Chapter 513 Gu Nuo loses fans
And think they are fools.

He is a fool and has no self-awareness at all.

I'm busy linking things together, but when I turn around and feel bad, let's cut these villains again!
So these barrages made me even more angry.

[The two patrolling guest players are so pitiful. The others are all performing in various ways in the bamboo house and earning points. They are like prisoners who were sent to the frontier in ancient times. They have no chance to perform, no points to earn, and they have to be frightened at all times. , I don’t know when those beasts, monsters and poisonous insects in the wilderness will come to attack them. 】

[There is no need to patrol in the first place. It’s just that Gu Banxia has too many things to do and is self-righteous and wastes manpower! 】

[She may have thought that the monkeys would come again to cause trouble and rob. 】

[Laughing to death, they say that monkeys are good at monkeys. Once the monkeys have plundered them, they won’t come back again, okay?Does she think monkeys are stupid?If you are stupid, you think other animals are stupid. 】

The logic of the audience behind some barrages is really messed up and contradictory, which makes people blind.

But this did not stop them from releasing those vicious attacks, but they thought they were fighting injustice and delivering justice on behalf of the two patrolling guest players.

[Just wait, the big tent will collapse. 】

Who gave them such confidence and arrogance?
Of course it was Pei Yunmo and Gu Nu's two team leadership experiences.

Pei Yunmo and Gu Nu are so awesome that they both fell down. Who do you think you are, Gu Banxia, ​​that you can build a bamboo house?That's a big tent!Big tent! ! !

[I must only be thinking about myself during dinner and not think about the two poor unlucky guys here. 】

The main reason why I dare to be so sure is because Pei Yunmo, who directly led the two unlucky people, just sat back and enjoyed the fruits of his labor, hiding in peace and resting in the room for so long.

What kind of gentlemanly demeanor, gentle as jade, handsome as a young man?
They are all characters created by the entertainment industry.

After several days of arduous survival in the wilderness, it was broadcast live, and then it was smashed and exposed for its original appearance.

Gu Nuo was right, Gu Banxia was not the only one to enjoy the success.

Pei Yunmo is also sitting back and enjoying the success.

Everyone scolds Gu Banxia but not Pei Yunmo, isn't it because Pei Yunmo has the title of new actor and a relatively tough background?
Why else would everyone scold Gu Banxia and no one scold Pei Yunmo?
Because everyone knows that the consequences of offending Pei Yunmo have been learned from past experiences, and the end will be miserable.

I have learned to block other barrages, and choose to turn a blind eye to this kind of barrage, and continue to talk about their topics.

Gu Nu abandoned Mingyu and other non-staff guest contestants and ran away alone. When she found that the danger was over, she came back. What is her behavior called?
【deserter. 】

【traitor. 】

【Villain. 】

[Exquisite egoist. 】

Gu Nu just sat back and enjoyed the success and included Pei Yunmo in it.

Maybe Gu Nu didn't mean it, but Pei Yunmo's fans don't think so.

Pei Yunmo didn't participate in the whole dinner. The broadcast was stopped and he was resting in his bedroom.

Aren't you, Gu Nu, just beating around the bush, blaming him and enjoying the results?

[Isn’t it Gu Nu who is really enjoying the success? 】

Good guy, Pei Yunmo’s fans are so awesome, they hit the mark right away.

Ask Gu Nuo's fans directly.

It is completely different from the previous barrages, the jabbering entanglements, and the venting of righteous indignation.

The barrage was silent for a while.

[Why don’t you ask her if she started the fire?Is it her fault to keep the fire burning?Did she buy the rice?Was it from her?Did she wash the dishes?Did she kill the fish?Did she chop the fish sauce?Did she stuff the fish?Did she cook the food? 】

[There are so many parts of dinner, and other guest contestants are more or less involved.Excuse me, which one did she, Gu Nuo, participate in? 】

[Don’t you just want to say that we, Mo Mo, are taking a rest and enjoying the results? 】

[Then the one who deployed the personnel to patrol the big tent to ensure the quality and safety of sleep tonight was Gu Nu? 】【I feel that the two guest contestants who worked hard on patrol have nothing to do with the efforts of the actor Pei. 】

[I only saw cats and cats sleeping during the day, but I didn’t see cats and cats chasing mice around at night. I only saw Xia Xia standing idle watching Dr. Tao cooking, watching other guest contestants busy, and seeing nothing else, so I decided that it was gone. 】

[I don’t want to argue with you. My cognitive limitations are so low that I don’t even know myself. I still have the nerve to accuse and criticize others. 】

[I have a big situation and I don’t bother to argue with you. If I really do argue with you, how much do you think you can handle? 】

Pei Yunmo's fans' souls were tortured in [-] ways, which directly hit people's hearts.

Gu Banxia's fans immediately united with passers-by and responded to Pei Yunmo's fans like they were admiring.

The barrage area is lively again.

[The fire was not caused by Gu Nuo, but by other guest contestants. 】

[What kept the fire burning was the result of Xia Xia's personal demonstration and guidance. 】

[The rice washing group is led by He Wanglan, and there is no Gu Nu in it. 】

[She was watching at the time, and in the name of being injured, she thought others were the same as her. 】

[The sponsorship of rice came from two loving viewers in the live broadcast room. They lost a bet and sponsored fifty kilograms of rice to Xia Xia. 】

[There are also twenty kilograms of millet. 】

[What bet?Are you working so hard? 】

[It was a bet on whether the big golden monkey could understand Xia Xia's words. If he lost, he would sponsor [-] kilograms of rice for Xia Xia. The other one would join in the fun and give him [-] kilograms of millet. 】

[Haha, I remember this! 】

There were as many live broadcast room viewers who said they remembered it as there were crucian carp crossing the river.

The barrage area was very lively, and the live broadcast room viewers also actively participated.

Gu Nuo's fans could only stare.

I want to cry, but my eyes are dry.

Damn it, they were killed by their opponents like crazy at the beginning, crushing them so hard that they couldn't breathe.

Oh my god, can you change the position?
People also want to experience the feeling of crushing the opponent with absolute advantage.

The barrage was still jumping lively, [The dishes were not washed by Gu Nuo, but by other guest contestants. 】

[The fish was not killed by Gu Nuo, but by other guest contestants. 】

It is most convenient to imitate and compose sentences. It does not require a few brain cells. It is happy and relaxing. The barrage has followed suit and composed sentences.

[The fish sauce was not made by Gu Nuo, but by guest contestants like Lin Yu. 】

[Lin Yu also received points from the program team for being an expert at chopping meat. He was so happy that his face turned red and his smile was particularly endearing. 】

[It was when I saw her smile that I fell in love with her. 】

[The person who cooked, fried the fish, and stuffed the meat was not Gu Nu, but Dr. Tao, who worked together with other guest contestants to complete the work together. 】

[She didn’t even touch the firewood. 】

[Where is Gu Nu?Where has she gone? 】

[Gu Nu crossed his arms and ignored the matter as it had nothing to do with him. He did not participate in the whole process and kept watching. 】

[It’s not just about watching, she has been watching everyone doing things and picking out everyone’s mistakes. 】

(End of this chapter)

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