Chapter 52

Pei Yunmo was overjoyed when he got the points multiplied by [-] times.

Zhou Zheng's points were halved, and he smiled to cheer himself up, not discouraged.

【Zhou Zheng's luck is no longer a chieftain. 】

Most of the other guest contestants also performed mediocrely, neither sad nor happy.

Hu Lanlan was lucky, she got [-] points, plus the one point she had left, a total of [-] points.

Hu Lanlan grinned happily.The bad mood from yesterday to now has also been temporarily paralyzed.

She provoked Gu Banxia provocatively with the corner of her eyes, luck still has to be her!
[Laughing, what the hell are [-] points? 】

[Official ridicule? 】

[[-] points, the program group is still that program group. 】

[Is it only my concern that is [-], [-]? 】

[Upstairs, you are all talented people, puff haha. 】

Gu Banxia was the last draw.

The main reason is that the original body was always scary, and she herself didn't like to join in the fun.

Another reason is that other guest contestants are ahead of others when it comes to their own interests, but they don't care. You are a woman who needs to be courteous.

After the other people's ones are drawn, there is the last area left, which is blank.

In fact, at this time, the result is already clear at a glance, whether Gu Banxia smokes or not does not make much sense.

【Um? ? ?blank! ?What does blank mean? 】

[The director really knows how to play. 】

[So Gu Banxia doesn't need to smoke? 】

【Gu Banxia: "."】

[I can't laugh or cry. JPG, what kind of luck is Gu Banxia doing? 】

[The main thing is that everyone is very active in the lottery draw. Just Gu Banxia, ​​she insists on being courteous and waits for everyone to finish the lottery before going on stage. It will definitely be a disadvantage. 】

[The little hands spread out, hey! 】

【No matter how many points you get before, it's useless, Gu Banxia said in his heart: Weeping faint in the wilderness jungle. 】

[The live broadcast persuades me to quit every once in a while. 】

[Brother or sister upstairs?Is this the same as me saying that I gave up and gave up, while being reckless and not leaving haha? 】

【Hehe, yes, my face hurts a bit, but I can bear the beating myself, hold my claws! 】

Hu Lanlan was so happy, it was blank, isn't that a big duck egg?

Although it is a competitive relationship, Pei Yunmo and others can't help but feel a little sympathetic. Gu Banxia's luck is really not so bad.

[Gu Banxia is not a native chief, the identification is complete. 】

[But, even if Gu Banxia is not a chief in the lottery, this round, her points are still ranked first. 】

[Laughing to death, what kind of luck is Gu Banxia doing? 】

【According to my understanding of the program group, the director actually wants Gu Banxia to get half of the points, right?Or even go straight to zero? 】

[Blank, doesn't it mean to reset all the points to zero? 】

[Director: This barrage is deeply in my heart, it must be lit manually! 】

Everyone in the program team secretly lit a candle for Gu Banxia.

The meaning of the blank can't be more clear, it is to make Gu Banxia spit out all the vested points.

How can the director's points be so easy to collect?
Isn't that just digging a hole and waiting for you to jump?
Everyone wanted to laugh, and felt that the director's actions seemed a bit... immoral?
Looking at Gu Banxia again, Xiao Gu is about to die of anger, this... this is too aggrieved!
Gu Banxia looked at the drone, and his voice was faint, apparently very stable:
"Director, do you want me to fill in the points randomly?"

The director almost choked on the tea.

A blank is obviously zero!Zero cake! !Call you back to the trough of wilderness survival without points! ! !

Why did you fill in the points at will? ? ?

Before he could stop it, he saw——

Gu Banxia picked up a burnt branch from the ground.

Brush brush!
The black charcoal was pressed on the lucky wheel, leaving a deep imprint.

In the blink of an eye, Gu Banxia filled in the number of her points in the blank.

Everyone watched intently, no more, no less, what she wrote was exactly the points she should get!
The director almost fell over.

save, save...

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I laughed out loud. 】

[The director lifted a rock again and again and hit his own foot. 】

[The director never expected that Gu Banxia would!again again! !Take advantage of him! ! ! 】

[In terms of the ability to take advantage of loopholes, I only obey Gu Banxia! 】

[Hahahaha thanks to my insistence on watching now, otherwise I would have missed such a wonderful live broadcast. 】

[Gu Banxia is filling in the blank column as a check? 】

[Wow, amazing talent!It has to be Gu Banxia! ! ! 】

[This is too...unfortunate, right? 】

[Other guest contestants have assimilated 100%, and received the same shocked face. 】

Seeing the number of points written by Gu Banxia on the small lucky wheel, the black characters on a white background are extremely eye-catching, directly hitting the deepest part of the soul!The good mood that Hu Lanlan had just won the lottery was ruined in an instant.

[Where is the rescue team?Hu Lanlan may need a quick-acting heart-rescuing pill. 】

The other guest contestants also had indescribable expressions: ...! ! ! ?

It turns out that there is still such a way to play the little wheel of fortune?Why didn't they think of it?

[Seeing everyone's stunned expressions like mine, I am completely relieved. 】

[To be shocked together, to be surprised alone is not as good as to be surprised by everyone. 】

[Those guest contestants who got their points deducted couldn't hold back the desire to add a vertical line to the minus sign, hahahaha. 】

[Haha, one quick-acting heart-rescuing pill is not enough, at least one bottle is needed. 】

[That's right, the director needs it the most, half of it will be given to him, and the remaining half will be shared among the guests and contestants. 】

[What about Gu Banxia?They're all on the show together. 】

【What's her use?Isn't she the calmest cub in the audience? 】

[Suxiao Jiuxin Pill is too late, pinch the Renzhong acupoint, it can pass the yin and yang of the two meridians of the human body. 】

The barrage in the live broadcast room was as happy as a cow rolling in a muddy puddle, [I pinched my finger and counted, the director might be pinching himself to save himself. 】

【puff!From Gu Banxia's rescue of Xu Yong's choking. 】

[Hahahaha Movie Emperor Pei quietly raised his hand, his fingers quickly slipped from the tip of his nose to his chin, what do you want to do, guess what? 】

[Reporting that I also caught one, Zhou Zheng's right index finger tapped under his nose and on his lips, guess what he wants to do! 】

【Help!Laughing so hard that I couldn't stop rolling my ass, and all the staff pinched people...]

In the end, Gu Banxia still had the highest points. With his strength, he was far ahead of No.1.

The distance between No.2 and her is more than 1000 points, and there is no strength to compete with Gu Banxia.

[This wave of strength crushes, tremble, opponent! ! ! 】

[Good guy, No.2 is actually more than a little bit away from her, and I really lost the courage to catch up. 】

[Distressed No.2, but frustration is definitely No.1, so don't be too discouraged. 】

(End of this chapter)

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