Chapter 532: Specially set aside food
[No, when Teacher Gu came over, didn’t he just eat canned biscuits and ham sausage? 】

[She also secretly ate Tianjin Deluzhai’s pancakes behind everyone’s back. 】

[That is a breach of contract. Didn’t the program team expose it before? 】

[And her points were deducted. 】

[The program team is tough, and they actually dare to openly challenge Qian Jin, the chairman of the Gu Group. 】

[That’s when I started falling in love with this show. 】

[Hahahahahahahaha canned biscuits and ham sausages, did you say that on purpose because you were afraid that Gu Banxia and the others wouldn't give them food? 】

[It’s somewhat of a trick. 】

[I think this operation can get extra points, @program team, what do you think? 】

Gu Banxia: "Yes, Doctor Tao has specially left dinner for you. You can decide for yourself whether you should eat it in the kitchen or bring it to the living room."

[Woo woo woo, Xia Xia is so warm!Dr. Tao was moved. 】

[She also specifically pointed out that Dr. Tao specially reserved dinner! 】

Tao Zhengze’s fans were moved. 】

[No wonder so many people like her. 】

[In the past, she was criticized everywhere on the Internet, saying that she was weak and could not speak. Fortunately, I didn't believe it. 】

Other viewers in the live broadcast room also lamented, [Her stepsister Gu Nuo, several times in the live broadcast camera, led everyone to say that she couldn't speak, and I don't know what to think? 】

[I think Xia Xia is very good at talking. 】

[How can Xia Xia not speak? 】

[Xia Xia made Gu Nuo's face turn dark when she said it last time. It was like I was talking on the Internet. 】

[Dr. Tao: Where did I leave dinner specifically for them?I didn't even know there were two people who hadn't eaten. 】

【Hahaha. 】

[But it can be seen that Dr. Tao is very happy. 】

Those who wanted to accuse Gu Banxia of taking all the credit for dinner were suddenly deflated like a ball with a small hole in it.

Secretly glad, it’s okay!Fortunately, it was not sent out.

Otherwise, there will be thousands of humiliations and abuses waiting for you.

The two guest contestants were stunned on the spot.

It took a while to react.

My eyes went from dull to very bright.

There was only a sentence from Gu Banxia in the middle.

"We also have food?"

"Did you leave food for us?"

"Thank you Xia Xia! Thank you Dr. Tao!!!"

The two people's voices were soaring with excitement and excitement, and their voices soared into the sky.

Gu Nuo, who still hadn’t contacted his helicopter for a while:...

His face looked the same as the night outside.

I felt even more anxious and depressed.

Junior students:......

My stomach was upset even more, and I had the urge to rush over and snatch the food from the two guest contestants and eat it.

Even the darkness above makes people feel more oppressive.

When will President Mingyu/Senior come back?

When can they go back?
I really don’t want to stay here for a second!

And the school girl who thought her ankle was broken by Tao Zhengze was the worst:...

People who hurt themselves are still in the mood to eat, drink and entertain guests?From time to time, laughter and laughter pierced her ears and heart!
The affected area felt more painful, and the corresponding other foot also felt uncomfortable.

There are a thousand regrets and ten thousand regrets in my heart. If I had known, if I had known, she would not have kicked someone else's dining table!
With tears rolling down his eyes, he realized that there was no figure of Gu Nu around.This school girl:! ! !
She fought against injustice for her, she was willing to sacrifice her future future for her, and she was faced with a situation where she might not be able to take care of herself, but she didn't even say hello? !
When she needed help the most, no one was there? !

This school girl is even more painful.

She closed her eyes and forced herself to think: Maybe she misunderstood Gu Nu?Maybe at this moment, Gu Nuo is trying to find a doctor for himself?It takes time to do this, and she shouldn't have these horrible thoughts!

But this school girl never imagined that at this moment, Gu Nuo didn't care about her at all.


The two guest contestants rushed forward with joy and wanted to lift Gu Banxia high.

Fortunately, he was frozen by Tao Zhengze's cold aura, and his rationality and politeness came back, and he stopped in time.

But it still couldn't stop the two guest contestants, who were surprised, happy, and excited.

"Me, we too?"


Make sure again and again, for fear of getting wrong.

The silly look made the barrage laugh.

Gu Banxia nodded one by one without any impatience.

The barrage was stunned.

Is this still Gu Banxia?
Shouldn't she be bored and impatient with these little things?

Why are you so patient?
He even took the initiative to introduce the dishes?
Gu Banxia: "The fried stuffed dace is a tough dish that Dr. Tao personally cooks tonight. After being beaten, the meat sauce is very refreshing and delicious when you bite into it."

Gu Banxia has endless aftertaste.

The two guest contestants suddenly fell apart.

One can't wait to go to the kitchen to serve food and eat the food, while the other is nostalgic for Gu Banxia's oral taste and can't bear to leave.

Should I go or stay?Should you go or stay?
After the barrage was stunned, everyone burst into laughter again.

[Schizophrenic, my dear, I never thought of this. 】

[It has to be Xia Xia. 】

[I won’t tell you this until I’m full, and it will make your mouth water.When eating, don't say anything, just focus on eating. 】

[No wonder you eat without talking. 】

[Xia Xia knows how to exercise caution. Those guest contestants, didn’t you all eat and drink together?Why are you still drooling? 】

[Hahahaha, I told her I was hungry again even though I had just finished eating! 】

[Why should Miss Gu be a guest on some kind of wilderness survival show? Just be a food anchor on the spot. It will definitely be popular. 】

[I have placed a new order for takeout. This time, I have to order the pork knuckle. 】

[Don’t panic, Lin Yu and the others have already gone to help them get food. 】

The two guest contestants quickly became less entangled.

Because Lin Yu, He Wanglan and other guest contestants suddenly rushed to the kitchen enthusiastically and helped them fill their meals and bring the dishes to the living room.

This is an unprecedented treatment since joining the show!The two of them were so excited that they were at a loss.

[Haha, my mouth is almost stuck when I say thank you. 】

[Lin Yu’s little face was so red that it was almost bleeding. It was so cute. 】

[Teacher He licked his lips, his movements were exactly the same as mine, hahahaha, my stomach is very full, but my eyes are not full at all. 】

At this time, a barrage suddenly came, [Do you still have the heart to fight around here?Eat eat eat!People are dying over there! 】

The barrage area paused.

What the hell?
Where is the dead?
Ah, bah, someone is about to die, can it be considered a dead person?

If you start spreading rumors, be careful!

The audience in the live broadcast room, who have been fooled many times, are very calm, with a calm and almost indifferent mentality, [Can you talk properly? 】

(End of this chapter)

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