Chapter 109 Silent Tears
The soldier walked a long way, and from time to time he turned his head to look at Aunt Chun who was standing there.

"How many guards did she bring? How many carriages?" Mother Chun asked, but no one responded for a long time. She turned her head to look, but where was the shadow of the guards on duty?
Sister Chun sighed, had no choice but to turn around and come back.

Based on the sound of the carriage wheels rubbing against the ground she just heard, and based on the length, she guessed that there should be more than one carriage, more than three, and she couldn't say exactly how many.

Her mind was full of Huo Shiyu leaving in the middle of the night, why did she leave in a sneaky way?Why not say hi to them or something.

Walked a long way without knowing it.Just when she turned the corner and was about to take another path, she bumped into a person suddenly.

She crashed into a gentle embrace, and the unique aroma of her body came instantly.

Grandma Chun was stunned for a moment, took a step back, looked at the person standing there, and said in astonishment, "Ma'am, you haven't slept yet?"

Madam Hou also took a step back, and said in a gentle voice, "Are you up too?"

"I just heard the sound of wheels rubbing against the stone surface, so I got up and took a look." Sister Chun replied very simply.

"Has Shiyu already left?"

Mother Chun was stunned for a moment, and said to herself, "How did Madam know? She didn't intend to betray Huo Shiyu?" After thinking about it, since Madam asked, she didn't need to hide it.

"Miss has been gone for an hour." She replied calmly.

"How long has it been?" Madam Hou asked again, seeming worried.

"It seems like an hour."

"It's so early." After Madam Hou finished speaking, she turned around slightly, and the watery moonlight hit her back, making her a little lonely.Nurse Chun followed closely. After a few steps, Mrs. Hou stopped suddenly, turned her head to look at Nurse Chun and said, "Ah Chun, when I said poetry yesterday, my tone was not very serious, right? Why did she play tricks?" Are you petty?"

Mother Chun had no choice but to comfort her, "Xu Shi, what's the matter, how could she be angry with Madam?"

Madam Hou was startled for a moment, then raised her head helplessly, looked up at the crescent moon in the sky, and said in a daze, "When will Qian'er's body recover? If possible, I am willing to exchange my life for it."

Nurse Chun was startled for a moment, and looked up at Madam Hou's beautiful profile, with tears streaming down her clean face.

Grandma Chun's heart tightened.

Could this be the reason why they all preferred the young master?
After Jiu Li got up, she put on her purple clothes and quickly made breakfast for everyone.

Qilang loves deep-fried dough sticks the most, so Jiuli got up early and specially fried a few more sticks;
Sankui loves pancakes the most, especially her scallion pancakes. Every morning, Jiuli makes a few scallion pancakes.

My aunt loves sweets the most, especially the candied fruit made by Jiuli.It's just that you can't eat candied fruit for breakfast, and only after breakfast, Jiuli will take out three and put them in an oiled paper bag.Candied fruit can only be eaten when drinking medicine.

Even if my aunt loves candied fruit, there is no other way but to endure it.

After the family's life has been settled, Jiuli is planning to go to the market. Sankui has already put her basket in the yard near the gate.Jiu Li just glanced at the pannier placed in the yard.

A few days ago, Sankui was squeezed out by Ruan Dalang because of riding in a carriage, and his legs were swollen all the way back.Today, when he walked out with his book in his arms, Jiuli deliberately followed him.

She wants to send Sankui to the carriage first, and then she will go to the market to sell herbs.

(End of this chapter)

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