Gu Luo: ...

This time, she felt very clearly that the distance between herself and Pei Yunmo was getting farther and farther, to the point where she could no longer get close or catch up!
And what about Gu Banxia?
But the relationship between that country bumpkin and Pei Yunmo is getting closer and closer!
She must be very upset, right?
Finally I won a victory!
"Gu Banxia, ​​are you satisfied?!"

Gu Nu gritted his teeth and glared at Gu Banxia, ​​once again saying such misleading words.

It's just a pity that after experiencing such a huge misdirection before, no one was bewitched by her this time.

Everyone is very sensible. When they first realized that they were being fooled again, they immediately stepped on the brakes.

Some people stood up and spoke for Gu Banxia.

There is no need for Gu Banxia to do anything.

"You should be the one who is satisfied, right Gu Nu?"

"Teacher Gu, you have bullied Xia Xia again and again, and you have deliberately misled others to wrong Xia Xia again and again. Don't you think this is a little too much?"

"Gu Nu, this is not the place for you to stay. Why don't you go back and be your rich daughter? Why do you have to come and fight with us?"

"Gu Nu, do you know what a real wealthy family is? Obviously, you are not, so you don't know."

What everyone said to Gu Nu was full of ridicule.

In the past, they kept silent due to fear of the Gu Group, or watched the fire from the other side.

Who can blame Gu Nu for being in this situation?
She can only blame herself for her evil intentions, always thinking of attacking others, and in the end, she can only reap the consequences, with no one to sympathize with her.

A red flag flutters in the wind in everyone's heart, clearing away the haze in the hearts of too many people. In comes the warm sunshine, the positive energy, the truth, goodness and beauty, and the great love in the world.

How could this kind of experience be felt by someone like Gu Nu?Not to mention getting.

After all, Gu Nuo is actually quite pitiful.

Because until now, she didn't realize what she had done wrong.

He was still glaring at Gu Banxia with his eyes.

Do you think it was Gu Banxia who caused all this?


Even if all the responsibility is put on Gu Banxia, ​​and all the blame is put on Gu Banxia, ​​it can't change that she is the one who caused all this.

Just like this, a red flag removed the halo that Gu Nu and Hu Yulian had worked so hard to maintain from Gu Nu's body.

From this moment on, everyone looked at Gu Nu just like any other ordinary guest contestant.

This is true isolation.

Compared with this moment, everything that happened before can only be regarded as a small fight at best and innocuous.

Gu Luo: ...

This time, she suddenly realized that she was isolated, isolated in the true sense!

From the eyes of these people, she saw that they no longer had any scruples about the Gu Group, let alone Gu Nuo herself.

Gu Luo: ...

She just yelled, Gu Banxia, ​​are you satisfied?
What I received was criticism from all directions!

What did she do wrong?
Can't she express her grievances and complain about everything that happened to her?

As a human being, why should that country bumpkin be cared for by everyone, but she should be isolated and hated by everyone?
She is the direct daughter of the chairman of the Gu Group!

Are these people out of their minds?

Praise that stinky country bumpkin and openly confront her and the Gu Group!
Gu Nuo was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. As always, he attributed the fault to others. He was as firm and confident as ever, not thinking that he was the one who needed to take responsibility.Also popular were fans of Hu Yulian and Gu Nuo.

But unfortunately.

Human beings cannot empathize with their joys and sorrows.

Gu Banxia is just a piece of cake, holding it in the palm of your hand is too late to protect her, so what's going on?
piss you off!
Audiences in Gu Banxia’s live broadcast room expressed their support:

【Cool! 】

【It feels so good to my soul. 】

[What is a group pet?This is the real group favorite! 】

[I was so relieved to see that woman Gu Nuo being unlucky. 】

[At first, I was quite looking forward to Xia Xia taking action in person, but now, I am no longer obsessed with it.For some things, it is quite good for the person involved to become a bystander and stand on the front line to take advantage of the situation. 】

[Gu Banxia: Have you installed surveillance in my heart? 】

[Uh, why do I feel like Gu Nuo just wanted to apologize to Huo Gong and make a [-]-degree bow? 】

Some grandmothers have a sensitive sense of smell and smell, so they edited out the control group.

Huo Gong was treated very politely, and Gu Nuo wanted to apologize, but was cut off by Mingyu, with close-ups and detailed guidance, as well as just the right BGM to match, and it was clearly presented in the short video.

You can tell with your eyes closed that this short video became an instant hit once it was released.Grandma who followed the trend also took the opportunity to get a wave of traffic.

Win-win situation has been on the right track unconsciously.

Colleagues on Dongle Live Broadcasting Platform also quietly moved out like sharks that smelled the fishy smell.

It’s such a good way to make money, everyone has to learn it.

Needless to say, the survival and development of the Dongle live broadcast platform are getting better and better.

Nie Sangbi was so busy that he couldn't help but smile on his face every day.The employees of the company all think that their Mr. Nie is getting more and more handsome as he grows older.

Nie Sangbi became more and more convinced of Pei Bansheng, the boss.

Several small tricks carried out by Moyu Headquarters were also cracked by their tricks.Some high-quality angel investors also choose to stand with them.

In this way, as long as sufficient synergy is formed, the day Dongle faces Moyu Headquarters, the chances of winning will increase.

Compared with the positive development of Dongle, Moyu and Sanhuan are completely opposite.

The newly released expert data report shows that the status of the Third Ring Road has declined, and it is very likely that it will not be able to maintain its current position.

Three Rings:……

He was about to make a move, abandoned his car to save his handsome man, and secretly suggested to the headquarters, how about finding an opportunity to push the three rings out as a scapegoat as soon as possible to divert public attention?

Wilderness Survival live broadcast.

As expected of Gu Nu.

Even under such circumstances, he can quickly adjust his mentality, find a suitable way to deal with the matter.


Seeing Gu Nu covering his face, turning around and running away while crying, Mingyu turned around as if feeling distressed, and glared at everyone in the wilderness family, especially Gu Banxia and Pei Yunmo.

Before chasing after Gu Nuo, Mingyu made a special U-turn and stared at Gu Banxia: "Gu Banxia! If Gu Nuo has two shortcomings, I will kill you!"

In front of the live broadcast and in full view of everyone, how dare Mingyu threaten Gu Banxia?
Everyone in the Wilderness family was stunned for a moment, some were shocked and stunned, and some were immediately angered. (End of chapter)

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