She counterattacked by live broadcast in the wilderness

Chapter 502 Pei Home Appliances Chapter

Chapter 502 Pei’s phone number
Gu Banxia learned this by carrying the camera on her back the whole time, and also asked the drone to move the camera away a little, so that it could only capture the big scenes, and it was impossible to see what she and Lin Yu were mumbling or making gestures with.

From Pei Bansheng's perspective of watching the live broadcast, he could only see two little girls, with their backs to the camera, lowering their heads and talking about something. You touch me with your body, and I touch you lightly again accidentally.

He suddenly felt funny and in a happy mood.

What is Gu Banxia doing?
He had an intuition that he was about to receive a surprise.

What could it be?

He was curious.

Without waiting long, Gu Banxia turned around to face the camera and made a gesture.

【Um?What is Xia Xia doing? 】

[Is this the movement you just learned from Lin Yu? ] The audience in the live broadcast room who didn’t look at the front were the most confused.

[Uh, it's a bit like pulling something. Is it a dance move? 】

[Lin Yu has dancing skills, but Gu Banxia does not. If he doesn’t learn well, Lin Yu is not afraid of losing face. 】

No one guessed the barrage.

Only Pei Bansheng understood it at a glance.

The girl is really smart.

This is the scene where he was trapped in the swamp and she rescued him.

After gesturing to pull Pei Bansheng ashore, Gu Banxia thought that if the other party was serious about such an obvious signal, he would understand it in seconds.

So then, she raised her right hand, put her thumb on her index finger, and gestured to the camera.

It turns out that this is what the girl learned from Lin Yu!

Pei Bansheng's laughter could be heard from far away in the camp.

Crowd: ...

I'm extremely curious. Did the boss encounter some big happy event?Why is he smiling so...unabashedly?Have you been laughing for so long?

Until someone came over and said, "You should be more restrained, and you are not afraid of being overheard and having a bad impact."

Pei Bansheng only took one second to finish.

He was so happy that he couldn't hold it back for a while.

"What are you so happy about? Tell me?"

Pei Bansheng's face was filled with a smile, "It's a private matter that I cannot disclose."

"As someone who has been through this, I understand!"

Here, Gu Banxia expressed her feelings to the camera, and the barrage was boiling.

[Wow, wow, wow!Wait a thousand years!Is Xia Xia actually here to express her love for us? 】

[Thank you Xia Xia, I will love you for 1 years. 】

[Help, what happened to being so sweet? 】

[A second ago, I thought Rain CP was super awesome. Now, isn’t it great if Xia Xia and I form a CP? 】

Especially those viewers in the live broadcast room and fans of Gu Banxia who have witnessed Gu Banxia's counterattack all the way from the vase to the present. They are just like the older generation celebrating the New Year. They are in high spirits, excited and heroic, and wish they could write poems here. a.

Everyone, give me a look.

Soon, #野survival, Xia Xia and I formed a CP, are you upset? #
It has been on the hot search list of major online social media platforms, and it has the word "Blast" behind it. The bright red one should not be too eye-catching.

At this moment, Hu Yulian was busy with Gu Nu's escape and had no time to pay attention to the excitement here.

If you see it, you will definitely curl your lips.

The housekeeper glanced secretly in the direction of the master bedroom, looked away for a second, and showed a kind smile to the caring Gu Banxia.

Be careful, I got it, I love you.The housekeeper has followed live broadcasts a lot, and has learned the tricks of young people.In the past, she had 666 and Jue Juezi, but now, her vocabulary is more than just these.

So did the other servants in the Gu family villa.

Secretly watching Gu Banxia's live broadcast, and secretly receiving Gu Banxia's heart-to-heart show.

As for the eldest lady Gu Nu?
The eldest lady knows taekwondo and has won trophies and bonuses from international competitions. Her strength is there. She has managed to break out of a camouflage-clad encirclement, so there will definitely be nothing wrong with her later.

They stopped worrying about Mrs. Gu and were frightened.

The eldest lady is definitely fine!

Gu Nuo was really fine.

After escaping, she became very vigilant and used the skills she had learned since childhood to hide and seek in the jungle.

After hiding for a short time, she realized something was wrong.

Because no one came after him.

What does it mean?
Could it be that the target of this group of people is not himself? !So why is she trying to escape?
Gu Nuo felt very angry.

Among the guest contestants, Mingyu and others, she is the one with the most kidnapping value.The biggest ticket escaped, and they didn't bother to chase him?
Even if they knew they couldn't catch her, her ability was beyond their expectation and they couldn't defeat her, so why not at least chase her out symbolically?

Why is it so unprofessional?
Don't even give chase?
Or is their target actually Pei Yunmo? !

Gu Nuo's heart skipped a beat when he thought of Pei Yunmo.

If...if I saved Pei Yunmo's life, wouldn't the Pei family, the number one family in Source City, owe me a huge favor?

The more Gu Nu thought about it, the more excited he became.

This is more likely to succeed than trying hard to get close to Pei Yunmo and marrying into the Pei family!

Moreover, there is no need to force yourself to be a dog licking Pei Yunmo.

Pei Yun Mo Shuai is handsome, and his background and personal abilities are also remarkable. He is much better than the ordinary men on the market, but his character shortcomings are also very obvious.

Gu Nu thought that these shortcomings were particularly annoying to her. If she really married Pei Yunmo, she would still feel very unhappy.

Now that this incident has occurred, the situation has completely changed.

Therefore, he originally planned to find a satellite phone, assemble it, and contact the Gu family to take him home to finish the work, but Gu Nuo immediately changed his mind.

Hu Yulian was surprised and happy when she received Gu Nuo's call, "Is it true?"

It's a pie in the sky, it's still such a big pie!

Oh my God, that was the Pei family, the number one family in Source City, not an ordinary family.

Too many people have tried their best and racked their brains, but they may not be able to get involved in this relationship.

I never thought that my precious daughter would have such an opportunity, "Ruoruo, my daughter, you are awesome, you are awesome, you know?"

But Hu Yulian was so excited.

Gu Nu was also very proud.

That is, who is she?She is Gu Nu!
I was admitted to this key sports college based on my ability, learned Taekwondo and won many awards based on my ability. I never relied on what I got from home.

Hu Yulian was so excited that she was a little incoherent. She had so many thoughts and didn't know which step to take first or which thing to do.

Fortunately, her daughter Gu Nuo kept her composure and gave instructions in an orderly manner.

Hu Yulian: "Okay, okay, I'll start a relationship right away, get ahead of the others, and I'll definitely find the Pei family's phone number. Just wait for me, my dear daughter, you are really promising. Mom is so happy..."

Gu Nuo's phone call made not only the Gu family jump into admiration, but also the Gu Group and everyone related to the Gu Group.

The whole world seemed to be helping Gu Nu find the phone number to contact the Pei family.

Gu Nu and others who were in the game hadn't realized it yet. It was so difficult to get even a phone number, which was enough to show that the Pei family and the Gu family were not on the same level.

(End of this chapter)

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