[Hahaha, the light of domestic products. 】

[@动乐@Program team, go and tell Xia Xia, start this thing, there will definitely be many people who like it. 】

[Zun Du Fake Du?Buy buy buy. 】

[Pre-sales can be started @ Dongle. 】

Touching Fish/Three Rings: ...

I panicked when I saw the pre-sale!

But I don’t know what to panic about.

Do it, do it quickly, I wish Dongle could be lifted up to a high place, get carried away and then fall down and be shattered to pieces!

Humph, the horoscope has been pre-sold before even a single stroke?It's not like they haven't done it before. If it weren't for the guarantee from the headquarters, it would be useless if they almost took advantage of it. How would they be here today?

[What kind of doctor is Dr. Tao?Hurry up and buy this fragrance maker and start up the Xia Xia brand. 】

[Hmm, I think it will work. 】

[If I were Dr. Tao, what kind of doctor would I be?The doctor-patient relationship alone is as big as one or two, and you can't make a lot of money. If you live a little better life, the patients and their families think that they receive red envelopes, so they will report it to you. 】

[If you encounter a narrow-minded leader again, your brittle boss will fire you in minutes. 】

[Dismissal is a trivial matter, but the worst thing is to have your medical qualification revoked, blacklisted by the entire industry, and leave a lifelong psychological shadow. 】

[It’s really hard to be a doctor, it’s a high-risk profession. 】

[I was so scared that I didn’t dare to apply for the medical major. 】

[Support Dr. Tao to change his career on the spot. 】

[Support Dr. Tao’s change of career on the spot +1. 】

How long?
Those words that allowed Dr. Tao to be Dr. Tao were forgotten.

It seems that Tao Zhengze's entrepreneurial path is already unfolding under his feet.

It seems that Gu Banxia's Xiaxia brand face cream, perfume essence has been put on the R&D and production schedule.

Just thinking about it makes me feel happy.

The light of domestic products not only has colorful colors, vitality [-], Hongxing Erke, bee flower... but also has more and more fresh power injected into it.

Tao Zhengze was quite serious. Gu Banxia looked at the monkey and answered his question: "When it feels itchy, scratch it off. If the sore is still poisonous and has not been removed, continue to apply it."

The barrage was shocked, [Ah, is it so casual? 】

[What if the monkey doesn’t know it is itchy and doesn’t scratch it? 】

[Xia Xia only took three patches, I guess it should be enough. 】

Tao Zhengze: "Is it enough to apply it until the poison is completely removed and the itching and pain are gone?"

Gu Banxia hummed.

She didn't finish her words, after all, she was doing a live broadcast, and the use of medication was different from the current era. She mainly looked at the efficacy, not simply by time.

The most important thing is that life has individual characteristics. Zhang San will be cured after one dose of medicine, Li Si may take three or four days to recover, but Wang Wu may have no response to the medicine.This is all there.

This big golden monkey is no exception.

However, she estimated that three applications would be enough.

The first post contains a strong dose of medicine, the strongest one.

However, the intensity must be within the range that the golden monkey's body can bear.

After that, the golden monkey's body was damaged, leaving side effects.

If it is insufficient, it will be impossible to curb the development and deterioration of toxins in the golden monkey's body and reverse the situation.

Therefore, the requirements for doctors to grasp this degree are very high.

As for the subsequent application, appropriate and timely adjustments must be made according to the development and changes of the condition.

Gu Banxia finally pressed the plaster to ensure that the big golden monkey would not fall off during the collision and rubbing process.

Then, she raised her hand and waved, and said to the big golden monkey: "That's enough. Remember to scratch it only if it's itchy. If it's not itchy, just keep it there. Go ahead."

There was nothing she could do about dinner, and she had to find what the monkey should eat.

The big golden monkey actually understood, squatted down and raised his hands.

Just when everyone was exclaiming, telling Gu Banxia to be careful, thinking that it was about to attack, they saw the big golden monkey bowing its hands and striking Gu Banxia solemnly three times.

Everyone: ...faces a little red.

The big golden monkey is so polite and knows how to bow. I don’t know who he learned it from.

As a human being, when you borrow money, you belong to your grandson, and when you pay back, you belong to your uncle. I wonder if your face is red or not?
Look after Banxia again.

People are still calm, you have to accept it.

No wonder everyone instinctively runs away from the Crocodile Pond. People know that there are tigers in the mountains and prefer to go to Tiger Mountain. They know that crocodiles are dangerous, but they still prefer to go to Crocodile in order to save everyone and avoid the program being suspended.

The feeling of adoration increased again.

[Shocked, but fortunately it was just a false alarm. 】

[Everyone is starry-eyed, hahahaha. 】

[I can’t help but look like stars. 】

[This monkey can handle it. 】

[May I ask where Gu Banxia picked up the monkey?Too polite and well-behaved?I want to pick one up too. 】

What they didn't know was that Gu Banxia disappeared and Tao Zhengze was ruthlessly attacked on the back of his neck, both of which were caused by the well-behaved and polite monkey in front of them.

You know, it's hard to believe.

If you are going to be schizophrenic, how can you dare to pick one up and bring it back?
how can that be possible?
If it is true, Gu Banxia is too holy!

It has done so much harm to people, why do you still want to keep it alive?Also detoxify it and recuperate the body?

Of course, some viewers in the live broadcast room remember, "Is this the monkey that pounced on Hu Lanlan?" 】

[The contrast is so huge that I can’t even recognize it. 】

[Is it really the same monkey? 】

Some people also asked, [Who is Hu Lanlan? 】

Grandma, who is good at capturing the popularity, buys, edits and publishes Kakaka.

The big golden monkey attacked Hu Lanlan ferociously, the big golden monkey student raised his hands and bowed to Gu Banxia, ​​and the PK comparison group was newly released.

After a while, this short video went viral.

Even Dongle official website and Yan Fengchun’s Wilderness Survival Program Group also forwarded and liked it one after another.

Subsequently, more short video bloggers followed suit and learned from the trend, creating a firestorm and creating a virtuous cycle of traffic.The popularity and strength of Dongle and the program team have also continued to rise.

Everyone is happy, Moyu/Three Rings:...


Gu Banxia did not evade, and accepted the big golden monkey's bow calmly, "Go ahead."

The big golden monkey didn't stay any longer this time. He jumped out of the window and disappeared into the vast night.

[It also knows how to avoid obstacles and prevent branches from piercing the plaster. 】

【Monkey in love in dream. 】

[Isn’t the monkey in love in the dream Sun Wukong? 】

[Hope it recovers soon. 】

[I can definitely squat down. 】

There are a bunch of barrages blessing the golden monkey at the bottom.

Dongle officials took advantage of the situation and opened an interactive event, [Everyone is welcome to participate enthusiastically and wish the golden monkey a speedy recovery and return to nature.There are prizes. 】

The audience in the live broadcast room exploded.

[What award? 】

[You can actually win a prize for flying guests who participate in the wilderness survival show?Woohoo, you are so good at Dongle! 】

[Is there a cash prize?Hit me quickly. 】

Touching Fish/Three Rings: ...


Later, Dongle cooperated with the Animal Protection Association and related institutions and groups to build a new platform.

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