Besides, those students were pitiful, and it was all caused by themselves. It had nothing to do with them, let alone Xia Xia.

They bring it upon themselves, and you have to sympathize with them only when you are out of your mind!

Gu Banxia had already washed her hands and sat down at the table.

Hearing this, he calmly replied to the other party: "I am the youngest among them. I am weak and still growing, and I am in urgent need of nutrition."

The guest player just now:...

He closed his mouth with an ugly expression.

The other guest contestants also shut up.

I didn't say anything more.

Gu Banxia is right, the youngest here is Xia Xia.

That delicate figure could be knocked down by the wind. Everyone who saw her wanted to make her face bulge, white, plump, and round.

Then turn around and look outside.

Many of those juniors and juniors are so fat that they will be fine even if they have been hungry for three days, let alone just one meal? How dare you lick your face and come here to pretend to be pitiful?

Isn't it their Xia Xia who is truly pitiful?

Look, there is no blood on Xia Xia's face, and not even a shadow of her apples can be seen.

what about you?

Looks great! Even the black eyes can't hide this!

Gu Banxia glanced at the guest player just now:

"If you want to eat, just go and survive on your own. I've always come here this way, are they the exception? I remember that they are also considered guest players now. Since they are all here to participate in the competition, they must abide by the rules of the competition."

Her greatest mercy is to take a step back, let them come into the courtyard of the bamboo house, provide the kitchen space, and exchange them for points or labor.

But Gu Banxia didn't intend to be merciful.

Yesterday, when they rushed in and surrounded the kitchen door, clamoring to support Gu Nu, did they ever think that today would happen?

Apparently not.

She gave all her compassion to the original person and the people who treated her well, Pei Yunmo, Tao Zhengze, Pei Baozhu...

Gu Banxia: "If you really sympathize with them, you can use your points to go to the program team to exchange for food and give it to them. I remember that the program team just launched a new batch of handmade mooncakes that are intangible cultural heritage."

The guest player opened his mouth.

He is crazy to exchange his points for food to give to them!

He couldn't bear to eat it himself, so why should he give it to them?

How could Gu Banxia not know what he was thinking?

"If you feel that you are living a comfortable life now, just think about letting go of grudges with a smile, use my venue, take my food, do favors for them, and ask me to do the same with you. Sorry, eat After finishing this meal, please leave my bamboo house."

When the guest player heard this, his expression suddenly changed and he was completely panicked.

The unwillingness just now, the idea of ​​​​blaming Gu Banxia for not being generous, not knowing how to treat others with tolerance, and not leaving a way out for others, suddenly evaporated.

He hurriedly begged for peace: "Xia Xia, that's not what I meant! I didn't want you to let go of grudges with me, what a conscience! I also didn't want to let go of grudges with them with a smile!"

"You took my points, you acknowledged the deal between us, you can't go back on your word and just send me away like this!"

Seeing that Gu Banxia was indifferent, he quickly asked for outside help, "Please help me tell me, I really didn't mean that! It's not like I don't know how Teacher Gu and the others treated Xia Xia before. How could I..."

However, Zhou Zheng, Zhuang Han, He Wanglan, Lin Yu and others did not speak for him.

Xia Xia is right!

Gu Nu and the others have gone too far, so why should he sympathize with them when they see them hungry?

Especially He Wanglan and Zhou Zheng, if Xia Xia hadn't planned ahead and commanded well, they would have been the ones who suffered the loss and were beaten when they were under the cliff.

He Wanglan wants to climb a rock with bare hands. If he is discovered in advance, he will only be broken into pieces. Can he still be as alive and kicking as he is now?

Although the stones thrown at her did not hit her, she always remembered this account. And then there was Gu Nuo's slap. He Wanglan already held a grudge against Gu Nuo in his heart at that time. How could he pity Gu Nuo's juniors and juniors?

Helping Gu Nuo to bully others, she must be extremely stupid to take pity on him.

Isn't it because Gu Nuo was selfish, incompetent in leadership, narrow-minded, and incapable of surviving that they were where they are today?

They all deserve to starve to death!

The guest player:...

I no longer dare to say anything for Gu Nuo's juniors and juniors.

He is really afraid.

Afraid of being kicked out of the bamboo house by Gu Banxia.

There were only three days left before the live broadcast of the show. It was hard for me to persist in the competition until now.

If Gu Banxia was kicked out of the bamboo house, how would he sleep at night?

Are you lying on the ground under the cover of the sky, basking in the dew and getting bitten by mosquitoes? Although he also has a sleeping bag, how can a sleeping bag like the Datong Shop in a bamboo house allow people to sleep peacefully?

In addition to sleeping problems, there are also eating problems.

Following Gu Nuo, there was some dry food, canned biscuits and the like at the beginning, but the situation became worse as time went by. Not to mention that the dry food was difficult to chew, it was all the instant noodles under the name of the Gu Group, which even wild animals despised.

It's different with Gu Banxia. It seems difficult to get along with him at first, asking you to give points in exchange, but when you really get along with him, it becomes smoother and smoother.

Not only is everything full, but it's also hot, and meals are served on time.

Moreover, when everyone is together, although there is a competitive relationship, the cooperative relationship is also very harmonious.

What I hate the most is the atmosphere of working together with these guys and earning points!

He couldn't bear to leave.

Asking him to give up all these benefits for the sake of the group of junior students outside who have also harmed his own interests, he is stupid and he doesn't want to.

So, in order to show his repentance, this guest contestant really said that he has more work than anyone else in his eyes and is more diligent than anyone else in his hands and feet.

Belonging to Pei Yun and Mo Tao Zhengze, they are scrambling to get the one that shows courtesy.

After dinner, Gu Banxia went to take a nap.

The medicine prepared for the golden monkey is also warmed on the kitchen stove. Whenever the golden monkey comes over, he can drink it.

Hui Jiujiu held on to his sleepiness and quietly continued on duty.

It was quiet in the courtyard of the bamboo house.

Junior students outside:...

My stomach growled louder and louder.

Everyone gathered together and discussed in low voices.

"The window in their kitchen is open, and there must be a lot of food in the kitchen."

"How long has it been and you are still thinking about morality and immorality!"

"Gu Banxia obviously saw that we were starving to death. Did you see that she let us in and invited us to eat something? No!"

"She is not moral. In a foreign country, we should unite and help each other. Why should we talk to her about morality?"

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