely on your old age and sell your old age? 】

[What about chef practitioners?Pick up the 40m machete. 】

[In other words, by living in the countryside for a few years, I can deceive these guest contestants who only know how to eat, drink, wear, and not cook, but I can't deceive others. 】

[Aren’t you a newcomer? 】

"Then what should we do?"

Gu Banxia: "You can put the rice in a bowl and steam it through water. The rice produced in this way will be less likely to cause problems."

"Oh oh, oh!"

The fire crew nodded.

Someone else asked: "How do you steam it over water?"

Gu Banxia: "It's the same as cooking rice now, except that the big pot is replaced by a bowl, or a bamboo tube, or other containers. Put something in the big pot to separate the big pot and the water, and use the water vapor to separate the rice. Steam until cooked. Just keep the fire under the big pot high. You don’t have to worry about the fire being too high and the rice scorched and the water drying up. You also don’t have to worry about the fire being too low and the rice not being cooked in half a day.”

(End of this chapter)

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