Chapter 117 Drooling
The young guy was stunned. After he realized it, he quickly ran towards the cashier.

Soon, the two carried out a basket with white silver in it, and covered it with an old clothes.

Shopkeeper Liu has been standing in the lobby, watching them come out, pointing to the outside, and said in a hasty tone, "Quick!"

The two boys trotted out of the corner of the corridor and out of the hospital through the side door.

Shopkeeper Liu hurriedly walked towards the pavilion on the roof, he was worried, he wanted to watch the transaction from above.

To put it bluntly, Miss Ruan might not necessarily agree to carrying so much silver over there.He is very worried.

Jiu Li was still standing in the market. Some of the herbal medicines in her back basket had been robbed, and some of the herbal medicines for digestion, constipation, beriberi and the like had not been sold.

Following the flow of people, she occasionally glanced at the magnificent carriages in front of her, but she mostly looked at the bundles of herbs in front of her stall.

A few customers came and wanted to buy her herbal medicine, asking if they could treat stomach pain, etc., but Jiu Li refused, and several people still wanted to buy it, Jiu Li didn't sell it, and didn't talk nonsense to them too much.

Several people left angrily.

It was at this time that the two guys from the Renhe Medical Hall appeared, and they appeared in front of Jiu Li abruptly carrying the money.He suddenly put a heavy basket of silver on the ground, took a few breaths, and said, "Miss Ruan, our medical center plans to buy your herbs according to the rules."

When the guy said this, he stuttered, his eyes were a little cramped, and he was a little nervous.

This girl is not very old, but her medical skills are very high, her temper is a bit weird, but she is completely different from the lady in purple clothes just now, she is annoying; and even if Miss Ruan has a bad temper, everyone in the hospital likes to watch to her.

They looked at Yin Zi and Jiu Li's face, and a guy explained, "Miss Ruan, we will buy your herbs at ten times the price."

Jiuli stared at them for a long time, looked at their nervous eyes and embarrassed expressions, smiled knowingly, and said with pursed lips, "Did something happen in the medical hall?"

A guy shook his head vigorously and said, "No! No! No!"

Jiu Li gave them a meaningful smile, looked down at the herbs in the back basket and said, "Six bundles, a total of 180 taels!"

"Okay." The two guys didn't even pause, and suddenly opened the old clothes on the basket, and said in a cheerful tone, "Miss Ruan, here is 300 taels."

Jiuli waved his hand, and said in a slow tone, "The herbal medicine is 180 taels, other money is calculated separately."

The two guys looked at each other with incomprehensible eyes, and one guy blurted out, "I don't even want money."

"A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way." Jiuli looked at them and smiled.

One guy bent down quickly and took out the herbal medicine in Jiuli's back basket, and the other guy nimbly put the silver into it bit by bit, a total of 180 taels.

There are already many people in the market.When the two guys came over with heavy baskets, their eyes were fixed on them.

At this moment, when they saw a guy putting so much silver taels into Jiuli's back basket, their eyes were fixed, and they wanted to swallow it into their stomachs.

After everything was done, the two assistants said in unison, "Miss Ruan, are you going to see a doctor later?"

"Okay!" Jiuli nodded without hesitation, and said, "Go first, I'll go there later!"

The two guys were very happy, Jiuli has always been a person who keeps his word, since she agreed.After packing, she will definitely come.

(End of this chapter)

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