Before the staff had finished speaking, everyone's thoughts became active.

How many ancient poems about the twenty-four solar terms do you know?
No matter, just grab it and talk about it later!

This time Xiao Jin also grabbed the first place.

Staff: "Okay, please recite an ancient poem about the beginning of spring in full."

Xiao Jin opened his mouth and came, "Yong Liu, Tang Dynasty, He Zhizhang, the jasper makeup is as tall as a tree, and thousands of green silk ribbons hang down. I don't know who cuts out the thin leaves, the spring breeze in February is like scissors!"

It was included in primary school Chinese textbooks. Who didn’t memorize it by heart as long as they studied seriously?

"correct answer!"

With the congratulations of the staff, Xiao Jin's shrunken mental quality has returned, and his whole temperament as a member of the debate team has also returned.

Surrounded by the cheers of the juniors and juniors, he sounded a little more sincere.

Looking at the guest contestants over at Banxia, ​​Xiao Jin was so happy.


You're right, you're a black-faced person, but you're still trying to fight with him. He's just going for food, which is the basis of survival!

They were all full, but they still fought with him to get some face.

The staff looked at Xiao Jin and said without saying anything more, "Next question..."

Xiao Jin grabbed it again.

"I'm sorry, I'm just quick, give in, give in!"

Xiao Jin was so proud that he even showed off to the people from the big wilderness family across the way.

But the next second, he could no longer feel proud.

Staff: "Sorry, your answering quota has been used up. Next one."

Xiaojin became anxious when he heard this, "What's the quota for answering? What's used up? Am I not the first one to get it?"

The other juniors and juniors were also excited and started making noises. They would not do it until the matter was made clear!
The audience in the live broadcast room was much calmer.

Because they had already understood this rule before, but they kept it secret at the scene, and even the guest contestants didn’t know about it.

as predicted.

Zhou Zheng and other guest contestants were all stunned when they heard this, "What's the quota for answering questions?"

"Does this mean that Xiao Jin and the others can no longer participate?"

"Is that what you mean?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Zhou Zheng and other guest players were immediately beaming with joy.

Sweep away the previously low morale.

This is only fair.

Originally, Gu Nu sent Xiao Jin to take part in the competition on his behalf, and there were a bunch of juniors and juniors beside him, who contributed their efforts without concealment. They felt uncomfortable and wanted to find the program team.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that the program team had taken it into consideration.

Xiao Jin was reluctant, but had no choice but to do it. He was afraid that if the trouble continued, he would even lose the number of draws he had won before, so he could only compromise and asked: "Then can I draw the draw first?"

Staff: "Sorry, we won't make unified arrangements until everyone has finished."

Xiao Jin: "Then you can exchange food for us first, right? We are all starving to death. If we really starve to death here, your program team will not be able to escape from it!"

Other juniors and juniors also joined in their support.

Staff member who was sprayed with saliva:...

Why are they beating up workers?
It’s not like they hired workers to invite you over to suffer and suffer!
"Who said that if you participate in the competition on behalf of Ms. Gu Nu, you can exchange it for food?"

Once these words came out, they were undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back!

Xiao Jin's face turned pale and then turned red.

The tone of his voice changed, rising several decibels strangely: "What did you say? You can't exchange food?!"

So what did he get in exchange for his desperate efforts to answer?
A compliment from Gu Nu?

Let her come back and enjoy the benefits! ?
Xiao Jin's anger level soared to the top.

The junior students also broke through the boundaries of the venue and gathered around. The situation became tense instantly.

The staff also had their hair on end and could not back out, so they could only bite the bullet and explain patiently: "We have never promised you from the beginning to the end, right?"

Xiaojin could spit fire from his eyes and black smoke from his nostrils, "It's not what you promised, why would I fight so hard to answer the question?!"

If he hadn't told him earlier, he would have suffered so much!
With this time, he could find other ways to get food, and maybe he would have filled his stomach.

[The program team did not make any promises. I can prove this. 】

[I can prove it too. 】

[Although, Xiao Jin and the others are quite pitiful. If they had known that it was not possible from the beginning, they probably would not have been so desperate to answer. 】

[The director is both responsible and established. 】

Gu Nuo fans caught the opportunity and came again, [Xiao Jin and the others were right, the program team and the director were at fault. They didn't intentionally guide them. Could Xiao Jin and the others have misunderstood? 】

[There are so many live college students, do the program crew want to starve them to death in front of the live broadcast? 】

【Moral bankruptcy! 】

[I have long said that this kind of variety show should be stopped. 】

Seeing the bulging veins in the corners of the small forehead, the canthus of the eye was about to burst.

Gu Banxia's voice reached the ears of Xiao Jin and others, with an unpleasant tone: "I can exchange food for you."

If this continues, these fierce-looking students will probably use their energy in the wrong place.

She still wants to continue the live broadcast.

And it’s not to the point of watching people starve to death.

Xiao Jin and other junior students turned around to look at Banxia in disbelief.

"Will you change it for us?"

Is this country bumpkin so kind?

But now the program team obviously will not exchange food for them.

They also make trouble for food.

Xiao Jin hurriedly asked: "How to exchange it?"

The voice unconsciously slowed down a bit.

The other junior students also looked at Gu Banxia blankly, half convinced.

Gu Banxia ignored their thoughts and said, "How many times you answer correctly, you can exchange for several meals. The meal is limited to one meal today, mushrooms, wild vegetables and fish."

Want to redeem? Before he finished speaking a few words, Xiao Jin couldn't wait to shout: "Okay, I'll exchange it with you!"

Gu Banxia:......

Seeing Gu Banxia's silence, Xiao Jin thought she was going to regret it, so he quickly urged: "What are you doing standing still? Redeem it for me quickly! I answered a total of twelve questions correctly. Do you have twelve meals?"

Seeing that Gu Banxia had made a move, Zhou Zheng and other guest contestants panicked and quickly looked at Gu Banxia.

"Xia Xia, there are about a dozen meals left in the kitchen, which are meant for us to eat for our own dinner. Do you really want to exchange them for us?"

"Have you forgotten what they did to us and what they did to you?"

"Don't change with them, right? What will we have for dinner?"


All of this was to persuade Gu Banxia to think twice.

"We can also give you the number of lottery draws. Don't Xiaojin and the others have no lottery spots?"

"No big deal, I'll give you some of my lottery draws. How about I don't want you to use points to redeem them?"


Some guest players even started losing money.

After surviving in the wilderness for so many days and enduring the hardships of hunger, I was deeply impressed. They really value eating.

When asked to choose between a meal and the number of draws, they chose the meal without hesitation!

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