She counterattacked by live broadcast in the wilderness

Chapter 868 Coming to see your father?

Chapter 868 Coming to see your father?
It's not like he has never seen anti-bone guys in the countryside.

There was one in the village. When he grew up, he beat his biological father to death with farm tools. This was just because his mother protected him when he was a child, but his father beat him to death. Since then, he has not been clear-headed and has become mentally ill.

How terrifying!
So now, Gu Dacai can't even remember what Gu Banxia looked like, whether he was dead or alive, how was he living, good or bad?
He doesn't care about any of this.

When Hu Yulian and her daughter teamed up to deal with Gu Banxia, ​​he felt that they were just trying to vent his anger on him and never took it to heart.

During the rescue process, Gu Dacai fell into a deep coma.

Like Gu Nu, Gu Dacai had a dream.

In the dream, he received a kidney donated to him by his precious daughter Gu Nuo.

The kidney transplant was a success and he recovered quickly and was discharged from the hospital.

Later, he settled the affairs of the Gu Group, married Gu Nuo to the Pei family, the number one family in Yuancheng, and used the Pei family to strengthen and expand the Gu Group.

In the meantime, he accidentally learned that the kidney actually came from Gu Banxia.

But he still gave the credit to Gu Nu.

Humph, how could Gu Banxia, ​​a rebellious woman, willingly donate her kidney to him?
As for Gu Banxia, ​​shortly after losing one of his kidneys, he developed serious postoperative complications, including infection, and died soon after.

Gu Dacai felt that she deserved her death and did not feel any pity at all.

Isn't this good? Decades in advance, go underground and join your mentally ill ex-wife, and you will no longer have to suffer in the human world.

Gu Dacai spent money to perform rituals one after another to crucify these dead souls so that they would never be reincarnated.

Oh, these dead souls can't even do anything to themselves when they are alive, and of course they can't do anything to them after they die.

The purpose of inviting monks to perform rituals was to publicly mourn the two deceased wives.

As expected, the outside world all praised him, saying that he was a great entrepreneur and should be regarded as a role model. He did not forget his deceased wife and was deeply affectionate. There should be more such big entrepreneurs.

No one thought how the two deceased wives died.

No one will do anything for his two dead wives. Just like what everyone in the world talks about and floats in their hearts, it is really about justice for whom.

Of the two dead wives, the former cannot provide any value to these people, and the latter has no chance to be unearthed for more value.

Since they have no use value, how can these people uphold justice for them?

What's more, if you offend him, you will lose more benefits and value.

Then, he Gu Dacai and Hu Yulian fell in love with each other and grew old together.

Daughter Gu Nu also quickly established herself as the head of the Pei family and gave birth to a pair of children.

The whole family lives a happy life.

Biographies of inspirational figures such as "Famous Entrepreneur Gu Dacai" and "Contemporary Entrepreneur Gu Dacai: From Starting from Scratch to Becoming the Chairman of the Famous Gu Group" have also spread to all parts of society as his social status and identity have risen. .

A group of media people, writers, authors, and short video users all came to fawn over him and rely on him.

Why did he cheat on Hu Yulian during marriage and betray his first marriage? Why did he cling to powerful people, sacrifice themselves for money, and feed off rich women?

These histories that are not conducive to his Gu Dacai do not need him to clean up at all. They have naturally turned into a romantic affair of a generation of entrepreneurs. Others are jealous of him and deliberately fabricated black history.

Many people, in order to cling to him, cling to Gu Nu, cling to the powerful people of the Gu and Pei families, are rushing to be first, betraying their conscience, whitewashing, beautifying and whitewashing!

In this dream, Gu Dacai was in his 80s.

The mourners came in luxury cars like crucian carp crossing the river, and there were many people of high status.

Ordinary people even filled the entire street where people were sent off, almost causing traffic jams. Traffic police were dispatched to clear the way. Many years after his death, his legend and his story have been passed down from generation to generation. The local compulsory education also wrote down his deeds in the textbooks and moved them to the classroom!

"Don't worry, the person has been rescued. It won't be a problem to live for another three to five years!"

Gu Dacai was confused and heard the conversation between the doctor and the woman.

He shuddered and wanted to open his eyes to see clearly, but his body refused to obey him and it hurt like hell if he moved.

The woman: "Okay, I understand, thank you, doctor."

Doctors: "If it had been left to us earlier and we had lived a cautious life, it wouldn't have been a problem for ten years. It's a pity, hey."

Gu Dacai thumped again.

What do you mean?
The famous doctors he spent a lot of money to hire were all lies to him?
Then I heard the sound of a woman's high heels approaching, and the smell of perfume hit my nostrils, "Gu Dacai, we have found a suitable kidney source for you. When your physical condition recovers, the doctor will arrange surgery for you immediately. You have to hold on." ah."

Persevere until you have absorbed all the pain and suffering and absorbed it thoroughly.

Persevere until the truth about the eldest sister's case is revealed.

Persist until a fair and public verdict is given.

If you insist on going to jail and eating jail time, you will be sentenced to death or life imprisonment!
Gu Dacai fully understood the hidden meaning of the woman's words.

My whole body started to tremble.

The hairs on my hair stood on end.

This woman is so scary!

Help! ! !

Who will save me?

When Gu Banxia came over, he happened to meet this woman head-on.

Gu Banxia has returned from the wilderness jungle these days.

Pei Bansheng and Pei Yunmo moved her with their sincerity.

One is that the person behind the Pei family is still unclear. It is not suitable for Mrs. Pei to return directly to the Pei family. She needs Gu Banxia's help for the follow-up care.

The second is that Pei Yunmo's own family business has a place that is very natural and has a beautiful environment. It is also a good place to live a good life.

Pei Yunmo invited Gu Banxia to move in without blinking an eye. Arranging his mother and Xia Xia here made him feel more at ease.

Just like that, Gu Banxia returned to China.

Pei Bansheng got a new mobile phone, and as soon as she recharged it, a call came to her mobile phone that Gu Dacai had entered the ICU.

Gu Banxia immediately asked the original person: Do you want to go see it?

In her own words, she didn't want to go at all.

There are only two things to ask her to do. One is to give her money as she has no money, and the other is to meet her for the last time.

After all, the bones are broken and the tendons are connected, and the magical invisible and intangible force in blood is pulling.

Then Gu Banxia came.

Pei Bansheng was busy and couldn't accompany him personally, but he entrusted Pei Yunmo with him. In addition, he was worried about Pei Yunmo's status in the entertainment industry, and was mainly worried about Gu Banxia's recent fame, so he also made arrangements secretly.

The woman stopped, looked at Gu Banxia up and down, and then nodded, "Come to see your dad?"

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