When Mingyu teased the country bumpkin in the village, and the country bumpkin almost died in a manure pit, there were videos and photos. The evidence is all in Gu Nuo's hands.

They are all professional private detectives, and their quality is guaranteed.

And Mingyu recorded it himself, haha, it might be mushy and cannot be used at all.

With this thought, Gu Nuo's mentality returned to balance.

Don't panic about this, the top priority is to get out of the cliff tree as soon as possible.

Gu Nu pretended to believe Mingyu's words and signaled him to rescue him quickly.

Mingyu had a pale face. On the one hand, he was afraid of the monkeys, but on the other hand, he really wanted to rescue Gu Nuo.

"Gu Banxia, ​​that's your sister, are you just watching her fall off the cliff and be indifferent? You are too evil! Do you think that without the live broadcast, you will be unscrupulous and show your true colors?"

If Mingyu hates Gu Nuo because of his love, then he has absolute hatred for Gu Banxia.

If he had to choose between saving Gu Nuo or killing Gu Banxia, ​​he would definitely choose the latter without hesitation.

Anyway, Gu Nuo wouldn't fall for a while. After all, the tree was tough enough and strong enough.

But Gu Banxia was different.

This country girl was so cunning and treacherous that she put herself at disadvantage time and time again. She was so perverted that he had to use all his energy to deal with it.

Gu Banxia smiled coldly:

"Gu Nu is still your junior schoolmate. You are so dirty, secretly recording videos and trying to catch her. What do you want to do? Control her? Or is your intention to take the Gu Group as your own?"

Mingyu: "You..."

His eloquence was not as good as Gu Nuo's, and he was so blocked by Gu Banxia that his mind went blank for half of the time.

Mingyu quickly turned around and explained to Gu Nuo, "Ruoruo, she's always slandering people. I recorded the video to prevent her from doing evil things to you! Don't believe it."

Gu Nu was very annoyed.

Who wants to hear your explanations?

Didn’t you see that I was in so much pain that I couldn’t even speak?

What are you still chatting with the country bumpkins? Hurry up and think of a way to save me!

Mingyu got less than half a point.

Seeing the darkness on Gu Nuo's face rising, he thought that Gu Nuo believed what the country bumpkin said, "I definitely didn't mean to harm you! I can swear to God! If you tell a lie, you will be struck by lightning from the sky!"

Gu Banxia couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

This Mingyu is actually not very smart. You can't tell from this. Gu Nuo is annoyed that he can't distinguish the priorities of things.

Still here, chatting with her about everything, explaining this and that.

He fell into the trap of proving his innocence that he had set up, without even knowing it.

Gu Banxia had a lot of free time and had no intention of reminding Mingyu.

The original person was watching and watching, and suddenly felt that he was quite stupid in the past. Why didn't he see Mingyu's tricks at that time?

Gu Banxia: Bystanders are clear, but those in authority are confused. In the past you were the authority, now you are the bystander.

What the original body didn't understand was suddenly rushed away. Start trying to forgive your past self.

Gu Nu:......

She wanted to yell at Mingyu, this bastard, who couldn't understand the priorities of things, and was still acting like the president of the Taekwondo Association?

Is now the time to break up with that country bumpkin? Is this the time to explain to her and prove his innocence?

With this skill, he can summon ten rescue teams!

Gu Nu only regretted that all his belongings had been snatched away by monkeys, or otherwise damaged. Otherwise, how could she be so passive?

Gu Nu expressed condolences to all eighteen generations of Mingyu's ancestors in his heart, but Mingyu still stood there, looking around cautiously to prevent the monkey from coming and pushing him off the cliff.

He had to verbally confront Gu Banxia and explain to Gu Nu to clear his name. In addition, he had to rack his brains and use all his tricks to deal with Gu Banxia. It really made him more tired than leading the Taekwondo Association.

However, after Gu Banxia finished talking to him, he ignored him.


There is a feeling of being disappointed with all the enthusiasm.

He actually wanted to go up and kick him.

However, the monkeys were staring at him, and he did not dare to act rashly for fear of angering the monkeys and causing them to fall off the cliff again. Those monkeys are not humans, so they won't reason with you. Those are beasts. In Gu Nu's eyes, this was another proof that Mingyu was a coward and a coward.

Gu Banxia went over to check on the woman.

The woman is about forty years old, with a fair face and a vaguely graceful and gentle temperament.

But a pair of eyes were dim and lifeless.

The clothes he wears are very exquisite, and they are all low-key and luxurious quality of wealthy people in this era. Obviously, there are dedicated people taking good care of her daily life.

However, his feet were bare, without shoes, and there were several wounds scratched by vegetation, and blood had solidified on the surface. The woman was completely unaware.

At this moment, the woman was breathing weakly.

Facing Gu Banxia's gaze, it was as if he didn't notice it.

In general, life is like a handful of ashes, which can make people as desperate as they want.

I don’t know what the other person went through to make him like this.

Gu Banxia just met her and felt like she had seen this woman somewhere before.

But now is not the time to think about this. The top priority is to save people until the end. Gu Nuo is indeed right.

Gu Banxia took a pulse.

The situation is more serious than I imagined.

If there is not a single piece of the original body that is good, new wounds are added on top of old wounds, and the body is riddled with holes and is unsightly. Then this woman is dying, her soul has separated from her body, and she is just on the last step.

Fortunately, by chance, the moment he struggled to grab the opponent's ankle, he regained most of his soul.

Gu Banxia breathed a sigh of relief.

I feel like there's still room for maneuver, and there's a lot to be done.

The original person also felt the same way and said sincerely: Once she is raised, she will definitely be a very beautiful aunt.

Gu Banxia agreed: Then, let me try?

Original body: OK.

That look in the woman's body, as if what she saw was not the woman, but herself, the self that had been re-raised.

How will that self look completely new?

Her eyes began to sparkle with anticipation.

Seeing the original person like this, Gu Banxia expressed relief that the interest collected from Mingyu and Gu Nuo just now was not in vain.

It’s nice not to even think about saving people.

Soon, Gu Banxia thought of a way.

Pick leaves nearby and put them in your mouth.

next second.

The extremely unpleasant tone of "wow wah wah" rang in the ears of Gu Nuo and Mingyu.

The corners of Gu Nuo's mouth twitched fiercely.

The soul twitched violently.

This tone was all too familiar to her.

Isn't that the strange sound that came from the forest when I came here that day?


It sounds awful! ! !

What the hell is that? !

Gu Nuo could not see the situation on the cliff, so he could only make various blind guesses based on his limited knowledge.

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