Chapter 72 Weird Feeling
The front is already a shelter, and the two of them tacitly didn't mention it again.

At this time, some guest contestants also finished their tasks and came from other places one after another.

Yesterday, the shelter that stood like a colossus and made everyone proud, is now fragmented and collapsed under the blue sky and green trees. Everyone can't help but sigh with emotion. The scenes that happened last night are still vivid in our minds.

Alas, today they still have to rebuild.

But the site cleanup of the shelter has not yet started.

"Isn't the cleaning of the shelter part of everyone's mission?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads. Many shook their heads and said, "Not here."

"Our task is to collect firewood."

"We are picking edible ingredients to solve today's three meals a day."

"Actor Pei is back, Actor Pei, what is your mission?"

Pei Yunmo's forehead was still dripping with sweat. Seeing everyone coming back one after another and gathering in front of the shelter, he couldn't help speeding up, "My task is to find herbs that can drive away harmful organisms."

Everyone saw that there was indeed a bunch of fresh herbs tied on his back, green, purple, with flowers and hanging fruits, several kinds.

With everyone's return, their respective tasks are also clear at a glance.

Now, only Hu Lanlan and Gu Banxia are left.

The staff said through the drone: "Hu Lanlan has a problem, and she temporarily withdraws from this survival mission. Now, her mission will be openly contested by all of you."

Everyone was stunned, and many thought of the creepy voice they heard just now.Could it be?
"Hu Lanlan had another accident?"

The last time it was sprayed with the venom of the poisonous snake, what is it this time?Some people secretly muttered about Hu Lanlan's hypocrisy, forgetting that they also disliked Gu Banxia before.

"Director, what is her mission?"

"How much are the points?"

"Hu Lanlan still owes Gu Banxia 55 points, how do you calculate it? You don't want to transfer it to us to share it?"

"That won't work! It's not fair."

Everyone was chattering.

The situation came here and something changed.The person everyone hates is no longer Gu Banxia, ​​but Hu Lanlan.

Drone: "The points owed by Hu Lanlan, we will talk about it later. Now, release her mission to start a fire outdoors. The rule is that you must not use the fire made by the lighter yesterday, including the fire left by Gu Banxia yesterday. The points are ten five."

[Rubbing hands, the show crew finally got their act together! 】

[Do not use the fire from a lighter, it is not too difficult to start a fire outdoors. 】

【I will too, Suirenshi can make fire. 】

[ Fifteen points?As far as the program group's urine is concerned, there won't be any pitfalls, right? 】

[I haven't seen a fire outdoors with my own eyes, and I want to see Yingying Pei show his skills. 】

Fans called their idols one after another. Knowing that their idols had done a strategy before they came, they were determined to win and yelled loudly.

Light a fire outdoors.

Fifteen points!
It's pretty high.

And it's not very difficult!It is necessary for routine outdoor survival, and everyone has done the strategy before coming here.Fifteen points, get!

"I come."

"I come!"

Many guest contestants competed enthusiastically, including Zhou Zheng and Xu Yong.

In the lucky draw, Zhou Zheng's draw points are halved, so you must be active to catch up.Xu Yong had to work harder because he owed Gu Banxia a hundred points, for the sake of his own life.

Due to the large number of candidates, in the end, after the coordination of the program group, they were divided into two groups. One group included Zhou Zheng, and the other group included Xu Yong.Whoever finishes first gets the points.The final interpretation right belongs to the program group.

[Your director is still your director. 】

[This means that a group of people will have to work for nothing. 】

[Whoever completes the points first will get it, it smells like digging a hole. 】

The audience in the live broadcast room was curious, wondering how the program group would dig holes for the guest contestants.

Zhou Zheng's team members: "Xu Yong, you were almost buried last night, the injury was so serious, you might as well go to rest."

"Yeah, fifteen points is not much anyway."

Xu Yong's team: "Since there are not many, why don't you just give it to us!"

"Xu Yong was rescued by Gu Banxia last night, and the rescue team also showed him. It was just a fire, and it would not delay Xu Yong's rest."

The two teams lined up while scrambling to start a fire.

Some drill wood to make fire, and some drill rope to make fire.Whoever completes it first and passes the acceptance check of the program group will be rewarded with [-] points.At the same time, this task will also affect the use of fire and the quality of survival of the entire wilderness family in the future.

[I've only seen it in books before, Suirenshi drilled wood to make fire, and it's the first time I saw it in a live broadcast.I don't know if it can be born or not. 】

[Hahaha, before the fire was born, the guest contestants started fighting first. 】

[Isn't it drilling wood to make fire?Drill rope too?What kind of drill? 】

[Looking at the rubbing on Zhou Zheng's face, does he know that he has turned into a cat face hahahahahaha? 】

[Xu Yong worked hard enough for fifteen points. He drilled the wood until the veins in his arms popped out, and the sweat on his forehead was pouring out layer after layer. I was worried that he would suddenly lose his hold and collapse. 】

[By the way, what is Gu Banxia's mission?Does no one care? 】

The audience in the live broadcast room curled their lips, lacking in interest, [I don’t care, I don’t care, Gu Banxia has Dr. Tao, and he has reached the peak of his life. 】

【Where does she need to survive in the wilderness, struggle in the wilderness?You can lie down and win, okay? 】

[No, did you forget?Doctor Tao still owes everyone an explanation, is Gu Banxia his childhood sweetheart?Junior sister of the rescue team, is she the one who intervened later? 】

[Besides, there seems to be no motivation for me to continue to pay attention to Gu Banxia? 】

There was a lot of excitement over there to make a fire, and Pei Yunmo also arranged the herbs here, and then he took a long leg and found Gu Banxia.

Standing beside her was a slender young man with firm eyes, a cold demeanor, and very unique attire. The pair of cranes seemed to fly towards him from him at any time.

Pei Yunmo noticed it when he came back, but he didn't expect that this person hadn't left yet when the task of the program team came.Is there something wrong?

"Miss Gu, you haven't finished your mission yet, do you need help?"

The man gave him a strange feeling.

It seems that he is examining himself quietly.

But Pei Yunmo can be sure that he does not know the other party.Maybe it's a new staff member of the program group, or a guest contestant who is going to replace Hu Lanlan?

Gu Banxia looked away from the scene of the shelter.

She was about to respond to Pei Yunmo's words, when she heard Tao Zhengze said next to her: "You are welcome, Film Emperor Pei, Miss Gu is enough with my help. You just came back, why don't you go over there and have a rest first."

(End of this chapter)

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