She counterattacked by live broadcast in the wilderness

Chapter 478 The crack enters the light

Gu Banxia breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't let the gift from Gu Nuo go to waste.

Gu Banxia: If I didn’t consider you, do you know how I would have responded when she kicked her over just now?

The original body was stunned, she didn't know!

But she...she wanted to know.

Gu Banxia: I will strike first.

The original person raised his eyes to look at her, obviously not expecting that in this situation, could he still strike preemptively?

So how should we take a preemptive strike?

Gu Banxia saw the light in her eyes. Although it was still faintly visible and difficult to detect without careful observation, the breakthrough from zero to one was still gratifying.

How to strike first?

Gu Banxia: When I picked up the firewood, I didn’t have to pick the one that burned the most. I just picked it up casually, pointed it at her face, and threw it over.It wouldn't burn her face, but at least it would set her hair on fire, giving her a taste of what it's like to go bald.

When the original person thought about that scene, he couldn't help but be amused, and couldn't help but let out a low laugh.

It's good to be able to laugh.

It’s nice to still be able to laugh.

Gu Banxia: It’s not over yet. She will definitely lose her footing and kick over the big pot, causing me to be scalded by hot water and hot rice.

So, after throwing the firewood, I left her to worry about herself, and then I kicked the pot over in her direction before her feet could reach it.

Do you know why I didn't kick it?
Original body: ...

She seemed to know something, and she seemed not to know anything.

Gu Banxia: Because you are kind-hearted, I know you are definitely not willing to hurt innocent people.

It feels good for me to take revenge on myself, but it will definitely cause other people to get burned.

The program team will most likely stop broadcasting because of this incident.

So, I'm exhausted now.

Original body: ...Then, what can I do for you?
She finally realized something.

If you are kind to others, you are likely to hurt yourself and those around you first.

But she also wanted to not hurt herself or the people around her, and she also wanted to take care of more people.

She didn't know what to do was good or right.

Now, she saw it with her own eyes, from the perspective of a bystander - Gu Banxia was hurt because of her own thoughts. She felt really sorry, so guilty that she almost wanted to run away.

But she also thought about what Gu Banxia had expected of her before, as long as she stayed with her and united with her.

So I held it in and endured it.

The original body did not escape, which is a big improvement.

As for making her realize that the prerequisite for helping others is to have an overall view, the ability to identify the other person's nature, and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, it is a relatively long process.

Sometimes I suddenly have an epiphany when I encounter something, and sometimes I may not understand it for the rest of my life and still feel aggrieved.

This is all there.

Helping others without looking at the overall situation is like fishing a basket of fish from one river and releasing them into another river.

For the people who released the fish, their wish to do good deeds was fulfilled. Look, it was them who gave this basket of fish a larger and more open world. If it weren't for them, this basket of fish would only be in this river for the rest of their lives.

But for this basket of fish, it is undoubtedly cruel and ruthless.

Because they were forced out of their native environment and forced to adapt to a new and unknown environment, the dangers and ecological conditions of the unknown environment may not be suitable for the survival and development of this basket of fish.The natural enemies in the water may be several times more numerous than them. Soon after being released, they were buried in the mouths of their natural enemies.For this basket of fish, a bigger world and a wider world are not what they need.

Perhaps all they need is to be in their own river, interact freely with the ecology here, survive, reproduce, and die.

Gu Banxia was not stingy and gave the original person a positive encouragement.

Original body: ...

She will definitely do it well.But she doesn't know how to do it well?

Gu Banxia, ​​who saw her confusion at a glance, took the opportunity to point her out in order to recover her health: Which one makes you more uncomfortable and heartbroken, whether you see Pei Yunmo and the others being hurt, or seeing me being hurt?

Original body: ...

But, she felt distressed and uncomfortable!

Gu Banxia taught earnestly: Am I better for you, or is Pei Yunmo and the others better for you?
This time the original person answered without hesitation: You, you are better to me!

Gu Banxia: So, when Pei Yunmo and I are in danger, you can only save one, who will you choose to save?

The original person hesitated for a moment, but quickly responded: You, I will choose to save you.

Gu Banxia threw the question back to the original person: Why?
Original body: Because you treat me better than they treat me!
After answering, the two looked at each other in a fantasy world, and after a moment, they both smiled heartily.

Gu Banxia: If you encounter similar situations in the future, I think you will know how to make the right choice, right?

Original body: Hmm...

Something suddenly became clear.

It turns out that this is still the way to avoid harm?It turns out that the method is so simple?It turns out that she can be so decisive and brave?
The haze and stagnation that shrouded the original body was no longer an indestructible and unbreakable copper wall. It began to soften and become fragile, with cracks appearing that could collapse at any time.

And this crack, with Gu Banxia's unremitting efforts, allowed the light from outside to shine in, warming the remaining consciousness and soul of the original body.

The gift to Gu Banxia was also huge.

The huge dizziness, numbness and pain in the bones of the wrist caused by the force of Gu Nu's kick just now, and the dryness and pain in the throat and eyes after the shortness of breath, as if there was a foreign object that could not be spit out or swallowed, all faded away in an instant. Partially, only a little remains.

The whole body feels relaxed.

My mind feels refreshed like a room that has been cleaned.

This allowed her to continue to maintain a condescending and domineering posture in front of Gu Nuo.

The priority is to attack the heart, which makes Gu Nuo angry to death.

In order to maintain the curative effect and continue this good effect, Gu Banxia did not take it lightly, but made persistent efforts: Just stay with me and don't do anything.

As long as the original person doesn't hold her back and doesn't habitually stab herself with the knife handed over by Gu Nu, Gu Banxia will be grateful to God and ask for nothing, really.

Original body: ...I, I, I try hard?

She didn't understand, but this time, she already knew what she was working towards.

Gu Banxia: You don’t need to work hard for this kind of thing.

The original body was stunned, what should she do if she didn't work hard?
Gu Banxia: You just need to listen to your true inner feelings and that’s it.

Original body: ...

Could it still be like this?

The original person is shy: Then, let me try?I-I can do it well.

Gu Banxia: I know, you are already very good.

The original person was so shy that he ran away.

Gu Banxia didn't expect it, and she didn't say anything. Why was she so shy:...

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