What now?
A large group of people were working in the dining room and kitchen. From time to time, laughter and laughter could be heard. It was so noisy!

Have they ever been so active at home or at their parents' house?

Are you so proactive when you come here?
She didn't believe it. There was no live broadcast and no one was watching. How could they still do this?
And what about Gu Banxia?You don’t have to do anything. Others cook the food and wash the dishes. Dr. Tao cooks them. After eating, he pats his butt and leaves. He follows Pei Yunmo to Pei Yunmo’s room. He shamelessly indulges in the popularity of the actor, shameless!

That schoolgirl of mine was crying out for life after her foot was dislocated, but it was the country bumpkin who fixed her bones and made her better. Now, her mouth is closed tighter than a safe!

It doesn’t take a trial to know that the other person’s soul has betrayed him.

Not fair, so unfair.

It is obvious that she is the daughter of the chairman of the Gu Group.

Who is Gu Banxia?
In the eyes of the world, she is at best a country girl, an illegitimate daughter, and her biological mother is a third party who interferes in other people's marriages!
Why hasn't that country bumpkin been eliminated from the show?
Gu Nuo was really aggrieved, sad and unconvinced this time. Therefore, the choking was not artificial, so it was particularly touching.

This attracted a large group of live broadcast room viewers to stand up for her in the barrage area. While scolding Gu Banxia, ​​they comforted her, sympathized with her, pitied her, and felt sorry for her.

But the next second, Gu Nuo didn't know how to put away his tears.

Because Mingyu suddenly appeared in the live broadcast camera.

He was sullen, darker than the night.

It makes people's hearts skip a beat.

What happened?

Before Gu Nu had time to wipe away his tears, the pear blossoms brought rain to win new sympathy and compassion.

She heard Mingyu's voice coming over, getting into her ears, and into her internal organs and bone marrow.

Mingyu: "I just received the notice, teacher, I hope you can continue to stay in this show."

The barrage is boiling.

[I cried out loud, Teacher Ruoruo is so awesome!It's really a smart move. 】

[The program team has nothing to say now. After all, the school teacher has come forward. 】

[Congratulations Ruoruo, great! 】

【Awesome!You can continue to watch Ruoruo in the live broadcast room again. 】

Gu Nuo's fans were so happy. They were immersed in their own surprise and didn't come out for a long time, so few people paid attention to Gu Nuo's true reaction.

Is Gu Nu happy?
Gu Nuo must be happy!
My own teacher has personally stepped in to support his student, how could he be unhappy?

Like a bolt from the blue, Gu Nuo was stunned.

Before she could ask which teacher, why?
Mingyu's words came again, "This is what coach Cui Xiaozhu means. She hopes that you will not let her down in your next performance."

Gu Nuo's body instantly became cold, and the vertebra-like coldness penetrated ruthlessly along her spine:...

Although Mingyu didn't say anything explicitly, she was so smart, why couldn't she hear the hidden meaning?

Cui Xiaozhu actually refused to accept her as his disciple?

Do you want her to continue to stay in this shabby place and compete with that country bumpkin?

Do you need to show that you can impress her before you consider including her on the list of seeded Taekwondo players?Why?
I didn't hear Mingyu say that there were other candidates who were more powerful than her. The other candidates were evaluated by the school and were not decided by default.

So, what do those vice principals and teachers do for a living? !

When he usually accepts benefits from the Gu Group, when he orders her around, it is so natural and self-righteous!She always regarded herself as her teacher, aloof and arrogant.

What about when it's time to work?

Is this what he looks like?
They can't even do such a small thing well. Fortunately, when they still have the face to evaluate their professional titles, they wildly hinted at the Gu Group to support them to become directors and principals!Even the toad wants to eat swan meat and wants to be a leader in the Education Bureau, hoping that the appearance of eating will not be too ugly.

It’s a shame that they have the face to serve as role models!

Do you want to ask Gu Nu to hate Cui Xiaozhu?
Of course I was a little resentful, but not as much as I hated the vice principals and teachers, and not as deeply as I hated Gu Banxia.

After all, Choi Hyo Joo is the role model she has been looking up to since she started learning Taekwondo.

How can it be so easy for role models to recognize themselves?
You have to work hard to gain the other person's approval.

Due to the role of psychological expectations and predictions, Gu Nu doesn't resent Cui Xiaozhu so much.

Normal people will not hate their role models. They can only look up to them, worship them, have deep self-doubt, and have an inferiority complex that pops up from time to time.

This was Gu Nuo's mood at the moment.

She had just publicly announced her withdrawal from the competition in the live broadcast room, so that all the viewers in the live broadcast room could see that she was forced to withdraw from the competition. She was very aggrieved and helpless. Mingyu came up and poured ice water on her.

Does he know that such behavior is extremely stupid and will seriously harm her good fortune?
This kind of behavior is even more disgusting to her than that country bumpkin?
Unfortunately, Mingyu couldn't care less about this at this moment.

He himself was shocked by the news, and half of his soul flew away. Even now, he is still walking along the road in a daze.

When I saw Gu Nuo, I didn't even remember what she was saying to the audience during the live broadcast.

All I could think about was that I couldn't wait to find someone to share my inner panic with.

And that person happened to be Gu Nu.

It also happened to be the best person Mingyu wanted to share this feeling with.

But he never thought that Gu Nuo would want to kick him away and kick him into the Mariana Trench!

What was written all over Gu Nuo's face was: Disappear immediately, immediately!
Unfortunately, Mingyu was stuck in his own emotions and didn't understand or see it, so he continued.

Now, Gu Nuo was really angry and didn't want to bear it anymore.

How on earth did you become the president of the Taekwondo Association with such a lack of vision?No wonder the members we brought out were so bad, they even kicked over the dining table until their feet were broken and dislocated!
But he forgot that he was also a member of the association, and his qualifications were even more senior than more than half of the others.

He kicked down the pot of rice, trying to spoil Gu Banxia and twisted his own foot, but Gu Banxia took care of it, so he just ignored it and pretended it didn't happen and it didn't exist.

Seeing that something uncontrollable was about to happen, the program staff hurriedly came over to block it, and then diverted the ghost-like weirdness away.

Gu Nu came back to his senses and breathed a sigh of relief.

Staff: Don’t get me wrong, they just don’t want the show to be suspended.

Distracted by this, Mingyu finally came to his senses, wanted to save something, and apologized to Gu Nuo. He didn't mean it, but he had been blocked and invited by the staff, and he was far away from Gu Nuo. Far, far away.

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