[Yes, it’s not too late. 】

[Gu Banxia: You know I like to earn points. 】

Rescue team guy: "Then, do you still need us?"

The guest contestants showed expressions of "taking all things as a slut" and said, "No need for the time being, thank you!"

[Haha, they didn’t even ask how many points it would cost to add someone to use anesthesia. 】

[With Xia Xia here, do you still need to collect extra points? 】

[You can tell by their little expressions that they regret that they were too hasty to collect points just now. 】

[It is completely understandable that every point is not easy to earn. After all, when the program team gave it, it was accurate to 0.01 points. 】

[The little rescuer’s eyes gleamed, and he finally got the chance to witness Xia Xia rescuing someone. 】

[Hahahahaha. 】

[Being disliked is not a big deal at all. It is important to see Xia Xia save people. 】

The original body mustered up the courage and finally asked the question that had been brewing and entangled in her heart for a long time: Do you still want to save such a person?
After the little episode just now, the original body's consciousness has improved.

Not bad, keep it up.

Gu Banxia: I thought you would ask me to set her bones and save her.

The original face turned red.

It turned out that was exactly what she had in mind.

But who would have thought that the other party would be such a malicious person?No matter how kind-hearted and noble she is, she still knows that she cannot be Mr. Dong Guo and who should be saved and who should not be saved. She also has a strong sense of balance in her heart.

The original body was puzzled: Then why did you save her?
Gu Banxia: Is the food cooked by Dr. Tao delicious?
The original person was stunned and didn't understand why Gu Banxia suddenly changed the subject, but he still answered truthfully: It's delicious, full of color, aroma and flavor. This is the first time in my life that I have eaten such delicious food.

Gu Banxia: Well, I think it’s delicious too.Therefore, I set her bones for Dr. Tao.

The main reason for not immediately setting the bones after the dislocation is because the body's bones lack energy when they are hungry. Once the bones are set to save someone, the damage will be huge and it will take a long time to recuperate.

To make such a sacrifice for such a person, firstly, others would not appreciate it, and secondly, she thought it was not worth it and was very stupid.

Next is Tao Zhengze.

Tao Zhengze just took action to protect himself, but he turned his back and started to fix the bones of others. Isn't this deliberately embarrassing Tao Zhengze? It can easily make him feel that his behavior is incorrect and unworthy?It will be chilling.

The third is, intentional.

Deliberately inflicting pain on Gu Nuo's school girl for a period of time will make others remember the situation and not provoke him easily. Otherwise, he must be prepared to bear the consequences and pay the price.

It was obvious that Gu Nuo, a junior student, was still confused. Even after a painful meal, he did not wake up to anything. Instead, he continued to exert his efforts in the wrong direction.

The original body reacted for a long time without thinking too clearly. He only vaguely felt that he had gotten something.

Gu Banxia: I will set her bones first.

The communication with the original body is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, she and the school girl were closer, and they could hear each other's rapid breathing.

Various negative emotions such as panic and rejection are intertwined.

Gu Banxia didn't care.

I didn't argue with her about kicking the dining table and disturbing her meal. She was already very tolerant.

Now let's take care of her foot injury.

She should give herself a good pat on the back.

[Haha, I was so frightened that my face was as white as a sheet, and I couldn’t even speak. 】

[Does she think Xia Xia wants to take revenge on her?So scared. 】

[Gu Nuo’s junior students are not leaving anymore, they are all surrounding the perimeter. 】

[Why don't they scold Xia Xia now? 】

[Should you be shameless?The internal strife just now was heard by Xia Xia and the others. 】

Some also said, "Don't you need someone to hold her down?"What if she resists and causes Xia Xia to be hurt twice, and then takes the opportunity to blame Xia Xia? 】

[Yes, you must be on guard against others. 】

As soon as these worries were expressed, everyone saw Tao Zhengze striding forward, and a sense of oppression filled him directly from the Five Grains.The school girl:...

The pupils are dilated.

Don't come over if you look so obvious in your eyes. What are you going to do? I'm going to shout!

But no sound came out of his throat.

The silence was so suffocating for her.

good time!
Gu Banxia held the foot with one hand and twisted the foot bones with the other hand according to the original growth pattern.


All right.

The action is lightning fast.

Bone-setting in one second.

[Gu Nuo’s school girl: Are you ready?So fast?What did I just experience? 】

[School girl: What did Gu Banxia just do to me?I don’t want her to set my bones!Who knows what she had in mind? 】

[School girl Gu Nu: Did I allow her to touch me?I clearly don’t allow anyone to come near or touch me. 】

【So fast. 】

[It was so fast. After watching the whole process, I couldn’t help but suspect that this foot had never been broken by Dr. Tao. 】

Before anyone at the scene could react, Gu Banxia set the bone and it was just right.

Rescue Team:……

All right?

So fast? !

I originally wanted to learn Gu Banxia's bone-setting techniques, but now I feel endless inferiority welling up in my heart.He was obviously staring at it without blinking, but he seemed not to notice anything.

Then it's over.

Tao Zhengze was watching attentively, but he didn't come back to his senses.

Fast, too fast.

He hadn't even pressed down on the person to prevent the other person from messing around and delaying Gu Banxia's bone setting, and Gu Banxia was cured.

He can also set people's bones, and almost everyone in the Tao family can set bones.

But he was still amazed by Gu Banxia's hand.

Others only heard a click, and he also heard a few small clicks.

Tao Zhengze: "Miss Gu, did you just... return her old illness and take care of it at the same time?"

He is so excited!

He couldn't believe it, because when he twisted the opponent's foot, he found out that the old injury was at least ten years old.

If he treated me with Dow's bruise medicine and massage three times a day, it would probably take at least a year for complete recovery.

Gu Banxia reversed the progression of the disease with just a twist of his hand!

The healing cycle is greatly shortened.

He was really not sure.

The rescue team also looked at Gu Banxia with expectant faces.

Gu Banxia was about to answer Tao Zhengze's question.

Gu Nuo didn't know when he came over.

She squeezed through the junior students, passed through the guest contestants who made way for each other, and shouted sternly at Gu Banxia:
"Gu Banxia! What are you doing?"

That posture directly sealed the deal for Gu Banxia - she was going to do it in front of so many of her classmates like Gu Nu, in front of so many guests and contestants like Pei Yunmo, and in front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room. Bullying a weak woman who has lost the ability to fight back!

"Step aside!"

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